Friday, August 22, 2014

Indicted Gov. Rick Perry loses his concealed carry permit

Texas Gov. Rick Perry lost his right to carry a concealed firearm after being indicted Friday on two felony counts of abuse of power.

While under his indictment, Perry is not allowed to carry a concealed firearm in a public place, and according to federal law 18 USC 922(n), he’s also legally prohibited from buying guns and ammunition, Austin American-Statesman reports.

The letter of the law reads:

More @ Guns


  1. and according to federal law 18 USC 922(n), he’s also legally prohibited from buying guns and ammunition,
    But according to the Highest Law of the Land, ...Shall not be infringed.
    Unless 18 USC 922(n) is a valid Amendment to the US Constitution, it is not "legally" able to prohibit ANYTHING. It does not say "shall not be infringed unless...." it gives no equivocation or doubt, that RIGHT Shall Not Be Infringed.
    Texas' constitution may allow for such circumstances, (I doubt it) but that would be a State issue and a 10th Amendment issue.
    Plain English.... Shall Not Be Infringed. Even a teacher's union proglodyte should be able to understand something that simple.

    1. Even a teacher's union proglodyte should be able to understand something that simple.

      That's getting near the bottom of the barrel in IQ's so I'm not sure. :) At any rate, it is our Natural Right and we need nothing else.

  2. States rights left long ago.

  3. I agree with Brock. It is a natural God given right. However we have let ourselves become a society ruled by legislation and not by God. While I believe these are bullshit charges against Perry, we have due process and the law is the law, for all. I think this law stinks and so do many others. We need to work to change these petty laws and the only way we can do that is through our powet of the vote. So to all the dipshits who sat out the last election, get off your asses and get involved.

    1. . So to all the dipshits who sat out the last election, get off your asses and get involved.

      & please, Obama-bots stay home.
