Friday, January 11, 2019

Navy Acknowledges Railroading of Marine Operator Falsely Accused of War Crimes

Via Billy

U.S. Marines

A Marine Special Forces officer has been promoted in retirement after the Navy acknowledged that he was falsely accused of war crimes for leading his men through a terrorist ambush.

The Board for Correction of Naval Records admitted that Marine Maj. Fred Galvin was railroaded when he led the Corps' first special operations unit (MARSOC) into Afghanistan. In March 2007 his unit was attacked by a suicide bomb followed by small arms fire from terrorists. Galvin and his men returned fire, killing 12 enemies, only to see senior military leaders and investigators accuse his men of massacring civilians.


  1. I remember reading and hearing about the "massacre" in numerous main-stream-media sources back in the day. I wonder how many of those same sources will highlight the recent Navy's admission he's totally innocent and the charges were "trumped up"?

    1. The heads of those who railroaded him should be on the chopping block.
