Sunday, January 18, 2015

"Gray State" Director/Writer, Wife and Child Dead

Via comment by Sioux on “Je Suis CIA”

A photo from David Crowley’s Instagram account shows Crowley with his wife, Komel.

A couple and their child were killed in an apparent murder-suicide in Apple Valley, police said Sunday.

The three bodies were found Saturday in their rambler home on Ramsdell Drive, after Apple Valley police were called about 1 p.m.

Police would not identify the victims Sunday. A neighbor who discovered the bodies said they were David Crowley; his wife, Komel; and their 5-year-old daughter, Rani.

The neighbor, Collin Prochnow, said he had a passing acquaintance with the family. His wife, Judy, said, "Our grandkids would go over and play with their daughter."

It isn't known exactly when the three died, but the Prochnows believe it was near Christmas. That's when they stopped seeing signs of life in the house.

"I assumed they had gone somewhere for Christmas," said Collin Prochnow.

The neighbors became suspicious last week when they noticed the same lights on in the home day and night.

Collin Prochnow decided to check on them Saturday. As he approached the front door, he noticed Christmas presents sitting unopened on the doorstep.

He peered into the house and saw three bodies and a handgun on the floor and then called police.

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  1. Another one that goes in my skeptic box until further notice.

    Remember that Tallahassee police shooting of that young lawyer who allegedly was shooting a gun into the FSU library a month or so ago - the cops say they only shot him nine times, but the autopsy says there were 24 bullet holes all over Myron May. In fact a hail of bullets were fired as he stood near the entrance to the library, endangering others in the library. Witnesses said his hands were up on his head like he was trying to no avail...

  2. Holy shit...
    It always shocks me when I hear that someone takes the life of their own child...
    I mean what can possibly be so dark, so irrevocable, so dead end, so unfix-able, that you kill yourself. And not just yourself, but, in my opinion, selfishly kill your wife AND YOUR KID...a 5 year old soul who is trusting you to care for it; and you kill it. Certainly not going Up on that trip... cya in Hell, dude.
    I guess I can thank God for never even sniffing a situation that bad... I'd like to think I'd never get to the point where death is the only answer I can come up with and that I'd reach out to someone for help...

  3. Is this something made to look, like something it's not? (a murder/suicide)

    1. That's what Sioux wondered commenting on “Je Suis CIA”.

  4. I am with Sioux on this one, I think and believe he hit a nerve somewhere in the dark place we call government. They did not want him to make that movie, it would be an eye opener for more sheeple.....

    1. Now to find someone who will continue it.

    2. I realized that ther could be a darker side to this story that Sioux mentioned and after some quick peeks this morning between meetings, looks like others are of the same mind set. Not seeing this picked up on the 'bigger' Tinfoil sites yet though, like Inforwars.
      There's mention that the MN LEAs are considering the scene/deaths 'suspicious' FWIW...
