Saturday, December 18, 2021

Patriots v Communists


To All :

Before I believed we could achieve limited government, state sovereignty, states rights, etc. the way the Founding Fathers meant for the citizens of the individual states to be when they wrote the U.S. Constitution. 
However, politicians only follow the constitution when it benefits their personal agendas, thus the mess this country is in today. I thought the question of a central government vs limited government would be revisited one day, it won`t.
Communists are firmly entrenched in all levels of  "our " government & institutions ie, schools, churches, etc. With this being the case, if there is a Civil War in the future it will be between Patriots vs Communists. Not state vs state or the Union vs the Confederacy, not even liberals vs conservatives.
If you are still one of those, like I was, who are still worried about past wars & correcting the injustices of those wars you had better wake up & face the realities that are staring us in the face today. We have to deal with this first & save what is left of this Republic from the communist insurgency, then revisit the past injustices.
The dreams of secession will be easier under our present form of government where we still have a minimum amount of rights left, than it will be under a Communist regime which allows you no rights & has no qualms about shooting you & your family where you stand or working you to death in a gulag.
 Wake up & acknowledge the enemy staring us in the face & deal with him first or there won`t be a later to do anything.


  1. In those scenarios you can generally tell who the commie leftists are....the ones with their faces covered. Which is kind of ironic
    since they are NEVER the ones arrested by the badgemonkeys at those
    incidents so why should they care if their faces can be seen.

    1. he ones with their faces covered. Which is kind of ironic


  2. I remember a Star Trek episode where the crew comes upon the Yans and the Coms. A conflict that crew of the Enterprise grappled with. Later to be discovered the Yankees and the Communist. That show I saw as a kid in the early 70's is so relevant today. I hope we can right the ship so my grandchildren and thier children will know what freedom really is.

    1. I hope we can right the ship so my grandchildren and thier children will know what freedom really is.

      As do I.
