Saturday, January 15, 2022

INCREDIBLE Scene in Crime-Ridden LA: Looters Steal Amazon and UPS Packages From Trains [VIDEO]

 Via Cranford

George Soros funded LA County DA Gascón has made a mockery of the justice system in Los Angeles County.

Smash and grabs in high-end stores are commonplace. Shoplifters who can steal up to $950 worth of merchandise before their crimes are considered a felony in Los Angeles County, are causing drug stores and pharmacies to close their doors, leaving residents with the challenge of finding new ways to get their medications.

Instead of addressing the soft-on-crime radical policies of Soros-funded Los Angeles County DA George Gascon, California’s equally radical Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom believes overloading the already overloaded court system and asking law enforcement officers to arrest the shoplifters and charge them with misdemeanors is the solution.

More @ 100% Fed Up


  1. All part of the plan. Anarchotyranny. Allow the criminals free reign while you persecute to the fullest ANYONE who has the balls to stop them.

  2. The band just left off...third world..

    Y'll have a nice day.
