Friday, February 1, 2019

Another Leaked Transcript: Bill Priestap “Closed” Testimony Conflicts With James Comey “Open” Testimony….

Another unsourced leak of a congressional hearing transcript to The Epoch Times highlights the testimony of former FBI Director of Counterintelligence, Bill Priestap.

Unfortunately, the transcript is not provided, and there is no explanation as to why the transcript is not provided; however, one quote seems interesting.

The question surrounds why congressional leadership, including the Gang-of-Eight, were not briefed about the opening of a counterintelligence operation into a presidential campaign.  The investigation began on July 31st, 2016. Congress was not notified until early March 2017.


  1. Their House of Cards will come tumbling down. But will anybody be interested in prosecuting them for their OBVIOUS TREASONOUS CRIMES?

    1. But will anybody be interested in prosecuting them for their OBVIOUS TREASONOUS CRIMES?

      I assume not, these days.

  2. Here is a novel idea for the construction of a Memorial on the southern border.

    After it is completed, we can deport all the undesirable types to the south side of our memorial. Starting with ALL THOSE WHO OPPOSED IT.
