Saturday, July 13, 2013

Summer Issue of The Stainless Banner


Good Evening,

I have attached the Summer issue of The Stainless Banner. This issue is dedicated to the Gettysburg controversy that erupted after Lee’s death. Last summer, we looked at the controversy surrounding Stuart’s ride around the enemy. This time, we are looking at the Longstreet/Early debates regarding the attacks on the second and third day.  I have included a timeline of events and Stuart’s orders. Why Stuart’s orders? Because Longstreet seems to conveniently forget that he approved Lee’s orders that Stuart should pass around the Union army and join Ewell as the Second Corps marched to Harrisburg.

Next summer, we will look at the four questions the Comte de Paris posed to the Army of Northern Virginia’s leadership and their replies.


  1. if the South would have won we'd have it made!

    1. We certainly wouldn't be in the shape we are in today.
