Saturday, October 7, 2017

Backlash spreads against Black Lives Matter shutting down ACLU free speech event

Via Billy

A campus Black Lives Matter protest against an American Civil Liberties Union speaker has provoked an internal debate over free speech on the Left.

Students shouted down an ACLU leader visiting the College of William and Mary in Virginia last week, preventing a discussion about free speech by chanting "liberalism is white supremacy" and "ACLU, you protect Hitler too!" for a full hour.

Outrage spread as video of the college Black Lives Matter chapter's disruption circulated among shocked scholars, progressive leaders, and alumni.


  1. Awww. The poor little things. It's okay when they go after conservatives but when the children start going after the parents then they have to have "an internal debate over free speech on the left." Kevin

  2. Black thugs demand that white people give them this or that (aka more benefits and "free stuff". The evil bitch is the face of what racism looks like, since she wants to murder some one solely for having the wrong color of skin. It's funny that those same blacks are NOT demanding a one way flight back to what country in Africa best suits them. For all of their complaining, bitching, and whining about how oppressed and discriminated against they are, they are quite willing to remain where they are.

    1. quite willing to remain where they are.

      I guess some have visited, once.....

  3. These non-Whites ought to get their priorities in order.
    These non-whites didn't start from nothing. They were
    showered with White Tax Dollar goodies. On that note:
    which race CREATED the American Dream?
