Saturday, July 13, 2013

George Zimmerman found not guilty


 I take back my recent "travesty of justice" remark and feel fortunate to be able to do so.

George Zimmerman, the man accused of murdering Trayvon Martin, was found not guilty of second-degree murder and manslaughter on Saturday.

The verdict is the culmination of a case that captured the nation's attention and will undoubtedly be imprinted in America's history. The not guilty verdict means the jury of six women found that Zimmerman justifiably used deadly force and reasonably believed that such force was "necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm" to himself — Florida's definition of self-defense.

Zimmerman showed no emotion as the verdict was read. After the verdict was read, he smiled slightly and shook hands with one of his lawyers.

The women decided Zimmerman didn't "intentionally commit an act or acts that caused death" or demonstrate a "depraved mind without regard for human life" --Florida's definitions of manslaughter and second degree murder, respectively.

"It means there was reasonable doubt," said Susan Constantine, a jury consultant and body language expert who attended Zimmerman's trial regularly. "They just could not put the pieces together."

More @ USA Today


  1. Dang, I look and its posted everywhere, and stupid me was thinking I was breaking the story.......
    stay safe my friend........;)

  2. Hoorah.
    Well I was wrong, it was a show-trial but apparently the jurors didn't buy the prosecutions fabricated "evidence."
    OK NBPP lets dance.

    1. There is still justice in this world after all, at least some of the time.:)

  3. I am pleased that justice was served, but very surprised. This case was a mockery and the prosecution has a great deal of explaining to do as well as the DOJ. If there are any riots I hope they are dealt with severely.

    1. This case was a mockery

      For all to see who aren't blind.

  4. Wait and see what obama and holder do.
    I feel this isn't over by a long shot.
    At least the streets are quiet...

  5. I put a riot shotgun in my trunk with 3 boxes of steel slugs. Since I noticed Panthers wearing vests in a couple of pics. I figure that will draw less attention than anything else. First choice was a CAR-15, but I am out visiting my girlfriend in arlington Texas, 100
    Miles from my house. A lot of blacks are pissed about the verdict. Riots may actually come-not sure what the flash would be though to start it now the NAACP is getting involved with the justice department. Considering the justice department was directly involved- no way to recuse themselves from this.

    1. The inmates are in charge of the asylum, that's for sure.
