Thursday, July 9, 2020

Comment on Woodpile Reports: A Tribute to Remus

 'Ol Remus...where are you ?

Remus touched so many of us in several ways.

He made us think about the finer things which
helped us appreciate the arts and engineering.

He compiled others thoughts, and views, upon
humanities condition...and direction.

Remus is a humble fellow, that which I can
attest to from correspondence. But we all
know he must have letters behind his name
which shines through from his comments and
his many interests. For what ever reason,
should Remus post, or not post again, He has
left this place much richer than how he
found it. We can all agree to this truth,
and that we've all come to think fondly of him.

There's a little of 'Ol Remus in each of us.

Mainly, because He inspired us in many ways.

We would honor our friend well, to allow the
Remus, which resides with in us all, to shine.

Until then, when we'll all finally meet up
once again, one hazy spring eve, at the water
cooler of yesteryear known as the Wood Pile,
Let's mentor others as 'Ol Remus mentored us.
With kindness, knowledge, and inspiration.


1 comment:

  1. Very well done! I consider every moment spent at the Woodpile to have been exceptionally valuable, but have not been able to sum up nearly as well as you have.
    I had the honor and privilege of a couple of short email exchanges with Remus over the years. If this be the end of WP, as all things eventually must, I am grateful for all of it.
    Boat Guy
