Thursday, October 26, 2017

Hillary–The Consummate Cultural Marxist

Via Billy

One of the hallmarks of the cultural Marxist mentality is that they continually point the accusatory finger at others and vilify them for doing the exact same things the cultural Marxists do. While this might seem contradictory to some who fail to grasp the cultural Marxist mindset, it really isn’t. You see, the cultural Marxist feels that it is perfectly okay for him, or her, to lie, cheat, steal and do all manner of things normal people would consider wrong because the cultural Marxist is doing all the wrong things for the right reasons. Hence, for them, there is no wrong in doing these misdeeds. Such reprehensible activity is only wrong when the rest of us do it. However, for the cultural Marxist to do such things to further his agenda is perfectly permissible. Doesn’t this explain Hillary and her husband, Bill, to a tee?


  1. To lie to their enemies is normal, just as it is for
    the muzzies to lie to their enemies...this is another
    example why the communists and muzzies get along so well.

    1. just as it is for the muzzies to lie to their enemies

      I thought the same as I was reading the article.
