Thursday, October 6, 2011

Why Did We Kill Anwar Al-Awlaki and Not Jane Fonda?

If Barack Obama ordered Anwar al-Awlaki killed for spreading enemy propaganda, I demand he do the same for Jane Fonda.

Obama placed al-Awlaki on a kill list, then checked him off that list, because he spread fundamentalist Islamic propaganda and apparently encouraged several terrorists or would-be jihadists, including Ft. Hood shooter Nidal Hassan and “Underwear Bomber” Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab (who claims al-Awlaki is still alive). Jane Fonda made multiple radio broadcasts reading Communist agitprop written by her North Vietnamese hosts, whom she energized both in person and through photographs. Al-Awlaki spread his poison from Yemen, a nation with which the United States is not (formally) at war; Jane Fonda traveled to North Vietnam at a time when no doubt existed about our state of hostilities or the location of the battlefield. Al-Awlaki proved effective because he knew American popular culture; Jane Fonda was popular culture.

If Obama killed Anwar al-Awlaki, shouldn’t he be consistent and order the shooting of Jane Fonda, as well?



  1. My blood boils when I even see or hear that bitch's name mentioned.

  2. Buy some urinal mats. That should help!:)

  3. Thank you for writing it. When I first saw the title I thought "why didn't I think of that?":)
