Sunday, October 31, 2021

My Memories Of James Brown: Repost NamSouth 2007 & 1964 James Brown: The Tami Show

My Memories Of James Brown By (Brock Townsend)



  1. HTLIII has commented on your story "My Memories Of James Brown (Brock Townsend) Repost NamSouth 2007 & 1964 James Brown: The Tami Show":

    This is the bitch'nest set ever performed by any mortal. The Supremes from this show created in my 10 year old head that the short one would be my pal, the tall one would take care of business, and Diana Ross with the big eyes.....I did not know what those big eyes meant, but I was going to marry them. Many top notch performances at The TAMI Show.

    1. This is the bitch'nest set ever performed by any mortal.

