Maybe Jacksonville area?
Monday, September 26, 2016
“Won’t you kiss me?” My reply came quickly, “Why I would not kiss a Yankee!” How When I Was Little: A tale of life in Mississippi during the War
“Tell us about when you were little” was the oft repeated request of two lovely wee girls, my grandchildren and now comes the request that I put it down in writing. Viewed from their own childhood of peace and plenty mine seemed a strange one.
Impressed by mother’s courage
Looking backward to that long ago childhood, the thing that impresses me most was the undaunted courage of my mother. My father, Dr. Reden Nauflet Parker, was a surgeon in the Confederate Army and her four brothers were in the same army. She was left with two little children to care for and get along as best she could. No man to shield and protect her.
More @ The Abbeville Institute
Leaving Poor Women Their Tears and Their Memory
Gen. Samuel G. French was New Jersey-born and living in Mississippi when the war commenced; he assumed command of North Carolina’s Cape Fear District in March, 1862 and fortified the city against attack from the sea. His adjutant from then through the end of the war was Captain Charles D. Myers, a native of New York City and successful prewar merchant in Wilmington. (Myer’s was an early member of Wilmington’s prestigious Cape Fear Club). French possessed a dim view of Sherman’s abilities as a military officer.
Bernhard Thuersam, The Great American Political Divide
Leaving Poor Women Their Tears and Their Memory
“The much-vaunted “march to the sea” was a pleasure excursion, through a well-cultivated country . . Sherman boastfully writes that he “destroyed two hundred sixty-five miles of railroad, carried off ten thousand mules, and countless slaves; that he did damage to the amount of $100,000,000. Of this, his army got $20,000,000, and the $80,000,000 was waste,” as they went “looting” through Georgia.
But not content with this, when “this cruel war was over,” he presented the delectable spectacle of “how we went thieving through Georgia” at the grand review of his army in Washington, by mounting his bummers on mules laden with chickens, ducks, geese, lambs, pigs and other farm productions, unblushingly displayed, to cover up the concealed money, jewelry and plate taken from the helpless women – to delight the President, to edify the loyal people, to gratify the hatred of the populace to the South, to popularize the thirst for plundering made by his troops, to be an object lesson to the present generation, to instill a broader view of moral right, to heighten modest sensibilities, to refine the delicate tastes of young ladies, to humiliate a conquered people; or wherefore was this unwise “Punch and Judy” show given?
During the revolutionary war, when the British fleet ascended the Potomac river, one ship sailed up to Mount Vernon – the residence of the arch rebel, Washington – and made a requisition for provisions which his agent filled. The English commander must have been a gentleman because he did not burn the dwelling, insult the family, nor commit robbery!!!
Gen. Bradley T. Johnston, in his life of General J.E. Johnston, quotes that, “Abubekr in the year 634 gave his chiefs of the army of Syria orders as follows: Remember that you are always in the presence of God, on the verge of death, and in the assurance of judgment and the hope of paradise. When you fight the battles of the Lord acquit yourselves like men, without turning your backs; but let not your victory be stained with the blood of women and children. Destroy no palm tree, nor burn any fields of corn . . . nor do any mischief to cattle, only such as you kill to eat . . .”
It is not I who charge Sherman with destroying cornfields, cutting down fruit trees, or “driving off one cow and one pig;” he himself boasts as having done it. If he did take “one cow and one pig,” he kindly left the poor women their tears and their memory.”
(Two Wars, The Autobiography & Diary of Gen. Samuel G. French, CSA, Confederate Veteran, 1901, pp. 264-266)
Sherman’s Progressive Soldiers at Smithfield

It is said the path Sherman’s “bummers” cut through North Carolina left a trail devoid of roosters, which no longer crowed in the morning because they didn’t exist. One Northern general wrote that his foragers were in truth “highwaymen, with all of their cruelty and ferocity and none of their courage; their victims are usually old men, women and children, and Negroes whom they rob and maltreat without mercy, firing dwellings and outbuildings filled with grain . . . These men are a disgrace to the name of soldier and country.”
Bernhard Thuersam, The Great American Political Divide
Sherman’s Progressive Soldiers at Smithfield
[Northern Chaplain John J. Hight’s diary] Wednesday, April 12 [1865]:
“This has been a morning of most wonderful excitement and enthusiasm. A dispatch has been read to each Regiment, from General Sherman, announcing the capture of [Gen. Robert E.] Lee’s entire army by General Grant. Such a serenade of bands Smithfield [North Carolina] has never had before, and will never have again. The troops move rapidly across the Neuse [River] . . . the design is to push on towards Raleigh and bring [Gen. Joseph E.] Johnston to an engagement, if possible.
We yesterday passed a house where there had been skirmishing. The woman declared that the shooting almost scared her to death. “Was it infantry or cavalry?” inquired someone.
I took a walk about the town. The Masonic and Odd Fellows’ Halls have been rifled. In the latter there is a skeleton, in a coffin. Saw an old dismounted gun lying near the riverbank. It must date back to as early as the Revolution.
At the court house I noticed the shelves, in the offices, are emptied of their contents on the floor. The archives of [Johnston] county lie in confusion amongst the dirt. Many of the documents date back to old colonial times, when legal proceedings were done in the King’s name.
The churches are [broken] open, and the books scattered about the pews. At the graveyard I noticed the graves of a number of rebels, bearing ominous dates – about the time of the Bentonville fight. In the same yard there is blood, seemingly where one of our soldiers was killed yesterday.
[Sherman’s] aide-de-camp, Major Henry Hitchcock provides more details: “At Smithfield, on the morning of the 12th [of April] . . . Even in Smithfield the public stocks “went up” – visibly; for some of “the boys” set fire to them.” I refer to the wooden stocks, near the jail, a comfortable institution for the improvement of criminals which the “conservative Old North State has retained from colonial times.
Another Sherman aide-de-camp, Major Nichols, adds . . . “The court house and jail stand in the public square, and that relic of the past, the public stocks, stood by the side of the jail until our progressive soldiers cut down the machine and burned it.”
(Smithfield, As Seen by Sherman’s Soldiers, Don Wharton, 1977, Smithfield Herald Publishing Company, excerpts, pp. 8-11
5 killed in 48 hours in Jeffco: 'Black lives must mean more to black people,' Roper says
Via Billy
A violent weekend in Jefferson County left five people dead in just over 48 hours, including a 4-year-old boy playing outside who got caught in the crossfire of an argument over a cell phone.
Three people were shot to death Friday: two in a shootout at a Fairfield gas station, and another inside a downtown Birmingham motel. On Sunday afternoon, the little boy was shot in Birmingham's Ensley community and then, just hours later, a 28-year-old man was killed in the Marks Village public housing community in Gate city.
"Across the nation and in our own metro area, too many of our urban communities are challenged with senseless gun violence,'' Birmingham police Chief A.C. Roper told Sunday night. "Quite too often our young men of color are pulling a trigger to solve the most basic disagreement where they not only destroy their own lives, but their families and communities."
A violent weekend in Jefferson County left five people dead in just over 48 hours, including a 4-year-old boy playing outside who got caught in the crossfire of an argument over a cell phone.
Three people were shot to death Friday: two in a shootout at a Fairfield gas station, and another inside a downtown Birmingham motel. On Sunday afternoon, the little boy was shot in Birmingham's Ensley community and then, just hours later, a 28-year-old man was killed in the Marks Village public housing community in Gate city.
"Across the nation and in our own metro area, too many of our urban communities are challenged with senseless gun violence,'' Birmingham police Chief A.C. Roper told Sunday night. "Quite too often our young men of color are pulling a trigger to solve the most basic disagreement where they not only destroy their own lives, but their families and communities."
More @ AL
The Appalachian Messenger September 23, 2016
This week’s edition of the Appalachian Messenger has articles by:
Robert Gore
Corrupt and Deranged
T.L. Davis
More Akin To Goebbles
Paul Rosenberg
Purpose Or Perish
Click here for the September 23, 2016 edition.
Hammering Lee on the Anvil of Richmond
Lee and Grant were career polar opposites: Lee graduated from West Point with high honors in 1829 and in his long, distinguished record personified the ideals of the Corps of Cadets and the army; Grant excelled only in horsemanship and washed out of the army amid charges of alcoholism. Lee became known as the greatest general of the American military; Grant won his war of attrition with an endless supply of raw cannon fodder provided by Lincoln.
Bernhard Thuersam, The Great American Political Divide
Hammering Lee on the Anvil of Richmond
“Impelled by the relentless policy of total subjugation of the secessionist States, [Grant’s] movements took the form of four major attacks that gradually gathered headway along the front of Federal deployment from the Mississippi River to Chesapeake Bay. Poorly coordinated in their incipiency and pressed without guidance of objectives stating in military terms the long range plans of political policy . . . while slowly strangling the economic life of the South in the tightening grip of the blockade . . .
The Federal striking force aggregated in round numbers 300,000 effectives. The Confederates mustered some 145,000 troops for defense of threatened areas. The aggregate strength of the United States armies as estimated on the basis of returns during April 1864 . . . was 745,000. A similar computation gives a Confederate total of 303,367.
[Meade’s army] (a total of 120,000) were to advance under personal direction of the supreme commander [Grant] . . . and destroy Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia (63,000) . . . [and] the Army of the James [33,000 under Butler] occupying the Confederate capital, if possible, or containing enemy troops that might otherwise move toward Lee.
Commanding a field force of 23,000 in the Shenandoah Valley, Major-General Franz Sigel was to act as a sort of flank guard on the right of the [Meade’s army] by advancing toward the Confederate rail center at Lynchburg. [The center] column under Sherman (100,000) would push from Chattanooga down the mountain corridor, destroying Joseph E. Johnston’s army (64,000) and breaking up the enemy’s war resources in Georgia.
On the right, [Gen. Nathaniel P.] Banks would disengage his column operating on the Red River, for assembly at New Orleans [and] deliver the rear attack through Mobile so insistently urged by Grant during the past year.
Grant was deprived of the dislocating effects of a rear attack through Mobile by Banks’ mismanagement of the Red River campaign, and was denied the assistance that should have been given by the supporting movements of Butler and Sigel, both of whom bungled their assignments within two weeks after his own crossing of the Rapidan [River].
Grant then had no other alternative but to hammer Lee on the anvil of Richmond while Sherman’s devouring host swept through the heartland of the South.”
(The Wilderness Campaign, The Meeting of Grant and Lee, Edward Steere, Stackpole Books, excerpts, pp. 14-18)
Burns Chronicles No 30 Officer? What Officer?
In the Indictments, both in Oregon and Nevada, there is one Count that raises some serious questions. The exact wording, to the extent of understanding the charges being made, is as follows:
For Oregon:
(Conspiracy to Impede Officers of the United States)
(18 u.s.c. § 372)
On or about November 5, 2015, and continuing through February 12, 2016, in the District of Oregon, defendants…
It then goes on to list the Defendants and makes some rather general
accusations, WITHOUT naming “Officers” or, how they were impeded.Next, we look to the Nevada Indictment:
Conspiracy to Impede or Injure a Federal Officer
(Title 18, United States Code, Section 372)
The statute cited reads:
More @ Outpost of Freedom
Watch Lecture Five for “Public Policy from a Constitutional Viewpoint”
In direct violation of Article I, Section I of the Constitution, the vast majority of federal rules and regulations that govern Americans are not debated and passed by our elected representatives in Congress. Instead, they are promulgated by various administrative agencies that hold in their hands all three powers of government: legislative, executive, and judicial. The very definition of governmental tyranny, this kind of rule by unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats poses a serious threat to freedom.
More @ Hillsdale
When ‘deplorables’ took back their country
Via Billy
The 1829 inauguration of Andrew Jackson
ranks as the most raucous in American history. Presidents in those days
traditionally held open house for the general public after being sworn
in, but no one anticipated that hordes of Jackson’s
rough-and-tumble supporters would descend on the nation’s capital for
the big day or that they would troupe over to the White House following
his inaugural address to shake his hand and guzzle free booze.
The party soon spun out of control. China and glassware were smashed, punch bowls and liquor spilled, and mud tracked over fine carpets as men in dirty boots stood on chairs to get a better look at the new president. Washington’s more sedate residents surveyed the chaos and shuddered. They no doubt saw his supporters as “a basket of deplorables,” but historians today view this event as symbolizing a seismic shift in American politics: the Jacksonian Revolution.
The Jacksonian Revolution was a reaction to much the same kind of elitism and condescension that Hillary Clinton displayed when she told a select group of her snotty, well-heeled contributors in Manhattan that half of Donald Trump’s supporters are “deplorables” and the other half, in effect, a bunch of losers who aren’t smart enough to vote for her.
Will Donald Trump lead a second Jacksonian Revolution?
The party soon spun out of control. China and glassware were smashed, punch bowls and liquor spilled, and mud tracked over fine carpets as men in dirty boots stood on chairs to get a better look at the new president. Washington’s more sedate residents surveyed the chaos and shuddered. They no doubt saw his supporters as “a basket of deplorables,” but historians today view this event as symbolizing a seismic shift in American politics: the Jacksonian Revolution.
The Jacksonian Revolution was a reaction to much the same kind of elitism and condescension that Hillary Clinton displayed when she told a select group of her snotty, well-heeled contributors in Manhattan that half of Donald Trump’s supporters are “deplorables” and the other half, in effect, a bunch of losers who aren’t smart enough to vote for her.
More @ The Washington Times
LI Teacher Faces Backlash Over Facebook Post Calling Students ‘Racist’
Via Billy
A Long Island teacher faces backlash over a Facebook post calling some of her students “racist.”
The halls of Smithtown High School West echoed with debate and heated conversation Friday as students reacted to the world language teacher’s social media post.
A screenshot of Veronica Welsh’s post was circulated, which read, “This week is spirit week at Smithtown HS West. It’s easy to spot which students are racist by the Trump gear they’re sporting for USA Day.”
Students, dressed in school colors, had vehement reactions.
A Long Island teacher faces backlash over a Facebook post calling some of her students “racist.”
The halls of Smithtown High School West echoed with debate and heated conversation Friday as students reacted to the world language teacher’s social media post.
A screenshot of Veronica Welsh’s post was circulated, which read, “This week is spirit week at Smithtown HS West. It’s easy to spot which students are racist by the Trump gear they’re sporting for USA Day.”
Students, dressed in school colors, had vehement reactions.
More with video @ CBS
Leaked FBI Data Reveal 7,700 Terrorist Encounters in USA in One Year; Border States Most Targeted
Via sauced07
Leaked documents with sensitive FBI data exclusively obtained by Breitbart Texas reveal that 7,712 terrorist encounters occurred within the United States in one year and that many of those encounters occurred near the U.S.-Mexico border. The incidents are characterized as “Known or Suspected Terrorist Encounters.” Some of the encounters occurred near the U.S.-Mexico border at ports-of-entry and some occurred in between, indicating that persons known or reasonably suspected of being terrorists attempted to sneak into the U.S. across the border. In all, the encounters occurred in higher numbers in border states.
More @ Breitbart
SEVEN INJURED in Houston Shooting; Suspect – Nathan Desai – Taken Out by Police
Via Billy
At least seven people were injured Monday morning after a male opened fire at a strip mall in Houston.
The suspect was taken out by police.
Suspect identified as Nathan Desai, a local attorney.
The suspect was taken out by police.
Suspect identified as Nathan Desai, a local attorney.
More with video @ The Gateway Pundit
Video: Unsteady Hillary Clinton Descends Stairs in New York City Sunday
Via Billy
An unsteady Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was
filmed gingerly descending a set of stairs in New York City’s Flatiron
district Sunday afternoon.
The video, taken and posted to Twitter by ABC News’ Liz Kreutz shows
Clinton, wearing a heavy green overcoat in low-70 degree weather (no one
else is seen wearing an overcoat), exit a door grasping the door handle
while cautiously looking down at the steps. Clinton then steps over to
the side of the stairs and grabs hold of the banister with her right
hand and gingerly walks down the seven stairs to the sidewalk.
The man walking directly behind Clinton bounds down the short flight of steps without using the banisters.
Clinton at first ignores Kreutz calling out a question about being ready for the debate as she focuses on the stairs. Clinton then lights up when she recognizes Kreutz and the two exchange quick greetings with Kreutz again asking about the debate as Clinton approaches her black Secret Service van. Clinton replies she is, “getting ready, getting ready!” Clinton then reaches out and grabs a handle in the vehicle to steady herself as she steps down off the curb to the gutter and then uses both arms to pull herself up into the van. The video clip ends at that point.
Clinton at first ignores Kreutz calling out a question about being ready for the debate as she focuses on the stairs. Clinton then lights up when she recognizes Kreutz and the two exchange quick greetings with Kreutz again asking about the debate as Clinton approaches her black Secret Service van. Clinton replies she is, “getting ready, getting ready!” Clinton then reaches out and grabs a handle in the vehicle to steady herself as she steps down off the curb to the gutter and then uses both arms to pull herself up into the van. The video clip ends at that point.
More @ The Gateway Pundit
Major Problem Here: Trump: “Being the nominee of the Party of Lincoln is the greatest honor of my life.”
Via Wes
We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.” ~ Ayn Rand
A great many citizens of this country have an aversion to the truth and facts when those objects make them uncomfortable. Those citizens seek comfort and not reality. They yearn for the easy fix and believe a totally corrupt government can be remedied and brought back to what it was intended if only the right person can be voted into office. After all, voting is easy and doesn’t really require much effort at all—a simple trip to the polling place, perhaps a couple of minutes in line and then a few minutes filling out a ballot. In many cases today the government has made it so simple and painless you can do it from the comfort of your home.
There is a huge problem here that all too many do not see–or do not want to see. When it comes to corrupt government, a fact that is emblazoned across the pages of history is simply this: voting is like making an excuse, the only person pleased is the one who casts the vote, for then that person can sit and crow about contributing to a democratic form of government. Simply ignoring the fact our founders abhorred a democracy is lost on the historically challenged for inevitably someone on the lobotomy box (TV) or some idiot who teaches in the public fool system said our form of government is a democracy and by damn that settles it. Those people are sanctioned by the government and are incapable of lying, just ask Hillary or Bill!
Scratch one.
We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.” ~ Ayn Rand
A great many citizens of this country have an aversion to the truth and facts when those objects make them uncomfortable. Those citizens seek comfort and not reality. They yearn for the easy fix and believe a totally corrupt government can be remedied and brought back to what it was intended if only the right person can be voted into office. After all, voting is easy and doesn’t really require much effort at all—a simple trip to the polling place, perhaps a couple of minutes in line and then a few minutes filling out a ballot. In many cases today the government has made it so simple and painless you can do it from the comfort of your home.
There is a huge problem here that all too many do not see–or do not want to see. When it comes to corrupt government, a fact that is emblazoned across the pages of history is simply this: voting is like making an excuse, the only person pleased is the one who casts the vote, for then that person can sit and crow about contributing to a democratic form of government. Simply ignoring the fact our founders abhorred a democracy is lost on the historically challenged for inevitably someone on the lobotomy box (TV) or some idiot who teaches in the public fool system said our form of government is a democracy and by damn that settles it. Those people are sanctioned by the government and are incapable of lying, just ask Hillary or Bill!
More @ The Rebel Madman
Hilarious! Viagra + weed + coke + valium + opium + alcohol = Heroic sex in Saigon

Good story, at least, which reminds me of The Ultimate High :) @ Bluelight
Two more months!
Clinton campaign: Yes, world has 'right' to immigrate to U.S.
Via Billy
Do people around the world have a right to move to the United States? It's a bedrock belief of most conservatives that there is no such right. The U.S. sets its own immigration policy, admits whom it chooses, and foreign nationals in foreign countries have no right — a claim that could be pursued in court — to enter the United States.
Now, Hillary Clinton says there is such a right, at least if a tweet from her campaign headquarters can be taken for a policy pronouncement.
How about Edith Bunker replacing her as we know she'll get good advice from Archie....? :)
Do people around the world have a right to move to the United States? It's a bedrock belief of most conservatives that there is no such right. The U.S. sets its own immigration policy, admits whom it chooses, and foreign nationals in foreign countries have no right — a claim that could be pursued in court — to enter the United States.
Now, Hillary Clinton says there is such a right, at least if a tweet from her campaign headquarters can be taken for a policy pronouncement.
More @ Washington Examiner
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