Thursday, October 14, 2021

Baby aspirin no longer recommended to prevent first heart attack in older adults, US task force says: ) I Got Something Right for a Change:)

 Via Granite Grok 

People over the age of 60 should no longer consider taking a daily low-dose or baby aspirin to prevent a first heart attack or stroke, according to a draft recommendation issued by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Tuesday.

The announcement marks a change in the 2016 Task Force guidance that recommended aspirin therapy in certain men and women to lower cardiovascular risk. But more recent evidence suggests it also could cause harm, including *bleeding in the stomach, intestines, and brain – a risk that increases with age and can be life-threatening. *Why I stopped taking it.

More @ USA Today


  1. Everything is a balancing act, best conducted by a physician who knows your condition/history and not by some desk jockey who was too dim to make it to "med school". Current events suggest that anything published by FDA, CDC(P), etc should be taken as political probaganda. I suspect that they are worried about the reaction to reports of clots and deaths after the "VAXX".

    The "blood thinners" (anti clotting medications) reduce the liklihood of a blood clot in the heart (heart attack) or in the brain (stroke) but they increase the risk of a brain bleed or bleeding after trauma. It is a balancing act.

    Aspirin slows clot formation so it is useful against the risk of stroke or heart attack. Since aspirin un-regulates the secretion of stomach acid and slows clot formation after trauma, it has a risk so giving it to "everyone" would be foolish. You, and your doc, can decide where the greatest risk is in your case. Taking aspirin is a risk but may be the smart move in many cases.

    Place Your Bets!

    1. Thanks and if you search online and look at all the posts concerning aspirin, 70 years olds, and bleeding stomach, you should see what I did many months ago. Every link concluded with a recommendation to not take it from 70 on BUT check with your doctor which all of course said better keep taking them if you already are which was a CYOA. I sent it all to my 4th daughter and she agreed with me and I stopped.

  2. I rather suspect the only reason they are addressing that now is that it is also being used to combat covid...probably as a method to control blood clots. I think the medical profession is going off the deep end dealing with covid. They are getting too much government money for this BS. Time to wean them from the tax purse so they actually serve the public rather than government.

    1. When you have the time see this.

  3. I do not take aspirin or blood thinners. The side effects are more dangerous than what they supposedly prevent.

    1. Thanks and in case you missed the comment above:

      Thanks and if you search online and look at all the posts concerning aspirin, 70 years olds, and bleeding stomach, you should see what I did many months ago. Every link concluded with a recommendation to not take it from 70 on BUT check with your doctor which all of course said better keep taking them if you already are which was a CYOA. I sent it all to my 4th daughter and she agreed with me and I stopped.
