Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The Future


I’m begging individual Americans to understand their sheer strength as an individual, their talents, their abilities and that each individual voice rings with unique beauty and power. The diversity of experience and knowledge combine to create something new every day and to give up, to lie down and accept the computer program being devised for them is a sin greater than any I can think of.

History is the guidepost to the future. Everything that happens has happened before and so, the study of history is what one does to interpret the present to be ready for the future. The ability to predict the future is of little use, because people don’t listen. No matter how accurately one predicts the future, or how loudly they speak, the ability to force others to act on that prediction is an impossible task. They retreat into what they can prove, what exists physically in front of them. Normally, that’s all right. It’d be nice to stop the worst from happening before it does, but that’s a leap of faith that most won’t take.

More @ 12 Round


  1. Its more simple than that.Tribe up or die. We value individualism to the point of preventing us from protecting our own group interests.
