Saturday, February 4, 2012


As I mentioned elsewhere, some things never change.

"When We Served The Empire Were We Saps?"
........When my good friend, Bill Lemon, went back finally a few years ago, (He had more time in-country than I, but about equal now after the war though we had a friend, Frank Toner, who had gone there as an adviser to the French in 1952 and had managed to keep a job up until the very end, '52 to '75!) he wrote me that if he had been put in a time capsule at the beginning of April 1975, and then just opened when he went back, he would have sworn that the South had won! (Commenting upon the free market system, and the general view of Saigon, and the people)

Via Jason, Belle Grove


  1. There are many new buildings, mainly hotels, but all the old French ones are still there.
