Thursday, July 24, 2014

CBM: George Baze Park My Car

Via Sioux


  1. look what I found after this song:

    1. WOW! Is this good, about half way through it now. :)

  2. Did you catch the name of the club back there on the wall?

  3. Buddy Guys and looks like it's in Chicago.

    George was born in 1942 in North Carolina. He started playing guitar at age 10 and his biggest influences were Muddy Water's, B. B. King and Albert King. George was an amazing guitar player and he was never recognized for his talents. He helped to form the Chicago Blues Sound.

    George played with many, many blues musicians in his life time. These are some of the biggest names in Chicago that he played most with. Dion Payton, Buddy Guy and Jr. Wells, John Primer, Liz Greeson Mandville and Mississippi Heat. George hosted the jam at Buddy Guy's Legends for many, many years. He believed that it was very important to teach the younger musicians the right way to play the blues and he put a lot of energy into teaching and incouraging the younger guys on the scene to carry the blues forward. George's jam night was the longest running jam in Chicago. His jam night was extremely popular and continues to this day because of all the hard work he put into it. George Baze also served time in Vietnam. He was a king soul. He would help everyone that needed it. He was a very good friend to all of us and we miss him very much. George passed on in 1998. Lisa Becker
