Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The “Civil War” Was ALWAYS About Ethnic Cleansing



We have all read in our Politically Correct (cultural Marxist)  “history”  books about how the noble and virtuous North went to war in order to wipe out the evil of slavery in the South and to preserve the Union (empire) from those treasonous, greasy Southern slave holders whose evil plan was to take their states out of the Glorious Union–and we all know that secession is treason–right?

This is the unmitigated hogwash that passes for “history” in our institutions of public learning and, sad to say, in too many private schools as well. If this were actually the case, one might question why the national government did not abolish slavery in the four slave states that remained in the Union.

Even Lincoln’s infamous “Emancipation Proclamation” didn’t bother to do that. But we are not even supposed to think about all that–on with the agenda! And the agenda was, and still is, Ethnic Cleansing in the South (and eventually everywhere else once the South has been cleansed).

1 comment:

  1. I do believe Winston in '1984' was employed in the capacity of
    re-writing history. Banning and editing true history. Same as today.
