Saturday, October 2, 2021

"I Got The Jab"

I got the jab, I also got my first BS degree in biochem, so I knew how to do the research and compare the risks to other vaccines I've taken. I also made sure my children got as few "bundled vaccines" during early childhood as possible, in order to avoid an overactive immune response. I've gotten flak from both sides of the vaccine debate, for both actions.

In 2003 I also got the experimental/"not approved for civilian use" Anthrax vaccine.  And yearly boosters for that ever since...

The 82d Airborne has a mission, and that could be to drop into the middle of a war zone where everyone has COVID. And we can't have 25% of the fighting force become ineffective due to flu like symptoms. Intuitively we know this, the from a military perspective, having 1 to 20 in 10,000 paratroopers have an adverse reaction at Fort Bragg, than having 200 to 1000 paratroopers from a task force go down on a no notice mission.

From the cold logical perspective of military readiness requirements, the vaccine is a no brainer.  If you are in the service, legally you don't get a choice about vaccination unless you are medically exempted (undergoing immune suppression, or allergic to a component).

As far a civilian mandates go, I am absolutely against. Soldiers give up freedoms, accept UCMJ as a system of law outside the normal civil liberties of the United States. But civilians do not. The government has no business demanding citizens inject anything into their bodies. And this is why the vaccine has become such a topic in the "culture wars."  The statists want the government to have the power to mandate and force people into compliance, the liberty oriented just want to be left alone.

It is what it is, and the reality is that somehow the Democrats took the White House and enough of Congress to be a serious threat to your body autonomy.
~~George  Strong


  1. But the not-vaccines do not work. My wife has had two of the Pfizer jabs brought the Delta variant home to give to me. She was sicker than I was. we are both 60 and in reasonably good heath. I had 17 days with fever and she had 21. Her temps were higher.

    My cousin is a COO of a hospital in south GA. She has admitted that GA is 51-53% jabbed. The Covid wing of the hospital has 75% that are fully jabbed with 2 doses over a month old. The other 25% have had 2 jabs but less than a month has passed, only one jab, and no jab.

    As far as the military having it, none of the proposed vaccines have full FDA approval. With Congress exempting themselves, the big Pharma companies, the judicial system, and the USPS while making the Pharma companies not liable makes the not-vaccine suspect. If I was still in I would consider this an illegal order.

    1. none of the proposed vaccines have full FDA approval.

      Thanks and I thought Pizer had been approved...? At any rate, I'm happy you both are well now.

    2. Also the Anthrax vaccine was available to cattle farmers. I got the 3 doses when I was in high school in the late 70's. The military version is the same vaccine but at twice the dosage and there were 6 initial doses with a yearly update. I got those also.

  2. The FDA gave approval to the Pfizer "vaccine". The Pfizer Jab is of a class of novel therapies collectively known as "biologics" (I will refer to all these as "jab" or "jabs".) However, what is being given to people is NOT the FDA-approved Pfizer jab, it is still the EUA (emergency use authorization) Pfizer jab. It is unclear whether the FDA-approved version differs *medically* from the EUA version. They may be the same medically, or they may be different. Even if they are the same medically, they are NOT the same *legally*; it would have to do with the manufacturing process as well as testing and documentation of the process.

    So here are the problems for Pharma and FedGov:
    If there is any FDA-approved version of a class of drugs (here the COVID biologics), then once the FDA version is available all the other EUAs are invalid. You can't be giving an emergency drug if a fully-approved version is available. This hurts the profits of other pharma companies that do not yet have FDA approval. This also leaves Pfizer sitting on a stock of their EUA jab that they can't sell in the US. What a pickle! Whatever shall they do?

    What they've done is state that there is not enough FDA Pfizer jab to go around, so they must continue with the EUA version, which they are apparently claiming is the same thing. (Maybe this medically true, maybe not. It is certainly NOT true in the statutory sense.) Anyway, because Pfizer is apparently unable to distribute the FDA jab, the other pharma companies get to continue selling their EUA jabs. And Pfizer gets to sell its stock of EUA jab. Win-win, amirite? At least all the actual human beings (big pharma, Gov) win. Subhuman cattle that just happen to have the shape of human beings (the rest of us) must take what real people dish out. And we should mooo in gratitude for it.

    1. Thanks.

  3. Let's see, the military is full of (mostly) 18-28 year olds that are in (mostly) peak physical condition.......
    Not exactly the demographic of the pandemic.
    As Tsquared said "IT DON'T WORK!!!!"
    I don't care if anyone gets the shot.
    (A) don't tell me it's going to save the world
    (B) don't force me to take it
