Sunday, September 12, 2021

An Impressive Female Truck Driver or Anyone for That Matter

Via Mlindo



  1. Seems like they'd have back-up cameras on those rigs now days, don't it.

  2. After the first full in cab picture was there a truck and trailer in this ytube? She did have impressive skill, not many CDL have that level of skill.

  3. She could make more on OnlyFans. Hell, by now, maybe she is.

  4. ALL CDL drivers SHOULD be able to do that. Many can't but somehow still manage to get and keep a commercial license. I used to drive a semi 30+ years ago.....a full size MILLION DOLLAR medical scanner in a trailer... and drove it all over So. Cal including one client on Broadway in downtown LA where I had to back the trailer into an alley off of Broadway during afternoon traffic. It's a skill....a distance judgement skill along with some physical skills. The HARDER part of driving a big rig is JUDGEMENT. Not driving skills. And you can NEVER let your attention wander.

    1. ALL CDL drivers SHOULD be able to do that. Many can't but somehow still manage to get and keep a commercial license.

      Strange. Thanks.

  5. Replies
    1. :) I assume it's from a different country considering the language.
