Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Is It OK To Be A Racist?

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"The mean (average) IQ for all humans is set at 100, and the standard statistical deviation (SD) is 15 points. Non-Hispanic Whites (Europeans) are ranked at the mean IQ of 100. Hispanics have a mean score at about 95 IQ points, 1/3 SD lower than the mean. Blacks have a mean score of 85, one SD lower than the mean IQ of 100. East Asians’ average IQ is about 1/3 SD, or about 5 points higher than that of Europeans. Ashkenazic Jews have an average IQ of 115, or 1 SD higher than the mean.

So, a graph of racial groups would look like this:

Blacks………Hispanics…Whites……….Asians……………..A. Jews

Now consider this:"


  1. It doesn't bother me in the least that there are others smarter. Who cares? It's just the Marxist method of inserting resentment among each group in order to further their bloody agenda.

  2. Just a heads up, before your quote IQ results you should know that the racial differences are caused by the fact that the test was designed by white men. Not to say you aren't correct just that IQ tests cant really be used to make your point

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. My daughter pointed out a punctuation error, so I need to correct it! :)

    The point was:

    "So, in conclusion, I assert that it is not a bad thing to be a racist if your racism is based in scientifically verifiable data. Otherwise, your attitudes are prejudiced and bigoted."

    And some races are simply smarter than others, period. My Asian wife may be smarter than I am and so may be my five daughers. As I stated: Who cares? Facts are facts.
