Sunday, November 26, 2017

Denzel Washington: Don't blame the prison system, 'It starts at the home'

Via Billy

movie handout - from film site

In “Roman J. Israel, Esq.” Denzel Washington plays an idealistic defense attorney whose beliefs are tested when he joins a new law firm.

The Oscar winner says making the film did not make him more cynical about the justice system and, when asked about the prison-industrial complex, the “Malcolm X” star offered a surprising take.

“It starts at the home,” he told reporters at the film’s downtown New York premiere. “It starts at home.”

When prodded to expand on his answer, the 62-year-old Mount Vernon native replied: “It starts with how you raise your children. If a young man doesn’t have a father figure, he’ll go find a father figure.

                                                     More @ New York Daily News


  1. Right on and very well said! I would add, some goes for gals too. It shows its' self in a different form. A father does set the standard of what a woman will look for in a man and what to expect from him. Daddy issues. Those (Statist, Feminists and Cultural Marxists) who are seeking the total destruction of the traditional two parent family, do understand the critical role a father in the life of a young man or woman. It is impossible to have a stable and productive society when 75% of children are born without the benefit and security of a real daddy instead of a sperm donor. It is a big deal for mommy to be married to daddy before making babies.

    Given what is presented in the entertainment industry there are almost zero traditional male "role models" to serve as a standard for emulation. One TV show that will NEVER be remade is, Father Knows Best.

  2. Agreed


    One TV show that will NEVER be remade is, Father Knows Best.

    He did and does.
