Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Give Up Your Guns

Via David

My son's Hebrew name, Chaim, is taken after my great uncle.  He, his wife, and his teenage son were deported from Strausburg, France to a delightful vacation spot called Auschwitz, where all three perished.  I was anti-gun before I started to dig into that side of my family tree, but having found pictures of the both of them, knowing that they met their end mandated by a country - Germany - that was, just decades before, considered one of the most open, free, tolerant, and cosmopolitan societies in Europe where Jews were successful and assimilated... I swore I'd rather be dead fighting than herded like a sheep to the slaughter.  "Never again!" is something I take deathly seriously.

The next time someone tells you that you should surrender your guns for the common good, show them this picture.

And for the record, so that they may never be forgotten, here's a picture of Chaim holding his son, Francis.  (And the girl farther to the right is my mother, his niece.)


  1. Thanks.

    Never again.

    1. Awwwww, they will stop after we give up the AK's and AR's. Don't worry.........................

  2. And in devoted trust to their supposed benevolent rulers, they will retort, " oh, that could never happen here".

  3. Ya, the Germans were completely irrational
    How did Orwell put it "The propagandist job is to make one set of people believe another set of people are not human"
    This is total Gyu BS, of epic proportions.

    1. That's actually a large part of the rationale for abortion. "It's just a fetus... a clump of cells..."

  4. Actually those pictures no longer work in getting the point across. I can't find the link, but I saw the same thing on another blog site a few days after the shootings in Paris and there many people in the comment section who said things like, "If this means that we'll finally be rid of Christians, conservatives & the right in general, what are we waiting for?"
    They apparently think it's safe to drop the mask now.
