Monday, December 14, 2015

Larry Kudlow: I’ve Changed. This Is War. Seal the Borders. Stop the Visas.

Via Mike
I know this is not my usual position. But this is a war. Therefore I have come to believe there should be no immigration or visa waivers until the U.S. adopts a completely new system to stop radical Islamic terrorists from entering the country. A wartime lockdown. And a big change in my thinking. ISIS and related Islamic terrorists are already here. More are coming. We must stop them. Until FBI director James Comey gives us the green light, I say seal the borders.
More @ NRO


  1. Will I hope old Larry has the larder well stocked because he'll be getting the pink slip soon.

  2. The Slumbering Giant is awakening. Seems like I read something about a giant doing that back in the 1940's. :)

    Central Alabamaian

    1. Indeed, but looks like it will brother v brother this time, though I hesitate to call the commie side, brothers. :)

    2. "I hesitate to call the commie side, brothers."

      Yep, I know what you mean.

      I've got kin that it will be that way with, like it or not.

      Blood may be thicker than water, but Freedom is a higher calling than family.

      Central Alabamaian

    3. Blood may be thicker than water, but Freedom is a higher calling than family.

      & a commie will kill you regardless of what they may say, so it's The Black Flag.
