Sunday, January 18, 2015

“Je Suis CIA”

Via LH


I wouldn't expect to see this on Global Research, so must be worth thought.

Since 9/11, the imperial playbook has consisted of a favorite and time-tested tactic: the false flag operation.

Carry out or facilitate a spectacular atrocity. Blame it on the enemy of choice. Issue a lie-infested official narrative, and have the corporate media repeat the lie. Rile up ignorant militant crowds, stoke the hatred, and war-mongering imperial policy planners and their criminal functionaries get what they want: war with the public stamp of approval.

Here we are again.

The Charlie Hebdo incident is being sold as “the French 9/11”. It certainly is, in all of the most tragic ways: France, like the United States on 9/11, has been used. The masses of the world have been deceived, and march in lockstep to NATO’s drumbeat again.

All signs lead from French intelligence back to Washington—and Langley, Virginia—directly and indirectly. Red herrings and deceptions comprise the official narrative.


  1. Larry Chin: IMO, the stated evidence is very flimsy. I suppose I'll be a lemming and refuse to accept your thesis until you find something more substantial.

    BTW, lemmings don't really follow one another over a cliff. That's a myth. They do fall.

    1. I wouldn't have posted this if seen on a generic site, but as I mentioned, seeing it on Global Research made me think otherwise. Thanks.

  2. Just read this on FreeRepublic - the link to the newspaper article is below. When I read the article, it sure seemed to me to be a very sophisticated hit job - But the newspaper headline says it's an "apparent murder-suicide"... with absolutely no motive whatsoever for this man to kill his beloved wife and child and then himself. Be sure to watch the youtube of this man's movie trailer. I think the PTB want to show us all how absolutely ruthless they are and will be if we don't all shape up quickly.

  3. just cuz I'm paranoid, it doesn't mean they aren't out to get us...

    1. Over your left shoulder...........:) Goodness, the Coasters and Searchin' just came one. :)

  4. ducking for cover....
