Sunday, October 3, 2021

Comment on "I Got The Jab"

 "I Got The Jab"

Can your business legally have a 'no jab no job' policy?

The FDA gave approval to the Pfizer "vaccine". The Pfizer Jab is of a class of novel therapies collectively known as "biologics" (I will refer to all these as "jab" or "jabs".) However, what is being given to people is NOT the FDA-approved Pfizer jab, it is still the EUA (emergency use authorization) Pfizer jab. It is unclear whether the FDA-approved version differs *medically* from the EUA version. They may be the same medically, or they may be different. Even if they are the same medically, they are NOT the same *legally*; it would have to do with the manufacturing process as well as testing and documentation of the process.

So here are the problems for Pharma and FedGov:

If there is any FDA-approved version of a class of drugs (here the COVID biologics), then once the FDA version is available all the other EUAs are invalid. You can't be giving an emergency drug if a fully-approved version is available. This hurts the profits of other pharma companies that do not yet have FDA approval. This also leaves Pfizer sitting on a stock of their EUA jab that they can't sell in the US. What a pickle! Whatever shall they do?

What they've done is state that there is not enough FDA Pfizer jab to go around, so they must continue with the EUA version, which they are apparently claiming is the same thing. (Maybe this medically true, maybe not. It is certainly NOT true in the statutory sense.) Anyway, because Pfizer is apparently unable to distribute the FDA jab, the other pharma companies get to continue selling their EUA jabs. And Pfizer gets to sell its stock of EUA jab. Win-win, amirite? At least all the actual human beings (big pharma, Gov) win. Subhuman cattle that just happen to have the shape of human beings (the rest of us) must take what real people dish out. And we should mooo in gratitude for it.

~~ Mike_C


  1. If there is any FDA-approved version of a class of drugs (here the COVID biologics), then once the FDA version is available all the other EUAs are invalid. You can't be giving an emergency drug if a fully-approved version is available"
    Since laws do not apply to the current scamdemic, I am sure the FDA, .gov, CDC et al would allow an experimental medical treatment at the same time there is an actual "approved vaccine".

    1. he FDA, .gov, CDC et al would allow an experimental medical treatment at the same time there is an actual "approved vaccine".

      Good point as they do what they wish.
