Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Pictures: Many of which I have never seen
Via Thuy

One of the two Riace Bronzes discovered by an amateur scuba diver is brought out of the Ionian sea. Calabria, Italy. August 1972
More @ IMGUR
Currently waiting list for landowners offering space for Confederate Flags!

In the first quarter of 2015, we have been absolutely overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and encouragement we have received for the Interstate Memorial Battle Flag Projects. After putting out the word that we were looking to purchase a new 80' pole for the I-81 site, we received the needed funds within two short weeks!
More @ The Virginia Flaggers
German Gun Battery in Normandy Up For Sale!
Via commander_zero
Are you are interested in owning a piece of the Atlantic Wall in Normandy?
Are you are interested in owning a piece of the Atlantic Wall in Normandy?
A superbly preserved piece of WWII history, an untouched Normandy German Gun Battery has been put for sale.
The huge gun battery and complex at Querqueville / Amfreville (Stp 277) is up for sale – as of this week.
is well documented and its history is well known as it defended the
port of Cherbourg from the hills above the city. Battery York as it was
locally known, fought an artillery duel with USS Texas before being
over-run after a land battle with the US army.
More with pictures @ War History
Deception Leads to War
After Buchanan’s failed Star of the West mission to resupply Fort Sumter in early January, 1861, Lincoln attempted the same in early April while promising to maintain the peaceful status quo. Judge John A. Campbell was a respected Supreme Court Justice who tried honestly to facilitate a peaceful settlement between North and South, but was deceived by those leading the war party of the North. Unionists North and South advised Lincoln to abandon Sumter to avoid a conflict between Americans.
Bernhard Thuersam, www.Circa1865.com
Deception Leads to War
“Judge Campbell to the President of the Confederate States.
Montgomery, Alabama, May 7, 1861
Sir: I submit to you two letters that were addressed by me to the Hon. W. H. Seward, Secretary of State of the United States, that contain an explanation of the nature and result of an intervention by me in the intercourse of the commissioners of the Confederate States with that officer.
I considered that I could perform no duty in which the entire American people, whether of the Federal Union or of the Confederate States, were more interested than that of promoting the counsels and the policy that had for their object the preservation of peace. This motive dictated my intervention.
Besides the interview referred to in these letters, I informed the Assistant Secretary of State of the United States (not being able to see the Secretary) on the 11th April, ultimo, of the existence of a telegram of that date, from General Beauregard to the commissioners, in which he informed the commissioners that he had demanded the evacuation of Sumter, and if refused he would proceed to reduce it.
On the same day, I had been told that President Lincoln had said that none of the vessels sent to Charleston were war vessels, and that force was not to be used in the attempt to resupply the Fort. I had no means of testing the accuracy of this information; but offered that if the information was accurate, I would send a telegram to the authorities at Charleston, and it might prevent the disastrous consequences of a collision at that fort between the opposing forces. It was the last effort that I would make to avert the calamities of war.
The Assistant Secretary promised to give the matter attention, but I had no other intercourse with him or any other person on the subject, nor have I had any reply to the letters submitted to you.
Very respectfully,
John A. Campbell
To: General Davis, President of the Confederate States”
(Messages and Papers of the Confederacy, James D. Richardson, US Publishing Company, 1906, Volume I, pp. 97-98)
Obama's administration has created hostile racial environment in major cities
Via Billy
David Autry, a white man savagely beaten
on a St. Louis Metrolink train by three black teenagers for declining to
speak about Michael Brown, is pleading with the public for help, so he
no longer has to be exposed to such racial violence.
More @ WND
Group calls for disarming NYPD, removing officers from neighborhoods
Via Joe
A group calling itself “Disarm NYPD” wants the nation’s largest city to create cop-free zones and eventually prohibit New York City Police Department officers from carrying firearms.
According to the website “Waging Nonviolence,” the activists plan to team up with local activists and police watchdogs to pressure the NYPD to pull officers “from over-policed neighborhoods and then maintain these cop-free zones with alternative, community-based forms of conflict resolution.”
That ought to work swell........ :)
A group calling itself “Disarm NYPD” wants the nation’s largest city to create cop-free zones and eventually prohibit New York City Police Department officers from carrying firearms.
According to the website “Waging Nonviolence,” the activists plan to team up with local activists and police watchdogs to pressure the NYPD to pull officers “from over-policed neighborhoods and then maintain these cop-free zones with alternative, community-based forms of conflict resolution.”
More @ Personal Liberty
Experts: Iran Housing Nuke Materials in North Korea, Syria
Via Michael via NCRenegade
A top State Department official on Monday dismissed reports that Iran may be hiding key nuclear-related assets in North Korea and implied that she was unaware of the possibility, despite the publication this weekend of several articles by top analysts expressing alarm at the extent of nuclear cooperation between Tehran and Pyongyang.
Marie Harf, a spokeswoman for the State Department, dismissed as “bizarre” the reports, which described the transfer of enriched uranium and ballistic missile technology back and forth between the two rogue regimes.
The existence of an illicit Iranian nuclear infrastructure outside of the Islamic Republic’s borders would gut a nuclear deal that the administration has vowed to advance by Tuesday, according to these experts and others.
A top State Department official on Monday dismissed reports that Iran may be hiding key nuclear-related assets in North Korea and implied that she was unaware of the possibility, despite the publication this weekend of several articles by top analysts expressing alarm at the extent of nuclear cooperation between Tehran and Pyongyang.
Marie Harf, a spokeswoman for the State Department, dismissed as “bizarre” the reports, which described the transfer of enriched uranium and ballistic missile technology back and forth between the two rogue regimes.
The existence of an illicit Iranian nuclear infrastructure outside of the Islamic Republic’s borders would gut a nuclear deal that the administration has vowed to advance by Tuesday, according to these experts and others.
More @ The Washington Free Beacon
Citizens defy Border Patrol by staying silent with video cameras
Via avordvet
No drugs or would-be immigrants were hidden in the sedan that rolled up to a Border Patrol checkpoint on a Southern California highway last week, but within 90 seconds the driver was handcuffed.
His 4-year-old boy was crying. And a video camera mounted on the
car's dashboard captured the moment. The motorist had said he was an
American but told the agent he did not have to say where he was going,
would not consent to a search of his trunk and would not move his car.
"You brought this on yourself, buddy," an agent says as he is led away.
No drugs or would-be immigrants were hidden in the sedan that rolled up to a Border Patrol checkpoint on a Southern California highway last week, but within 90 seconds the driver was handcuffed.
"You brought this on yourself, buddy," an agent says as he is led away.
More with videos @ Houston Chronicle
Passed 54–46: Senate Amendment 515—Vitter (LA) on Federal Role in Common Core
Louisiana Senator David Vitter proposed this budget amendment to reign in federal support for the Common Core by ending the ability of the U.S. Department of Education to pressure states to remain in the Common Core through waivers to No Child Left Behind (NCLB). If passed in the final budget, this amendment will eliminate the federal government’s ability to incentivize states to adopt or remain in the Common Core, thereby allowing states to opt out of the Common Core without receiving a financial penalty.
This amendment is especially historic as it marks the first time the Senate has voted to reign in the federal government’s involvement in the Common Core since Congress passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, which included the Race to the Top Program.
What Happens Next?
While it is not yet certain whether Congress will even be able to pass a federal budget that President Obama signs into law, or whether the final budget includes Senator Vitter’s Amendment 515, this is a significant step forward in the fight to end federal support for the Common Core and return educational control back to states and families.
The full text of Sen. Vitter’s amendment can be found online.
Supreme Court Refuses to Hear First Amendment Case Challenging School Ban on American Flag Shirts
Via Billy
"If students learn that threatening speakers is an effective way to suppress speech," the Tinkers told SCOTUS, "this will produce more threats, and more suppression of a wide range of other speech. And beyond this, even peaceful students will learn that free speech must yield whenever its opponents are willing to threaten violence—a message antithetical to all things this Court has tried to convey about the First Amendment."
"If students learn that threatening speakers is an effective way to suppress speech," the Tinkers told SCOTUS, "this will produce more threats, and more suppression of a wide range of other speech. And beyond this, even peaceful students will learn that free speech must yield whenever its opponents are willing to threaten violence—a message antithetical to all things this Court has tried to convey about the First Amendment."
Full article @ Reason
Pence Buckles Under Powerful Gay/Media Blitzkrieg
Via Joe
Columnist Robert Knight tells Breitbart News, “Mr. Pence would do well to find out what Scott Walker had for breakfast when he faced down union mobs, the media and the ruling elites.”
Governor Mike Pence of Indiana seems to have caved into enormous pressure and will ask the state legislature for new legislation to make it clear that Christian florists and bakers could be forced to participate in weddings that violate their religious beliefs.
Last week, Indiana joined 19 other states and the federal government by enacting a law to protect religious believers from governmental encroachment on religious freedom. Such legislation was cited in the recent Supreme Court Hobby Lobby decision that determined religious employers could not be forced to supply abortion drugs to employees under ObamaCare.
In a packed press conference this morning, Pence did not give specifics about what the new legislation would say, only that he wants it to make clear that “Indiana businesses will not be able to discriminate against anyone for any reason.” He said the religion freedom bill he signed was never considered by him or the bill’s sponsors to allow a “license to discriminate.”
Columnist Robert Knight tells Breitbart News, “Mr. Pence would do well to find out what Scott Walker had for breakfast when he faced down union mobs, the media and the ruling elites.”
Governor Mike Pence of Indiana seems to have caved into enormous pressure and will ask the state legislature for new legislation to make it clear that Christian florists and bakers could be forced to participate in weddings that violate their religious beliefs.
Last week, Indiana joined 19 other states and the federal government by enacting a law to protect religious believers from governmental encroachment on religious freedom. Such legislation was cited in the recent Supreme Court Hobby Lobby decision that determined religious employers could not be forced to supply abortion drugs to employees under ObamaCare.
In a packed press conference this morning, Pence did not give specifics about what the new legislation would say, only that he wants it to make clear that “Indiana businesses will not be able to discriminate against anyone for any reason.” He said the religion freedom bill he signed was never considered by him or the bill’s sponsors to allow a “license to discriminate.”
More @ Breitbart
‘Emergency alert’ sparks panic among TV viewers across US
Via comment by Anonymous on Confederate flag causes stir during Diversity Week...
The residents of about a dozen US states received a scare when an ominous message rolled across their TV screens announcing an ‘emergency alert’ with the names of their states – without any explanation or further information.
A test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) began shortly before noon on Monday and was seen by millions of television viewers in Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and Washington, DC, Infowars reported.
The alert interrupted regularly scheduled television programs for 10 minutes with a listing of affected states and an announcement that the alert would remain in effect until midnight.
The residents of about a dozen US states received a scare when an ominous message rolled across their TV screens announcing an ‘emergency alert’ with the names of their states – without any explanation or further information.
A test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) began shortly before noon on Monday and was seen by millions of television viewers in Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and Washington, DC, Infowars reported.
The alert interrupted regularly scheduled television programs for 10 minutes with a listing of affected states and an announcement that the alert would remain in effect until midnight.
More @ RT
Patrick Henry On Why We Need the Parental Rights Amendment
Thomas Jefferson’s
position on the ratification of the Constitution was pragmatically
brilliant. He hoped that nine states would ratify the Constitution so
that the new government, which he believed to be essential, could begin
to operate. But he also hoped that four states would refuse to join in
the new government until a bill of rights was secured.
In short,
Jefferson wanted both the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
the time Virginia’s ratification convention was underway, eight other
states had voted to ratify the new constitution. It was assumed that the
ninth vote was inevitable, probably coming from New Hampshire.
Patrick Henry, a delegate to Virginia’s ratification convention, argued
against ratifying the Constitution in Virginia in hopes that Virginia’s
absence from the union would be of sufficient weight to force the new
Congress to propose amendments—including a bill of rights.
Henry failed to defeat the Constitution in Virginia. But the vote was
close enough that he secured the promise of James Madison to press the
new government to adopt a bill of rights. As Virginia’s representative
in the new Congress, Madison made good on his promise, and nearly
single-handedly moved the Bill of Rights through Congress and out to the
states for ratification.
tell you this history not just because it is interesting in its own
right, but to set the context for Patrick Henry’s arguments in favor of a
written bill of rights. At the time, everyone agreed that human
beings have rights that are gifts from God. But they disagreed on what
basis the government is obligated to observe and defend those rights.
who opposed a written bill of rights contended that rights are implied
in the law and history, and that by writing them down, we risk limiting
them. But Patrick Henry argued that implied rights, based on logical inferences and historical precedent, are not sufficiently protected.
We should listen to the wisdom of Patrick Henry once again:
More @ Parental Rights
Paralysis cluster cases linked to polio-like virus
Via avordvet
A team of researchers led by UCSF scientists has found strong evidence that recent, alarming clusters of sudden-onset paralysis cases — most of them in California and Colorado — were caused by the same virus that was also responsible for hundreds of severe respiratory infections in U.S. children last year.
Particularly worrisome is that the enterovirus identified in the research is a new strain that appears to have mutated to become more polio-like, raising the prospects of future outbreaks of the disease, scientists said in a paper published Monday.
A team of researchers led by UCSF scientists has found strong evidence that recent, alarming clusters of sudden-onset paralysis cases — most of them in California and Colorado — were caused by the same virus that was also responsible for hundreds of severe respiratory infections in U.S. children last year.
Particularly worrisome is that the enterovirus identified in the research is a new strain that appears to have mutated to become more polio-like, raising the prospects of future outbreaks of the disease, scientists said in a paper published Monday.
More @ SF Gate
Leaked document reveals ‘missing’ military gear ended up for sale on Craigslist, eBay
Via Joe
It’s not exactly Fast and Furious 2.0, but it’s still a sterling example of how incompetence, apathy and greed breed corruption in government. The Pentagon keeps losing track of explosives-detecting gear, and that gear keeps popping up for private sale on eBay.
The Intercept reported last week that the Department of Defense is in the process of attempting to track down “sensitive equipment” designed to detect roadside bombs, but the department’s uncertain how much of it has gone missing. What DOD has been able to find has turned up for sale on “the global market” through the Internet, including mainstream sites such as eBay and Craigslist.
Here’s how The Intercept described the missing tech:
It’s not exactly Fast and Furious 2.0, but it’s still a sterling example of how incompetence, apathy and greed breed corruption in government. The Pentagon keeps losing track of explosives-detecting gear, and that gear keeps popping up for private sale on eBay.
The Intercept reported last week that the Department of Defense is in the process of attempting to track down “sensitive equipment” designed to detect roadside bombs, but the department’s uncertain how much of it has gone missing. What DOD has been able to find has turned up for sale on “the global market” through the Internet, including mainstream sites such as eBay and Craigslist.
Here’s how The Intercept described the missing tech:
More @ Personal Liberty
Attempts to Undermine Democracies by Present Day Fifth Columnists
Via Joe
Nevertheless, the specter of Fifth Columnists, groups of organized traitors in America, has been a real and haunting shadow. Its origins come from the 1936 Spanish Civil War, when a rebel general spoke of his four columns advancing on Madrid, and that he also had a "fifth column" of covert collaborators in the city.
Thereafter, Nazi spies and sympathizers were commonly referred to as Fifth Columnists.

A number of our citizenry quietly wonder not whether Obama loves America, but does he actually like who we are as a society and what are the origins of his agenda to profoundly change America though social engineering.
Of critical importance is our current inability or political unwillingness to address the threat of radical Islam with nuclear arsenal capabilities – yet those who have sought to call attention to these threats are often criticized, or worse.
"It is natural for man to indulge in the illusions of hope. I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it... I know of no way of judging the future but by the past..."
— Patrick Henry, American Revolutionary War Hero.Americans have always been uncomfortable with conspiracy theories.
Nevertheless, the specter of Fifth Columnists, groups of organized traitors in America, has been a real and haunting shadow. Its origins come from the 1936 Spanish Civil War, when a rebel general spoke of his four columns advancing on Madrid, and that he also had a "fifth column" of covert collaborators in the city.
Thereafter, Nazi spies and sympathizers were commonly referred to as Fifth Columnists.
More @ Gatestone Institute
Many great pictures: Sunni Kurd Female Warriors Fighting Obama’s NWO ISIS 2015
Via comment by Anonymous on New Video Allegedly Shows Teenage Boys Delivering ...
Young YPJ recruits Fix their hair at 4:30 AM before participating in training exercises and drills, near Derek City, Syria.
A notoriously fierce segment of the Kurdish security forces are striking terror into the hearts of ISIS terrorists – female fighters. The Jihadists have no problem slaughtering defenseless women but they don’t like facing armed female warriors in battle — because they don’t believe they’ll go to heaven if they’re killed by one of them.
The first official female unit was formed in 1996 when women began combat training in opposition to Saddam Hussein’s regime. They’ve earned a reputation for bravery and skill in the battlefield – so much so Sunni Peshmerga women are sometimes compared to Amazons. You could call them the Sunni Kurdish Peshmerga’s First Cavalry Amazon Battalion.
Via PBS News, the all female unit’s commander, Col. Nahida Ahmed Rashid, said:

A notoriously fierce segment of the Kurdish security forces are striking terror into the hearts of ISIS terrorists – female fighters. The Jihadists have no problem slaughtering defenseless women but they don’t like facing armed female warriors in battle — because they don’t believe they’ll go to heaven if they’re killed by one of them.
The first official female unit was formed in 1996 when women began combat training in opposition to Saddam Hussein’s regime. They’ve earned a reputation for bravery and skill in the battlefield – so much so Sunni Peshmerga women are sometimes compared to Amazons. You could call them the Sunni Kurdish Peshmerga’s First Cavalry Amazon Battalion.
Via PBS News, the all female unit’s commander, Col. Nahida Ahmed Rashid, said:
More with pictures and video @ Political Vel Craft
Monday, March 30, 2015
NC: Gun bills filed; more coming
Another group of guns bills have been filed in the state Senate, making it likely that this session will revisit social issues -- an abortion bill has also been filed – in addition to the bigger themes of jobs and the economy.
Sen. Jeff Tarte, a Republican from Cornelius, has filed three of the gun bills.
Senate Bill 708 would create a new secret class of concealed weapons permit-holders, giving them the authority to carry handguns anywhere that law enforcement officers can, including into any place that posts a sign prohibiting concealed firearms.
Those qualified to carry the new “homeland security permits” would be given badges. They would have to undergo advanced training and other additional requirements that would have to be written by the state. The public would not be able to find out who has been given the permits.
More @ The News & Observer
San Paulo, Brazil: One of our Confederate ancestors <> Roberto is in The SCV there and is a descendant of the Cullen family
Via Carl

Cullen A Pippen A Co NC 1st Inf Died Camp Fayetteville

ISIS Caught Couple Having Sex, Stoned To Death
Via Joe
An unwed couple accused of allegedly “fornicating” without being married by the Islamic State terrorist group (ISIS) was delivered a twisted punishment by the barbarians in front of a large crowd of onlookers.
Images that emerged from Iraq show the blindfolded couple being led into the street in Mosul by masked militants, then receiving a brutal sentence as one of the men read off their charges, according to MailOnline. Pictures show piles of stones laid out in the road, awaiting to be hurled at the defenseless couple until they die from the repeated blows, all while young children and women gather around the area to witness the vicious punishment.
An unwed couple accused of allegedly “fornicating” without being married by the Islamic State terrorist group (ISIS) was delivered a twisted punishment by the barbarians in front of a large crowd of onlookers.
Images that emerged from Iraq show the blindfolded couple being led into the street in Mosul by masked militants, then receiving a brutal sentence as one of the men read off their charges, according to MailOnline. Pictures show piles of stones laid out in the road, awaiting to be hurled at the defenseless couple until they die from the repeated blows, all while young children and women gather around the area to witness the vicious punishment.
More @ Mad World News
Co-Pilot of Germanwings Airbus Was MUSLIM CONVERT …’Hero of Islamic State’
Roundabout via Generic Views
A German news website claims Andreas Lubitz was a Muslim convert.
Speisa.com reported:
According to Michael Mannheimer, a writer for German PI-News, Germany now has its own 9/11, thanks to the convert to Islam, Andreas Lubitz.
Translation from German:
All evidence indicates that the copilot of Airbus machine in his six-months break during his training as a pilot in Germanwings, converted to Islam and subsequently either by the order of “radical”, ie. devout Muslims , or received the order from the book of terror, the Quran, on his own accord decided to carry out this mass murder. As a radical mosque in Bremen is in the center of the investigation, in which the convert was staying often, it can be assumed that he – as Mohammed Atta, in the attack against New York – received his instructions directly from the immediate vicinity of the mosque.
A German news website claims Andreas Lubitz was a Muslim convert.
Speisa.com reported:
According to Michael Mannheimer, a writer for German PI-News, Germany now has its own 9/11, thanks to the convert to Islam, Andreas Lubitz.
Translation from German:
All evidence indicates that the copilot of Airbus machine in his six-months break during his training as a pilot in Germanwings, converted to Islam and subsequently either by the order of “radical”, ie. devout Muslims , or received the order from the book of terror, the Quran, on his own accord decided to carry out this mass murder. As a radical mosque in Bremen is in the center of the investigation, in which the convert was staying often, it can be assumed that he – as Mohammed Atta, in the attack against New York – received his instructions directly from the immediate vicinity of the mosque.
More @ Gateway Pundit
Pro-gunners Squeak Out a 2-0 Victory in the Senate
-- Rubio & Jordan introduce bill to repeal D.C. gun ban
ACTION: Contact your Senators and Representative. Ask them to cosponsor the GOA-backed Rubio/Jordan bill (S. 874/H.R. 1701).
Victory over Choke Point and United Nations!
We had hoped that a newly invigorated Senate Republican majority would have been a little more enthusiastic. But, in the end, we squeaked out a couple of victories on the Budget Resolution last week -- and blocked the Bloomberg brigade from ever getting to first base.
First, thanks to Senator Mike Crapo (R-ID). Senator Crapo was able to add a committee amendment to choke the anti-gun Operation Choke Point. And the “Bloomberglers” didn't even try to take it out on the floor.
As you remember, Operation Choke Point is being used to try to convince banks to shut off credit to gun dealers and manufacturers. But we expect the Crapo amendment will probably put one final stake in the heart of that vampire.
Second, thanks to Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK). An Inhofe floor amendment to shut down the UN Arms Trade Treaty passed the Senate by a vote of 59-41.
More @ GOA
Obama supports 20% reduction in military retirement pay
Via LH
Just Hunky dory.....Probably cuts disability also. Actually I might go for that as long as I don't pay ANY taxes whatsoever.
President Obama said Monday he supports the recommendations of a military commission that would reduce the size of traditional military retirement pay by about 20 percent and offer a new defined-contribution benefit for troops who leave before 20 years of service.
More @ The Washington Times
Class warfare dominant theme in Obama’s Birmingham speech deriding short-term loans
Via Jeffery
President Barack Obama spoke to a raucous crowd in the Lawson State Community College gym in Birmingham on Thursday, drawing deafening cheers from students and faculty members as he came to the stage to deliver his remarks.
The president started by issuing rare praise to Congress, commending House Speaker John Boehner and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi for bringing their deeply fractured caucuses together to pass the so called “doc fix,” which a CNN report describes as a “permanent fix” for Medicare reimbursement for doctors. Conservative groups warned that the bill could drive the country $500 billion further into debt, but it ultimately garnered wide bi-partisan support, passing by a vote of 392-37.
Mr. Obama also touted his plan to provide “free” community college to high school graduates around the country, a proposal that drew head-nods from many of the college students in attendance, but eye-rolls from conservatives who note that taxpayers will ultimately cover the costs.
Naw, who woulda thunk.......................
President Barack Obama spoke to a raucous crowd in the Lawson State Community College gym in Birmingham on Thursday, drawing deafening cheers from students and faculty members as he came to the stage to deliver his remarks.
The president started by issuing rare praise to Congress, commending House Speaker John Boehner and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi for bringing their deeply fractured caucuses together to pass the so called “doc fix,” which a CNN report describes as a “permanent fix” for Medicare reimbursement for doctors. Conservative groups warned that the bill could drive the country $500 billion further into debt, but it ultimately garnered wide bi-partisan support, passing by a vote of 392-37.
Mr. Obama also touted his plan to provide “free” community college to high school graduates around the country, a proposal that drew head-nods from many of the college students in attendance, but eye-rolls from conservatives who note that taxpayers will ultimately cover the costs.
More @ Yellow Hammer
Confederate flag causes stir during Diversity Week
A flag flap has created a stir at Windsor High School during the school's Diversity Week.
The rights of students to be able to fly flags of their choosing on school property became a discussion point after a student came to school on Tuesday flying a Confederate flag off the back of his truck.
After the flag was removed by a school administrator, a group of students took issue with the decision and responded by showing up to school the following day flying a variety of different flags, including American flags, a Confederate flag, a "Don't Tread On Me" flag and a Georgia state flag, from their vehicles.

A flag flap has created a stir at Windsor High School during the school's Diversity Week.
The rights of students to be able to fly flags of their choosing on school property became a discussion point after a student came to school on Tuesday flying a Confederate flag off the back of his truck.
After the flag was removed by a school administrator, a group of students took issue with the decision and responded by showing up to school the following day flying a variety of different flags, including American flags, a Confederate flag, a "Don't Tread On Me" flag and a Georgia state flag, from their vehicles.
More @ USA Today
Concealed Carry Permit Holder Stops Gunman During Attempted Mass Shooting
Via John
According NBC Philadelphia, the incident arose after two men got into a fight in the barbershop. An unnamed 40-year-old man fought with another customer then pulled out a gun and started shooting.
On March 22 a man who opened fire on children and adults in a Philadelphia barbershop was shot and killed by a citizen with a concealed carry permit.
The armed citizen had been walking by the barbershop when he heard gunshots. He ran inside and shot the gunman.According NBC Philadelphia, the incident arose after two men got into a fight in the barbershop. An unnamed 40-year-old man fought with another customer then pulled out a gun and started shooting.
More @ Breitbart
In regard to duty,
let me, in conclusion of this hasty letter, inform you that nearly a
hundred years ago there was a day of remarkable gloom and darkness --
still known as "the dark day" -- a day when the light of the sun was
slowly extinguished, as if by an eclipse.
The Legislature of Connecticut was in session, and as its members saw the unexpected and unaccountable darkness coming on, they shared in general awe and terror. It was supposed by many that the last day -- the day of judgment -- had come. Some one, in the consternation of the hour, moved an adjournment.
Then there arose an old Puritan legislator, Davenport, of Stamford, and said that, if the last day had come, he desired to be found at his place doing his duty, and therefore moved that candles be brought in, so that the House could proceed with its duty.
The Legislature of Connecticut was in session, and as its members saw the unexpected and unaccountable darkness coming on, they shared in general awe and terror. It was supposed by many that the last day -- the day of judgment -- had come. Some one, in the consternation of the hour, moved an adjournment.
Then there arose an old Puritan legislator, Davenport, of Stamford, and said that, if the last day had come, he desired to be found at his place doing his duty, and therefore moved that candles be brought in, so that the House could proceed with its duty.
There was quietness in that man's mind, the quietness of heavenly wisdom and inflexible willingness to obey present duty. Duty, then, is the sublimest word in our language. Do your duty in all things like the old Puritan. You cannot do more; you should never wish to do less. Never let your mother or me wear one gray hair for any lack of duty on your part.
Via Carl
This is our song written by myself, Donna Nolan-Wilson, Greg Wilson and Barbara Sharp about Vietnam Veterans and the lack of respect they were shown when they returned home. You can pick up the DVD of this song as well Purple Heart and Second Son at Amazon:http://amzn.com/B00BD7FXWY You can also download this song at Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Duty-Called/dp/...
This song was written with an 18 year old soldier named Bobby. He did not return home. He gave his life in Vietnam.
This song was inspired by Bobby Dale Swindell. He was a SGT - E5 - Army - Selective Service in the 25th Infantry Division. 24 year old single, Caucasian, Male born on December 1, 1941. He was from Dallas, Texas. His length of service was supposed to be 2 years. His tour of duty began on April 16th, 1966 and he became a casualty of war on May 17th, 1966 in South Vietnam. He died as a result of Hostile fire, ground casualty and other explosive device. His body was recovered. His religion was Baptist. "Duty Called and He Answered"
Ammo Test: Remington’s Ultimate Defense 38 Special +P

For this test, I decided to use a snub-nose revolver, a Ruger LCR 357.
I use Speer LE .357 158 GR HP in my LCR.
For the first couple episodes of the Great GunsAmerica Ammo Adventure, we looked at some interesting rifle rounds: the new Sig Sauer 300 Blackout Match Subsonic and Doubletap’s new 6.8 Remington SPC 90 grain Bonded Defense. They’re both really interesting, and if you consider the results, high-performance rifle cartridges. Now it’s time to drift into every day carry territory. For the next few episodes, we’ll take a close look at really common caliber options that make up a large proportion of concealed carry firearms.
This week’s feature is the Remington Ultimate Defense 38 Special +P 125 grain. If you look at the new Ultimate Defense bullets, they might seem familiar. They share the design of the famous Golden Saber projectiles. One difference you may encounter in the product family is that Remington is developing some loads optimized for short barrel handguns. Projectiles for the Compact Handgun loads are intended to expand more easily at lower velocities generated from shorter barrel guns.
More @ Guns America
A nice handheld flamethrower?
Via Michael Downing
Every time I'm sipping wine with tortured tech types, they always explain to me that this is a mobile world.
Some things, though, are still a touch cumbersome. Flamethrowers, for example.
How delightful then that Monday sees the launch of the XM42. This nifty little thing claims to be the "the world's first commercially available handheld flamethrower."
You've always wanted one of those, haven't you? To attack those pesky garden weeds, for example. And to generally feel a little better about yourself.
Every time I'm sipping wine with tortured tech types, they always explain to me that this is a mobile world.
Some things, though, are still a touch cumbersome. Flamethrowers, for example.
How delightful then that Monday sees the launch of the XM42. This nifty little thing claims to be the "the world's first commercially available handheld flamethrower."
You've always wanted one of those, haven't you? To attack those pesky garden weeds, for example. And to generally feel a little better about yourself.
More @ CNET
The Bear and the Community Organizer
Via David
Vladimir Putin scheduled the war to retake the Baltic States – Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – for the first half of the last Final Four college basketball game. He anticipated, correctly, that the President’s focus would be on his brackets instead of Russia’s plan to recapture its former glory.
The signs were all there – prior aggression in Georgia, the invasion of Ukraine, the unscheduled “maneuvers” in both Russia and Belarus adjacent to the panicking Baltic States’ borders, the provocative military flights into their airspace and that of nearby Sweden. And the administration, fixated on pushing through its domestic agenda and a legacy-building nuclear deal with Iran at all costs, ignored them.
A week before, the Secretary of State had said in an interview that, “Russia has a legitimate interest in Eastern Europe that we in the West are bound to respect.” Putin had taken that as tacit validation of a Russian sphere of influence over its former subject states.
Vladimir Putin scheduled the war to retake the Baltic States – Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – for the first half of the last Final Four college basketball game. He anticipated, correctly, that the President’s focus would be on his brackets instead of Russia’s plan to recapture its former glory.
The signs were all there – prior aggression in Georgia, the invasion of Ukraine, the unscheduled “maneuvers” in both Russia and Belarus adjacent to the panicking Baltic States’ borders, the provocative military flights into their airspace and that of nearby Sweden. And the administration, fixated on pushing through its domestic agenda and a legacy-building nuclear deal with Iran at all costs, ignored them.
A week before, the Secretary of State had said in an interview that, “Russia has a legitimate interest in Eastern Europe that we in the West are bound to respect.” Putin had taken that as tacit validation of a Russian sphere of influence over its former subject states.
More @ Townhall
Via Billy
attorney, Larry
Klayman, reported that the RICO lawsuit accuses the Clintons of
engaging in a criminal enterprise during the last 10 years with the
goal of enriching themselves personally.

former Department of Justice prosecutor, now heading a public-interest
watchdog group, filed a RICO-related civil lawsuit against former Secretary
of State Hillary Clinton, former President Bill Clinton and their lucrative
family foundation. The lawsuit filed on March 24 before the U.S. District
Court for the Southern District of Florida alleges that the Clintons
and their foundation committed criminal violations under
the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO).
More @ News With Views
Secession Makes More Sense Than Article V Convention of States
Via Billy
The latest craze throughout many Tea Party groups is to
support the notion that our Constitution should be changed. This
ill-conceived idea didn’t just come from Mark Levin’s book, the “Liberty
Amendments.” It has been planned for decades and has been pushed by,
both, the left and the right since the 1970’s.
In order to achieve the ultimate goals of the globalist movement, the Constitutional re-writers must transform our existing form of government (a Republic). Remember, Obama used the words “fundamentally transformed” and Michael Farris calls it, “structurally changed.” The effort began with the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations in 1964 and is recently pushed through several Non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) such as ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council), on the right, and their counterpart on the left, the National Conference of State Legislators (NCSL).
The last push for an Article V convention was done by the left (in 1995) and was supported by ALEC…now it’s being sold to the other side with ALEC at the helm.
Why the “Convention of States” Project won’t work
…but secession will
In order to achieve the ultimate goals of the globalist movement, the Constitutional re-writers must transform our existing form of government (a Republic). Remember, Obama used the words “fundamentally transformed” and Michael Farris calls it, “structurally changed.” The effort began with the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations in 1964 and is recently pushed through several Non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) such as ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council), on the right, and their counterpart on the left, the National Conference of State Legislators (NCSL).
The last push for an Article V convention was done by the left (in 1995) and was supported by ALEC…now it’s being sold to the other side with ALEC at the helm.
More with videos @ Voices of Liberty
Kill the Kulaks
The Gruesome Story of a Murdered Tennessee Couple You May Have Never Heard – But That You Will Never Forget
Why have America’s leading organs of influence decided to demonize white, Christian men as the most uniquely evil group in the history of the world? Why is it necessary for students, especially of that ethnic group, to unpack their invisible knapsacks?
The answer is that these men are routinely targeted for politically-empowered looting, usually by their own wives, with the assistance of the state. This looting would not be morally palatable without a pervasive myth of uniquely white male evil. It would otherwise trip the moral alarms that might otherwise come up when dissolving a family for personal gain.
The growth in anti-white-male op-eds in influential magazines makes more sense when you look at the real lives of middle class men, which are often marked by either divorce or threatened divorce, which typically involves an enormous transfer of valuable assets from the man to his ex-wife. This expropriation would have been regarded as execrable even just 50 years ago, but with the assistance of a powerful guilt-myth, it goes down much easier.
Why have America’s leading organs of influence decided to demonize white, Christian men as the most uniquely evil group in the history of the world? Why is it necessary for students, especially of that ethnic group, to unpack their invisible knapsacks?
The answer is that these men are routinely targeted for politically-empowered looting, usually by their own wives, with the assistance of the state. This looting would not be morally palatable without a pervasive myth of uniquely white male evil. It would otherwise trip the moral alarms that might otherwise come up when dissolving a family for personal gain.
The growth in anti-white-male op-eds in influential magazines makes more sense when you look at the real lives of middle class men, which are often marked by either divorce or threatened divorce, which typically involves an enormous transfer of valuable assets from the man to his ex-wife. This expropriation would have been regarded as execrable even just 50 years ago, but with the assistance of a powerful guilt-myth, it goes down much easier.
More @ Henry Dampier
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Blacks Get Pilloried for Speaking Truth about Ferguson
Washington Post columnist Jonathan Capehart stopped toeing the
liberal policy line for just a moment. That was long enough for the Left
to denounce this black man as a race traitor.
“Sellout,” carping online critics called him. “House Negro,” snarled
Capehart’s crime? In a March 16 op-ed headlined ‘“Hands up, don’t shoot’
was built on a lie,” he explained that he wrongly advanced the
narrative that exploded after the death of Michael Brown, an unarmed
18-year-old cigar thief, at the hands of former Ferguson, Mo., police
officer Darren Wilson. Capehart cited the Department of Justice’s final
report on Ferguson. DOJ says that eyewitnesses that day.
More @ NRO
Hillary destroys evidence
Via David
The House Select Committee on Benghazi sent Hillary Clinton a subpoena for all her emails related to Libya on March 4. The committee statement on the issuance of the subpoena to Clinton is posted here. The committee followed up with a letter dated March 19 formally requesting Clinton’s email server. A PDF of the letter is posted here. After obtaining a two-week extension, Clinton attorney David Kendall responded by letter:
In a letter provided to the committee, Kendall said Clinton would not be turning over the server to a third-party for review and that the emails no longer exist on the private server located in her New York home.
“There is no basis to support the proposed third-party review of the server that hosted the hdr22@clintonemail.com account,” Kendall wrote. “To avoid prolonging a discussion that would be academic, I have confirmed with the secretary’s IT support that no emails…..for the time period January 21, 2009 through February 1, 2013 reside on the server or on any back-up systems associated with the server.”
The House Select Committee on Benghazi sent Hillary Clinton a subpoena for all her emails related to Libya on March 4. The committee statement on the issuance of the subpoena to Clinton is posted here. The committee followed up with a letter dated March 19 formally requesting Clinton’s email server. A PDF of the letter is posted here. After obtaining a two-week extension, Clinton attorney David Kendall responded by letter:
In a letter provided to the committee, Kendall said Clinton would not be turning over the server to a third-party for review and that the emails no longer exist on the private server located in her New York home.
“There is no basis to support the proposed third-party review of the server that hosted the hdr22@clintonemail.com account,” Kendall wrote. “To avoid prolonging a discussion that would be academic, I have confirmed with the secretary’s IT support that no emails…..for the time period January 21, 2009 through February 1, 2013 reside on the server or on any back-up systems associated with the server.”
More @ Powerline
Protesters caught taunting the police after Boston cop was shot during traffic stop
Via Joe
The Boston police officer and former Army Ranger who was shot in the face during a traffic stop is in an induced coma and doctors are not sure if he’s going to make it.
But he was a good boy, never harmed a soul............
The Boston police officer and former Army Ranger who was shot in the face during a traffic stop is in an induced coma and doctors are not sure if he’s going to make it.
More with video @ Young Conservatives
Psychiatric medications found in home of Germanwings pilot Andreas Lubitz, who underwent 18 months of psychiatric 'treatment'
Via Wes
Just as Natural News publicly predicted in a widely-circulated article entitled Germanwings jetliner catastrophe: The first antidepressant drug-induced mass murder of the skies?, psychiatric drugs have now been located and identified by law enforcement authorities searching the home of the murder-suicide co-pilot.
As the Straits Times now reports:
Just as Natural News publicly predicted in a widely-circulated article entitled Germanwings jetliner catastrophe: The first antidepressant drug-induced mass murder of the skies?, psychiatric drugs have now been located and identified by law enforcement authorities searching the home of the murder-suicide co-pilot.
As the Straits Times now reports:
More @ Natural News
Government supports dismissal of Ares Armor case against ATF
Via Joe
Lawyers for the Department of Justice submitted a memorandum Friday in the United States District Court, Southern District of California, in support of defendant’s motion to dismiss Lycurgan, Inc., dba Ares Armor vs. B. Todd Jones [successor name to be substituted], in his official capacity as Head of the San Diego Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. The case involves Ares’ contention that ATF erred and overstepped its authority in declaring the firm’s EP80 polymer precursor receivers (“80 percent receivers”) to be complete receivers, and thus “firearms” as defined by the Gun Control Act of 1968.
Lawyers for the Department of Justice submitted a memorandum Friday in the United States District Court, Southern District of California, in support of defendant’s motion to dismiss Lycurgan, Inc., dba Ares Armor vs. B. Todd Jones [successor name to be substituted], in his official capacity as Head of the San Diego Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. The case involves Ares’ contention that ATF erred and overstepped its authority in declaring the firm’s EP80 polymer precursor receivers (“80 percent receivers”) to be complete receivers, and thus “firearms” as defined by the Gun Control Act of 1968.
More @ Examiner
How Long America? In Which the Unthinkable is Thunk
Is it possible for the United States to break up, either de facto or formally?
I wonder. The country is not a happy place. Today it is more consciously and resentfully divided, politically, regionally, racially and by sex and class than perhaps ever before. The rich prosper and the middle class sink. Three major racial blocs eye each other with fear and hostility. The hard left controls the media and government against the desires of much of the country, enforcing social engineering that is deeply disliked. Feminists make war on men, and destroy the schools and universities. Washington is widely loathed. Rules, laws, and regulations never voted on grow ever more burdensome and intrusive. Many quietly want out. The question is how to get there.
A breakup will not come by armed secession. We tried that, with poor results. It will come, if it does, by gradual degrees, by inadvertence, by quietly ignoring the central government, by incremental defiance. This has begun. Whether it will continue remains to be seen.
More @ Fred On Everything
New Video Allegedly Shows Teenage Boys Delivering Captives to Islamic State Terrorists for Group Beheading
Via Joe
A new video released by the Islamic State terror group shows its members cutting off the heads of eight men said to be Shiite Muslims — and they were purportedly walked to their deaths by teenage boys.
The video posted on social media Sunday shows the captives, wearing orange uniforms with their hands tied behind their backs, being led to their executions by teenage boys.
A new video released by the Islamic State terror group shows its members cutting off the heads of eight men said to be Shiite Muslims — and they were purportedly walked to their deaths by teenage boys.
The video posted on social media Sunday shows the captives, wearing orange uniforms with their hands tied behind their backs, being led to their executions by teenage boys.
More @ The Blaze
"New Orleans is New Orleans. We love it, but we understand where we live."
Via comment by Anonymous on Black Lies Matter
36-year-old Michael Price, with his
three children. Carrying less than $20, he was delivering a pizza in 95
percent black Lower 9th Ward in New Orleans, where his body was
discovered "riddled with bullets."
The Lord said, “If I find fifty righteous people in the city of Sodom, I will spare the whole place for their sake.” -- Genesis 18:26
The Lower 9th Ward is America's version of Sodom, and God's judgement fell upon this area of New Orleans in 2005.
Almost ten years later, a white father of three found himself delivering a pizza to an address in the Lower 9th Ward.
And for the second time in six months, a white pizza deliveryman was murdered by blacks.

The Lord said, “If I find fifty righteous people in the city of Sodom, I will spare the whole place for their sake.” -- Genesis 18:26
The Lower 9th Ward is America's version of Sodom, and God's judgement fell upon this area of New Orleans in 2005.
Almost ten years later, a white father of three found himself delivering a pizza to an address in the Lower 9th Ward.
And for the second time in six months, a white pizza deliveryman was murdered by blacks.
Solo Climbing - Dan Osman at Lovers Leap
Via Daughter Virginia
Dan Osman - The Phantom Lord...Solo Climbing the 'Lovers Leap, California"
A true inspiration to all Adventurers and Extreme sport junkies...
Died what he loved doing the most...but will always be in our hearts..
The Law of Unintended Consequences And Suicidal Pilots
Via Terry
The Law has been on vivid display with the suicide plunge of the Germanwings A320 into a French mountainside. It has been possible to see the heads of some of media types bulging under the pressure of trying to understand that there are no perfect decisions; that every decision involves compromise and needs to be based on trying to optimize conflicting outcomes. "We reinforced cockpit doors and now we can't break them down when we need to!!" "Someone has to DO something!!" As always, when you the hear that, at a minimum put your hand on your wallet. At worst, prepare to be railroaded "for safety".
I don't know that it has reached its peak, but the insanity certainly cranked up to 11 today on Fox News' "Bulls and Bears" business program with the first segment debating whether or not every cockpit in every plane, should live stream video of what's going on in the cockpit to the ground. The common argument was "it's cheap".
No. It's. Not. A single webcam is cheap. The infrastructure they're suggesting to minimize the occurrence of an incredibly rare act is absolutely not.

The Law has been on vivid display with the suicide plunge of the Germanwings A320 into a French mountainside. It has been possible to see the heads of some of media types bulging under the pressure of trying to understand that there are no perfect decisions; that every decision involves compromise and needs to be based on trying to optimize conflicting outcomes. "We reinforced cockpit doors and now we can't break them down when we need to!!" "Someone has to DO something!!" As always, when you the hear that, at a minimum put your hand on your wallet. At worst, prepare to be railroaded "for safety".
I don't know that it has reached its peak, but the insanity certainly cranked up to 11 today on Fox News' "Bulls and Bears" business program with the first segment debating whether or not every cockpit in every plane, should live stream video of what's going on in the cockpit to the ground. The common argument was "it's cheap".
No. It's. Not. A single webcam is cheap. The infrastructure they're suggesting to minimize the occurrence of an incredibly rare act is absolutely not.
More @ The Silicon Graybeard
NC: Most voters believe concealed carry permits are necessary, survey says
Gun supporters and gun protesters alike have almost unanimously come together to draw the line on one aspect of the debate — that people need to obtain a permit to carry a concealed weapon.
With the help of Everytown for Gun Safety, a left-leaning advocacy movement, Strategies 360 recently released a report that found 88 percent of likely voters oppose concealed carry without a permit.
While usually polarized between the two sides, voters who support concealed carry — 57 percent — and voters who believe it should be illegal — 40 percent — agree there ought to be a permit system before buying a handgun.(Cause' no way they can buy one off the streets for $100..........)
More @ Daily Tarheel
BATFE "Air Force" Grounded Again
Via Jeffery
Days after the BATFE had its ears trimmed by Congress after trying to ban M855 ammunition, a D.O.J. Inspector General audit
has revealed that over the last few years, the agency spent hundreds of
thousands of taxpayer dollars trying to achieve one of its long held
ambitions, a private air force, of sorts.
Long held, indeed. In 1995, a mere two years after the then-BATF’s deadly debacle in Waco, Texas, the agency acquired 22 OV-10 “Bronco” warplanes from the military. Though designed to carry machine guns, missiles, rockets, and bombs, nine of the planes in the BATF’s squadron were “being used for surveillance and photography,” while the rest were for spare parts, the agency said.
The following year, NRA learned that the military had transferred the warplanes to the BATF through a dummy salvage corporation and a fictitious outfit called American Warbirds, Inc., which had offices in an unmarked building occupied by the BATF near Washington, D.C.

Long held, indeed. In 1995, a mere two years after the then-BATF’s deadly debacle in Waco, Texas, the agency acquired 22 OV-10 “Bronco” warplanes from the military. Though designed to carry machine guns, missiles, rockets, and bombs, nine of the planes in the BATF’s squadron were “being used for surveillance and photography,” while the rest were for spare parts, the agency said.
The following year, NRA learned that the military had transferred the warplanes to the BATF through a dummy salvage corporation and a fictitious outfit called American Warbirds, Inc., which had offices in an unmarked building occupied by the BATF near Washington, D.C.
More @ NRA-ILA
Black Lies Matter
I did not want to give Ferguson and Fat Albert Garner in Staten Island a single molecule of oxygen, but we had some protesters a few weekends ago in my town, obstructing traffic and marching through the streets, chanting “Black lives matter” and “I can’t breathe” and “Hands up-don’t shoot”, and it really is aggravating. I don’t know who these five or six-dozen people think they are winning over by causing massive traffic backups and disrupting peoples’ dinners at the street cafes and restaurants downtown. I am just infuriated by the lies, and so many people being hurt by them. The bile and hatred on Twitter over this shit is horrendous… I’ve never seen anything like it. Racial relations in this country are in a terrible ebb tide, much degraded from just twenty years ago.
Black Americans, you have got to snap out of this. You have to stop listening to the media and the racial grievance industry. This shit is simply not true. If you believe these memes, there are only two possibilities: you are ignorant of the facts and too lazy or too stupid to go find those facts, or you are a knowing and willing co-conspirator in perpetrating this hoax. You are a chump, or an asshole, and quite possibly both.
Here’s a hint: Anytime you hear Al Sharpton say anything, assume the opposite is true.
I did not want to give Ferguson and Fat Albert Garner in Staten Island a single molecule of oxygen, but we had some protesters a few weekends ago in my town, obstructing traffic and marching through the streets, chanting “Black lives matter” and “I can’t breathe” and “Hands up-don’t shoot”, and it really is aggravating. I don’t know who these five or six-dozen people think they are winning over by causing massive traffic backups and disrupting peoples’ dinners at the street cafes and restaurants downtown. I am just infuriated by the lies, and so many people being hurt by them. The bile and hatred on Twitter over this shit is horrendous… I’ve never seen anything like it. Racial relations in this country are in a terrible ebb tide, much degraded from just twenty years ago.
Black Americans, you have got to snap out of this. You have to stop listening to the media and the racial grievance industry. This shit is simply not true. If you believe these memes, there are only two possibilities: you are ignorant of the facts and too lazy or too stupid to go find those facts, or you are a knowing and willing co-conspirator in perpetrating this hoax. You are a chump, or an asshole, and quite possibly both.
Here’s a hint: Anytime you hear Al Sharpton say anything, assume the opposite is true.
More @ Taxicab Depressions
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