Monday, September 30, 2019

'No obligation': Joe Biden opposed helping South Vietnamese refugees reach U.S. in 1970s

 Image result for crying vietnamese refugeesDemocratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden addresses the Rainbow PUSH Coalition Annual International Convention Friday, June 28, 2019, in Chicago. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Democratic presidential front-runner Joseph R. Biden, who has denounced President Trump’s efforts against Central American asylum-seekers, vigorously opposed resettling as refugees South Vietnamese who had helped the U.S. during the war.

The Washington Examiner reported Thursday, citing records from the administration of President Gerald R. Ford, that as a U.S. senator, Mr. Biden tried to deny refuge to hundreds of thousands fleeing the imminent North Vietnamese victory and likely Communist persecution.

Mr. Biden’s arguments about refugees reverse what he and other Democrats now insist are the only moral stances, saying that the U.S. had “no obligation, moral or otherwise, to evacuate foreign nationals,” the Examiner reported.


  1. vigorously opposed simply defines any democrat. vigorously opposed helping those who helped the US during the war defines an aberrant little prick who needs kicked in the nuts until he/she vomits.
    or so I have been informed by another party. the federal whistleblower form is being processed as we speak...

    1. vigorously opposed helping those who helped the US during the war defines an aberrant little prick who needs kicked in the nuts until he/she vomits.


  2. If Biden and the rest of that low life group had honored the agreement to react against North Vietnam if they advanced against South Vietnam after the US pullout then it wold not have been necessary for these people having to leave their homes. The US sold the South Vietnamese people out plain and simple!

    1. Even countries today believe what they are told by the US which is mind boggling. The B52 pilots at Clark PI wanted to go back but waited in vain.

  3. Of course not.

    People fleeing Communism might have a, you know, ACCURATE understanding of it... and thus would recognize the incipient signs in the "D" column and thus vote "R".

    Can't have people like that coming to the US. It would disrupt the importation of "D" voters.

    1. Thanks.
