Tuesday, September 25, 2012

"It's Time To Raise Our Swords"


  1. It seems we have a theme for the day.

  2. If I remember correctly, I started educating myself on Islam vs. Civilization when I started reading the Gates of Vienna blog. I was so appalled at learning that the Beltway Snipers had trained at Patrick Henry's birthplace, Red Hill, Va., that I started lugging home armloads of books from our excellent library. It didn't take long after reading Hatred's Kingdom and Imperial Hubris for me to stop discussing the Middle East situation with my septuagenarian friends who had forgotten how to read. I highly recommend these books and the blog as a start for deeper understanding of the mess we are in.

    Hatred's Kingdom
    They must be stopped
    Imperial Hubris
    The West's Last Chance

    This blog is right up there with Free North Carolina in quality, reliability, timeliness, and consistency.

    1. Gates of Vienna blog

      About the best. I really like it.
