Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Goodies from Ol' Remus

1937. Iron River, Michigan. Loading firewood for delivery.
War and Peace - The reason nobody asks Obama to rush forward is  everybody knows that he's likely to get everyone killed.  The word's out. For Pete's sake, just let him play golf. It's safer that way.
Richard Fernandez at pjmedia.com/richardfernandez

art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg Update on infant maimed by Swat Team
After the SWAT team broke down the door, they threw a flashbang grenade inside. It landed in my son’s crib. It’s been three weeks since the flashbang exploded next to my sleeping baby, and he’s still covered in burns. There’s still a hole in his chest that exposes his ribs. At least that’s what I’ve been told; I’m afraid to look, says Alecia Phonesavanh in this article, A SWAT team blew a hole in my 2-year-old son (Update), at Salon.
Excerpt - I used to tell my kids that if they were ever in trouble, they should go to the police for help. Now my kids don't want to go to sleep at night because they're afraid the cops will kill them or their family.
art-link-symbol-small-rev01.jpg 16 court decisions favor a police state
Americans can no longer rely on the courts to mete out justice in the police state being erected around us. A review of the Supreme Court’s rulings over the past 10 years, including some critical ones this term, reveals a startling and steady trend towards pro-police state rulings, says John Whitehead in this article, The U.S. Supreme Court Is Marching in Lockstep with the Police State, at The Rutherford Institute.

Dispatch from the front - In 2008, Al Qaeda in Iraq was on the run and its leaders were being killed off one by one. Now that same organization is besieging Baghdad under a terrorist leader released by Barack Obama.
Daniel Greenfield at sultanknish.blogspot.com.au 

SWAT as Mafia - When black-helmeted men circle your home, break down your door, throw your children from their sleeping beds onto the dew-ridden lawn, and shoot you 22 times because some meathead mistook your house for a drug dealer's, it's clear government has gone from protecting you from threats to becoming a threat itself.
Joy Pullmann at thefederalist.com

Army of occupation - Historians looking back at this period in America’s development will consider it to be profoundly odd that at the exact moment when violent crime hit a 50-year low, the nation’s police departments began to gear up as if the country were expecting invasion... The ACLU reported recently that SWAT teams in the United States conduct around 45,000 raids each year... Were the military being used in such a manner, we would be rightly outraged.
Charles Cooke at nationalreview.com

Dose determines toxicity- One immigrant is a contribution. 30,000,000 immigrants are an invading army. Next time Speaker Boehner, Sen. Rubio, or Rand Paul take out their hankies about the deficiencies of our system, keep that in mind. What they say about immigration is a sign of the sickness of otherwise smart people. Patriots in days past didn't fret about broken "systems." They fought invaders and threw them the hell back and out.
Francis Porretto at bastionofliberty.blogspot.com.au 

1986 - The conclusion, conveyed with great authority by several big-league climatologists from government and private research organizations, is terrible: by the year 2000, the atmosphere and weather will grow warmer by several degrees and life—animal, plant, human—will be threatened. The experts say that melting ice caps, flooded cities, droughts in the corn belt and famine in the third world could result if the earth's mean temperature rises by a mere two or three degrees.
Herbert Mitgang at nytimes.com 1986

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