Friday, January 9, 2015

SA: Murder: Unnamed white man found tied by his hands with cables to shark-nets at Fish Hoek holiday resort

Via Nancy


FISH HOEK, SOUTH AFRICA - SAPS captain Frederick van Wyk told the news media that an unnamed white man's body was found tied to the floaters of the shark nets by his hands. The body was spotted at around 10h20 on Friday Jan 2 2015 by shark-spotters. The police's diving unit retrieved the man's body from the ocean.


  1. My shot in the dark guess is that SA "investigations" are dog and pony shows. When the victim is a white Afrikaner.

  2. Who in the bloody hell thinks of something like this - Gitmo move over.

  3. Where is the call to Boycott South Africa ??? Much worse now than anything that happened under Apartheid.
