Thursday, July 30, 2020

NFACs Militia Leader Doesnt Know How an AR Works

Via Herschel

Comment by Fred: "The NFAC 'leader' has to be a fed plant. There is no other explanation I can come up with."

No.  The 5.56mm round will not “knock yo’ bitch ass down.”
No.  That’s not a bullpup.

No.  That’s not a shorty.  It looks to me like a 20″ barrel, common on earlier AR platforms.

No.  Guns don’t “go off” every day of basic training with people getting killed.

No.  The AR platform isn’t that reckless and dangerous.  Eugene Stoner was a genius, and he objects to your stupidity.

No.  The BCG moving forward is by design to chamber a round – it does not cause a round to discharge.

Yes.  This NFAC leader is an imbecile.


  1. I'm calling BS on NFAC leader's claim that he bought his "bullpup" in Germany. Bitch, please, show us the proof. Also, unless there was a change in the Army regulations, I doubt that there would be a formation with weapons loaded. Any NCO worth his stripes would be stressing on having the weapon on safe and double if not triple checking the troops to insure full compliance. I never once heard this wanna be expert mention that detail. This clown is so full of shit, his eyes are brown. This guy is a legend in his own mind. I would not be surprised to hear him claim that he was also served on the teams (Navy SEALS) and he did such super secret special operations that his military records are still classified as "top secret". He must have gotten his military training and expertise from reading the New York Times

    1. This guy is a legend in his own mind. I would not be surprised to hear him claim that he was also served on the teams (Navy SEALS) and he did such super secret special operations that his military records are still classified as "top secret". He must have gotten his military training and expertise from reading the New York Times

      Priceless! :)
