Thursday, December 30, 2021

Comment & reply on "I Submit For Your Consideration "


Submit For Your Consideration  

 This has got to stop. I'm talking about the criticism based upon them not adhering to real science. Stop expecting them to adhere to scientific method or principals thereof; this entire bamboozle was never founded upon science. It has bred purely political since the beginning. Just because they ramble on about science this, science that should not conjure the expectation that it is anything to do with science.

They have created an illusion which has played to the perception of anyone who had thought or, especially, those who still cling to the perception that the perpetrators do practice science although wrongly.

To reiterate, this scheme has nothing to do with science. It is the art of the manufactured lie. And you're hooked into it by believing and hoping 'if they would only turn back to science/the truth/admit their errors. Stop it!

They have made no such error. Sure, there have been mistakes but not as you think. Their error is they have lost the chance to hoodwink all the people.

(Perhaps their greatest error was to think they could. Yet why wouldn't they, have you looked at society lately? How wayward must we get.)

However, the single greatest error is of those who have thought the perps have simply strayed, therefore let us show them their error. Again, they have made no such error. 

It is the bonehead who thinks good fruit can be gotten from the corrupt tree. Worse, such thinking marks one as a cultural illiterate patsy.


God Bless you Rick.

Nailed it.

This is Orwell writ large. The perversion of language and marking of the 'intellectual battlespace', kills us every time - you get sucked into a non-sensical debate about the effectiveness of a mitigation strategy instead of arguing that the atrategy isn't needed in the first place!

That's right, argue about masks in public, not whether they're needed at all.

Argue about 'the current definition of vaccinated' instead of the disturbing fact that they do not work as a 'vaccine' in the first place (see how they did that there?).. the jab isn't a vaccine, its mRNA gene therapy adopted from cancer treatments, but you use their word when arguing about it don't you? Guess who's NOT going to win that debate?


  1. Thank you Rick and Anonymous.

  2. Note# The same bunch hollering
    It's the Sighunce
    Are the same bunch unable to figure out the difference between boys and girls.

    Seeing a gunshot victim and a motorcycle crash fatality get counted as Dead FROM Covid told me they were purposely inflating those numbers.
    Since we know they will lie to accomplish their goals, we have no reason to believe the numbers reported regarding death and lives ruined by the Jab. Some reports say the appropriate VAERS numbers should be around20 times what is being reported.

    Brock, the article is with the wife. She's supposed to run off a few copies today.

  3. The only science involved in this if JUNK science.
    They have lied, hidden and obfuscated everything!
