Thursday, July 24, 2014

Michigan Dept of Agri Forces Farmer to Dump 248 Gallons of Organic Milk and Break 1200 Free Range Eggs
While Americans in the nearby city of Detroit face life in third world conditions, unable to even afford running water,  the state of Michigan decided to direct its resources towards cracking down on a small food co-op in Standish for having the utter audacity to provide milk, butter, cream and eggs to people who bought shares in the organic dairy.

The Michigan Department of Agriculture must be so proud of their deeds, after they forced Joe and Brenda Golimbieski, the owners of  Hill High Dairy and Jenny Samuelson, the owner of My Family Co-op, to dump out 248 gallons of milk, to break 100 dozen eggs, and to destroy an undisclosed amount of fresh cream, butter and cheese.

According to a post on the Hill High Dairy page on Facebook, the agents from the MDA stood over the family, watching as the food was destroyed.


  1. This one wins the prize for making my head explode today. I think the man with the heritage pigs won his lawsuit against the state DNR, but am not sure about that. I go through Standish on my way to see my mom. It's in the middle of nowhere. Doesn't seem to matter because the heavy HAND of GOVT. will find you - as you can see from some of the comments, there are enough idiots out there who do not support Live and Let Live - Buyer Beware, etc etc etc. Big Daddy Govt. in Michigan never fails to disappoint.

    1. :) That's why y'all have to move on down!


      This one was pretty good.

      "Acts of War against the People require execution. Those who have hijacked America are traitors, who are committing acts of war against the American People, their heritage, wealth, Liberty and blood bought Constitution, at every opportunity for an agenda of a so-called New World “satanic” Order. The real solution is that traitors swing by their necks from the end of a rope. When their necks snap, America will be America again. Begin with the Globalist Bankers who have contrived the entire scheme to destroy America. Proceed with their Nazi concubines they have installed in DC, then finish with their owned and operated Media, which subverts America at every level. Subversion is an act of war. God does not bleed."

    2. I agree - this sounds like someone who would appreciate my collection of rope!

  2. I just read how cherry farmers were forced to destroy their entire -or almost their entire crop - due to government bureaucracy
    .Dumping along the road was one of the few things that Ligon could legally do with the cherries he had grown on his own property. Under the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act, a bureaucracy called the Cherry Industry Administrative Board (CIAB) tells farmers how many tart cherries they can sell. The board ordered Michigan farmers to keep 65 percent of their crop off the market in 2009, Bridge Magazine reported. Last year farmers were allowed to sell only 90 percent of their crop."

    and the general populace wonders why food prices are so high. How about how the farmers feel after spending all that $ to grow, fertilize and spray those crops just to dump them. And fuel prices. don't get me started.
    also, i have family members that work at landfills, The amount of food (beef) that is dumped -under armed guard- is staggering. And that's just at two PA landfills. Can you imagine across the country?



  3. OH. And people were wondering why the USDA recently bought all those guns and ammo.
    any questions?


  4. Weapons grade stupidity and brain dead following of the rules mentality; food prices continue to go up, people are in need, children are not getting enough to eat - And these POS are throwing perfect good, wholesome food away. Rules are Rules and absolutely must be obeyed unquestioningly.
    Dear Lord, when do we have your permission to start shooting these evil POS?

    1. ood prices continue to go up, people are in need, children are not getting enough to eat - And these POS are throwing perfect good, wholesome food away.

      Mind boggling. Brain-dead zombies.

    2. I think the Lord is wondering what we are waiting for - how many more kicks in the arse do we need? When it is way too late to do anything about this Tyranny that is spreading like wildfire???

    3. Still waiting for that final straw.

  5. I consider throwing food away to be a sin!

    1. It irritates me no end. We had to eat every speck of food on our plates as I was growing up. Now, II don't mind giving some to the birds and animals.
