Thursday, October 14, 2021

Sailors who refuse to take the vaccine will be expelled, according to the US Navy.

 Via Billy

 They better get honorable ones.

Sailors who refuse to take the vaccine will be expelled, according to the US Navy.

Personnel who refuse to be vaccinated against Covid-19 will be removed from the US Navy, according to the US Navy, ahead of the November 28 deadline for the injection.

“With Covid-19 immunizations now required for all military members,” the Navy said in a statement, “the Navy has announced preparations to begin processing for discharge those who refuse vaccination without a pending or approved exemption.”

More @ The Washington Newsday


  1. I suspect that "they" are playing the odds. If even a small percentage of working, effective "normies" are hurt or killed by the vaccines, that will mean more slots for the "defectives", who couldn't accomplish anything on their own or for the "illegals" who shouldn't even be there. Killing workers (mostly White) has no downside for them. They have exempted most government weenies and their staff, the vaccine manufacturers as well as the mass of Illegals and the urban parasites from the vaccine. If they kill enough effective people, then the lazy, dumb, distractable underclass will have a chance. The "worthies" will always (they think) have enough cash and power to get effective White doctors and mechanics. Why should they care?

    1. Good points and thanks. Don't miss the video below:

  2. This will kill two birds with one stone; First, they will get real Americans thrown out of the service and have them replaced with 3rd, 4th & 5th world biological garbage to do their bidding. Next, those kicked out will receive a dishonorable discharge, that way THEY CANNOT LEGALLY POSSESS A FIREARM, thus making them new targets for the feds.

  3. Fix the carrier, reverse image.

  4. Mutiny would be in order about now.
