Wednesday, December 27, 2017

WATCH: Liberals LOVE The Republican Tax Plan — If They Believe It's 'The Bernie Tax Plan'

Conservative commentator Ami Horowitz recently took to the streets of the "liberal Mecca" East Village to see how die-hard progressives felt about the Republican tax reform bill that Democrats have literally declared "the end of the world." Horowitz asked several passersby for their reaction to specific measures in the bill and, shockingly, found they they uniformly loved it — well, at least when presented as the "Bernie" tax plan.

"The Republicans recently voted on a new tax proposal, and, predictably, the Democrats didn't like it," says Horowitz in the intro of the digital short. "But what if they thought the Republican plan was actually Bernie Sanders' proposal? We presented them with the Republican tax plan and pretended that it was in fact Bernie's plan."

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