Monday, March 16, 2015

Black Girl Beats, Stomps On White Girl – Then Beats Her Little Brother While Her Friends Laugh (VIDEO)

Via David
 Language and Violence

Go to link below Gateway Pundit for the video.  I couldn't get Live Leak to embed here for some reason.

For some reason this girl’s friends thought this was funny?

A black girl was filmed beating and stomping on a white girl in a park while her friends cheered.
Then the perpetrator turns on the white girl’s little brother, a five or six year-old, and knocks him down on a sidewalk after he tried to help his big sister.

This was very disturbing.

It would be nice if we had a president who speak out against this all too common form of racial violence rather than go after police officers with trumped-up racism charges.

Here is a shot of the perpetrator’s Facebook page.

                                                       More @ Gateway Pundit


  1. ah yes, content unavailable. Must be Clintonizing the page. I'm sure all relevant data will still be there after they're done.

  2. Nope the content has been removed by both Youtube, and Facebook.
    I'm sure that barry is very proud of the young black girls performance!

    1. Go to the link, the second video down still works from Live Leak.

  3. I watched the video.
    It is upsetting and heartbreaking.
    It grieves me to no end that these
    attacks, ignorance, and lack of
    basic decency in no way resembles
    the people I share an ancestral and family history
    My black family members raised me and trained me
    well. Without question, they are of an 'old school' that
    is fast approaching extinction, not only in black America
    but America as a whole.
    I am thankful that someone with a decent heart, mind and
    soul finally arrived on scene, albeit very late, but you can
    see her rush to the aid of the child after that shitbag
    assaults him and knocks him to the ground.
    A sad state of affairs indeed, which in the end is going
    to needlessly cause the suffering and deaths of good American
    citizens across the board.

    1. in no way resembles the people I share an ancestral and family history

      The same here and my black 'Cousins' might as well be from a different world compared to these vile animals.


      is going to needlessly cause the suffering and deaths of good American
      citizens across the board.

      Agreed and I have to calm myself with the thoughts that all are not alike, but this is interestingly more difficult each day as these abominable acts continue and increase.

  4. Ah yes...springtime in Indy. The first really warm day, and the ghetto apes lose their damned minds. It's gonna be a long summer.

    Last year my daughter worked as a lifeguard at that park's swimming pool. I was not pleased about it because I know the area. It is a shit hole and I said so, but I'm a RAYCISS so I was kinda ignored.

    My comment at one of the local news sites after being accused of bigotry and hate:

    "Apparently...If one is white, one is responsible for what one's ancestors did 200
    years ago. If one is not white, one is not responsible for what one's
    children did yesterday.

    Bigots? You are a tool.

    The American Civil War ended in 1865.

    I am white. None of my ancestors owned slaves. An ancestor of mine died fighting for the Union army. His family were dirt poor Midwestern farmers.

    Another part of my ancestry came over from England in 1912....50 years after the end of the Civil War. They owned no slaves and worked as stone masons.

    My wife's ancestry has southern roots, but they were dirt poor share-croppers and damned sure didn't own slaves.

    I am in no way responsible for the black race's self-destruction, and pointing that fact out is in no way bigoted."

    1. "Apparently...If one is white, one is responsible for what one's ancestors did 200
      years ago. If one is not white, one is not responsible for what one's
      children did yesterday.


    2. 'I am in no way responsible for the black race's self-destruction, and pointing that fact out is in no way bigoted.'
      I make and have not made any claims to the
      I simply disagree with the mindset that someone like me, and those like me, do not exist. Especially when it comes to being Americans that support and defend the Constitution, our Republic, the rule of Constitutional law, along with common courtesy, manners, decency and civilized behavior.

    3. I've been trying to get Zoomie down here for a PATCON so I can teach him some Southern manners....:)

    4. Yes...but this Yankee ain't stoopid, and I don't wanna end up in your stewpot or have my skull used as your soapdish neither.


    5. Last year my daughter worked as a lifeguard at that park's swimming pool. I was not pleased about it because I know the area.

      She'd better wake up and smell the flowers. Scary. It can't happen to me.....................


      An ancestor of mine died fighting for the Union army.

      Damn Yankee..... :)


      All my ancestors owned slaves, but reading the records it shows a very different relarionship than is espoused today, not that this would be surprising. At any rate, my black cousins seem to have no trouble with this
      and I have absolutely zero. Apologizing to be PC is BS and the race baiter's can all kiss my ruddy, red rectum. :)

    6. "She'd better wake up and smell the flowers."

      I've done all I can.

      I love her to death, but one semester of college, and there is apparently nothing she doesn't know now...and dad is a stupid rayciss hillbilly truck driver.

      She is the rebel of my three kids. My two sons are conservative-leaning gun-lovers with eyes wide open.

      I'm afraid she's gonna learn some life lessons the hard way, and when it happens dad is gonna rampage on some fools!

    7. dad is gonna rampage on some fools!

      Guess she disregards videos like this.

  5. Cav Med: Nobody says good black American don't exist. I know they do. I work with them, and I served with them in the Corps...guys I would have taken a bullet for. I don't hate anyone based on their skin color. My hate is based solely on behavior. If a person behaves like a beast, I will treat them as such.

    1. I don't wanna end up in your stewpot

      Yankees are too tough.....


      or have my skull used as your soapdish neither.

      We's rednecks don't use soap, doncha' know......? :)
