Saturday, April 4, 2020

NEW Mega Battle Flag Raised in Franklin County - Va Flaggers Vow To Continue Push Back Against the Left's Onslaught

Earlier today, the Va Flaggers raised a 10’x15’ Memorial Battle flag on a 50’ pole on property adjacent to Route 40 in Franklin County. 
At the request of the landowner, the flag was dedicated to the Glory of God, in memory and honor of all Confederate soldiers, and specifically to honor the men who fought in the 10th Va Cavalry, Co K along side his ancestor, who is buried nearby.


  1. Thanks for a smile on a grim day.

    Y'all have a nice day.

  2. A video has emerged of US Senate Candidate Tommy Tuberville who is in a tight runoff election in Alabama with Jeff Sessions. President Trump has endorsed Tuberville while ALIPAC has renewed our endorsement of Jeff Sessions for his many years leading the battle against illegal immigration and Amnesty in the US Senate.
    This Tuberville is anti Confederate. He had all the Confederate
    flags removed from the University of Mississippe. I hate him.

    1. Yes, I read about that yesterday.Hope he loses.
