Thursday, October 19, 2017

Mystery: Video Shows Restaurant Furniture Moving On Its Own

Via Bill

The owners of Cronies bar and restaurant say they aren’t pulling some kind of Halloween prank.
But on video they have surveillance tape clearly showing furniture moving about the place — and on its own.

Furniture. Moving. Without. Anyone. Touching. It.

Spooky! What gives?

More with video @ CBS


  1. This is the sort of stuff atheists believe in, lol.

    They give up Christ and come to believe in spirits. Maybe Catholics believe in purgatory (which I find strange), but I just mean that generally weird superstitions are what I associate with "rational" folks :p

    *When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.* GK Chesterton.

    1. they then become capable of believing in anything

      Except communism........:)

  2. Did you mean communion?
