Monday, March 16, 2015

Why our prep-school diplomats fail against Putin and ISIS


Why do our “best and brightest” fail when faced with a man like Putin? Or with charismatic fanatics?

Or Iranian negotiators? Why do they misread our enemies so consistently, from Hitler and Stalin to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Islamic State’s self-proclaimed caliph?

The answer is straightforward:

Social insularity: Our leaders know fellow insiders around the world; our enemies know everyone else.

The mandarin’s distaste for physicality: We are led through blood-smeared times by those who’ve never suffered a bloody nose.

And last but not least, bad educations in our very best schools: Our leadership has been educated in chaste political theory, while our enemies know, firsthand, the stuff of life.



  2. an example of street smarts vs book smarts. In addition, one side has the will to win, the other does not. Vlad has that "I'll gouge out one of your eyes and skull f--k you". Meanwhile Lurch Kerry, has that look of fear, well maybe not that, but he is clueless.

    1. "I'll gouge out one of your eyes and skull f--k you". Meanwhile Lurch Kerry, has that look of fear, well maybe not that, but he is clueless.

      Yes, I believe clueless is appropriate.

  3. We are being ruled by psychopaths / foxes.

    "Machiavelli wrote that if princes expect to prosper they must be both lions and foxes. He said they must be lions to drive away the wolves and foxes to avoid traps. But it is rare to find the lion and fox combined in one person. In wealthy, successful societies the elite begins (over time) to consist almost exclusively of foxes. Lions are effectively sidelined as they are perceived as a disruptive influence. Peaceful negotiation becomes the imperative. Fighting and confrontation is seen as negative. The foxes believe their way is best, that all conflicts can be resolved by negotiation and cunning – without the use of force.".

  4. The author knocked this one out of the ballpark.
