Friday, October 25, 2013

NC: Let Obamacare Take Effect and Die

After forcing a government shutdown to delay Obamacare implementation, there is now fresh sentiment among House Republicans to let the program take effect.

With reports of frustration nationwide as millions try to apply for coverage through, this "don't-delay" sentiment is coming from seasoned Republican members of the House.

"We may have made a tactical error by linking the defunding or delaying of Obamacare to the continuing resolution and the debt-ceiling extension bills," Republican Rep. Howard Coble of North Carolina told Newsmax.

"Perhaps a better tactic would have been to allow Obamacare to go into effect, and as we are witnessing now, then collapse from its own dead weight," said Coble, a congressman since 1985. "The Obama administration can no longer blame the disastrous rollout of the poorly named Affordable Care Act on just some computer glitches."

More @ Newsmax


  1. Yes Obamacare will fail on it's own but the problem then becomes the same problem
    the king faced when humpty dumpty fell off the wall. Once the doctors have retired,
    the healthcare workers have been laid off, the hospitals are shut down, the insurance companies have diverted their investments and profits into other "opportunities" the will health care system will be to fractured for all the kings horses and all the kings men to put back together again.

    That my friends is the plan all along. Destroy the best health care system in the world and install a socialized plan that will give the government the ultimate tool to make the masses stay in line. "From my cold dead hands". I get that but what happens when it's your baby girl laying in a hospital room and the government is telling you what you SHALL do before a doctor will give her the care she needs.

    1. what happens when it's your baby girl laying in a hospital room and the government is telling you what you SHALL do before a doctor will give her the care she needs.

      Can't end up well.

  2. Seems like a no brainer to me, delaying it just gives the roots time to grow. Full implementation, on schedule. Employer and individual mandates starting Jan 1 2014. All waivers that have been granted are revoked, no exemptions, no exceptions, including all .gov. My guess though, is that it is as permanent as the government its self.

    The real truth, I suspect, is that the Republican establishment likes O'care more than they are willing to admit. It is an expansion of government power the likes of which we have never seen, and they will be in no hurry to give it up.

    David Martin

    1. All waivers that have been granted are revoked, no exemptions, no exceptions, including all .gov.

      I wish.

  3. I am a bit of a cynic anymore but I have a completely different view of the government shutdown. I believe the shutdown was agreed to by republican leaders to take the news headlines and shelter the Obamacare start. I think everyone in the leadership knew the problems and wanted to try and hid them from the public. John Boehner is a progressive and supports Obamacare. He willingly allowed the shutdown to make Republicans the news for three weeks and Obamacare could hide under the cover. The only outcome for the government shutdown was Republicans sucked all the new coverage and the Obamacare fiasco went unreported. Then they just folded like a cheap suit and gained nothing. Like the scarecrow if they only had a brain they would have made the first vote then stepped out of the way and allowed the train wreck to be the news. This could not have been an accident it had to be the plan all along.


    1. they would have made the first vote then stepped out of the way and allowed the train wreck to be the news.

      I read that this was the conservative plan, but the Tea party objected.

  4. Yes.... we should allow it to go into effect, then fail........ because we've been so efficient in the past at removing the other freebie entitlements that have failed that have been loosed upon the working man.....

    1. It is already law, and delaying or defunding it doesn't get rid of it. The only thing that has a chance of causing a public reaction strong enough to get it repealed is full, immediate implementation. The more likely outcome though (in my opinion) is that we continue to throw good money after bad trying to polish this turd until the day the dollar collapses, taking .gov and O'care along with it.

      David Martin

    2. until the day the dollar collapses, taking .gov and O'care along with it.

      Got my vote.:)
