Monday, September 30, 2019

Foreign Aid US Gives Other Countries

Via Jessica Hult

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  1. Time to cut most of that shit out to other countries.

  2. First, the map of Israel is wrong. Judea and Samaria are part of Israel.

    Second, Israel gets aid; much of that aid is - as I understand it - required to be spent back in the US.

    Third, again, as I understand it, some of that aid was committed-to by the US as incentive to return the Sinai to Egypt.

    But writing as a Zionist Jew: I would like to see aid to Israel slowly diminished and eventually cut off. For two reasons:

    1. It makes Israel a client state of the US; whether Israel or any other state, that's not a good thing.

    2. By doing so it removes a complaint from many, whether Left or Right, about Israel.

  3. Congress authorized many billions of dollars in foreign aid, but refused to authorize a few billion dollars for a barrier to "protect the States against Invasion" (Article IV, Section 4) as the U.S. Government SHALL do! Yet the very ones who refused lecture us about "the rule of law"! --Ron W
