Friday, September 22, 2017

Sharyl Attkisson explains what we are up against

Via Billy

This is easily the read of the day.  Sharyl Attkisson is the bravest reporter of her generation, so much of a threat to people with access to the capabilities of our intel agencies that she was spied upon and worse.  Today she faces the ugly truth about what recent reports (if true) reveal:

Nobody wants our intel agencies to be used like the Stasi in East Germany; the secret police spying on its own citizens for political purposes. The prospect of our own NSA, CIA and FBI becoming politically weaponized has been shrouded by untruths, accusations and justifications.

She goes on to review a number of instances of us being lied to about spying, about spying on journalists, and then gets to her personal experience in fighting back against an actual hack she experienced while at CBS News:


  1. Why yes! After fighting a revolution to stop the abuses of general warrants, quartering troops, and random searches, who could question that Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Henry, etc. would have supported secret courts, secret warrants, secret searches, secret wire taps, secret surveillance, and massive accumulations of data by government bureaucracies who then violate the secret government permission and go beyond all that, right?

    At least we have the comfort of knowing BOTH parties have funded it, repeatedly.

    I sure wouldn't hold my breath waiting for someone to be disciplined, much less prosecuted, for it.

    Y'all have a nice day.

    1. I sure wouldn't hold my breath waiting for someone to be disciplined, much less prosecuted, for it.



    Nothing to see here...move along.

    Y'all have a nice day.

    1. Just amazing. Thanks.
