Thursday, January 13, 2022

Why are Caucasians Vanishing from TV Commercials?

 Via John

American Thinker

Commercials take up 27% of commercial television screen time and are the main source of income for TV and radio stations. In most cases, advertisements on all channels appear simultaneously, so don't try to change the channel, there will be commercials elsewhere, too. Nowadays they have also taken over the Internet. For financial support, websites have to run ads on their pages, the largest share supplied and controlled by Google. Ads pry into your eyes, unceremoniously interfere with text, and on YouTube, in the most inappropriate places, they cut into the action of films, lectures, and concerts, tearing apart musical performances. There's no escaping commercials, we've grown accustomed to them, and they become almost as much a part of our lives as food, toilets, and sleep.

More @ American Thinker


  1. The goal is to keep hammering on the lie that whitey is a second class citizen. If whitey is on TV it's ALWAYS a subsidiary role. As a villain, or a doofus or an incompetent needing help from a noble POC. It's an ongoing form of psychological warfare. So turn off the damn TV. It's nothing but propaganda.

    1. I never see it although I did for a short while last night, as I'm in Mexico.

  2. I haven't watched TV in years. This week I was stuck in a hotel room and it reminded me why I haven't...

    Another reason that you see minorities in ads so often is that many businesses believe their market with White people is saturated and the only way they can grow is to get more minority business. It's also why you see so many Spanish signs in Lowe's and Home Depot, even in areas with few Spanish speakers.

    1. many businesses believe their market with White people is saturated and the only way they can grow is to get more minority business.

      Hadn't thought of that.
