"They're coming for your words, boys and girls."
Today is Martin Luther King Day in The United States. Because of his documented chronic plagiarism, I don't think that he is worthy of remembrance for a national holiday. My suggestion is that the holiday be replaced with Dr. Walter E. Williams Day. In my estimation, he is a man that is much more worthy of admiration. In his honor, all of SurvivalBlog's Quotes of the Day for this week will be quotes from Dr. Williams.
Global warming alarmists have pointed to the claim that 2010 was the hottest year ever as proof that the earth is warming and nations must take steps to reduce carbon emissions.
But a website that has taken a prominent role in downplaying global warming fears is refuting that assertion.
“The global warming establishment and the media are crowing about 2010 being in a tie for the ‘hottest year,’” an editorial on the Climate Depot site declares.
“Everyone from Senator John Kerry to [noted climate scientist] Joe Romm are screaming that this is ‘proof’ the planet is burning up in a CO2-induced hell — and it’s your fault!”
The site pointed to a Jan. 13 story in Britain’s Telegraph headlined: “Hottest year confirms global warming, say experts,” which cited “new figures from NASA that experts say confirm the case for man-made climate change.”
Climate Depot responded: “This is pure politics, not science. The ‘hottest year’ claims confirm the case for political science overtaking climate science.
“The ‘hottest year’ claim depends on minute fractions of a degree difference between years. Even NASA’s James Hansen, the leading proponent of man-made global warming in the U.S., conceded the ‘hottest year’ rankings are essentially meaningless. Hansen explained that 2010 differed from 2005 by less than two-hundredths of a degree F (that’s 0.018F).”
Hansen admitted on Jan. 13: “It’s not particularly important whether 2010, 2005, or 1998 was the hottest year on record.”
Meteorologist Dr. Ryan Maue of Florida State University ridiculed the “hottest year” rankings in light of Hansen’s admission that it is “not particularly important” which year was declared the hottest. “Well, then stop issuing press releases which tout the rankings,” Maue demanded in a Jan. 14 commentary at WattsUpWithThat.com.
The “hottest year” claim falls apart even further when you look at longer time periods, Climate Depot notes.
Climatologist Patrick Michaels told USA Today on Jan. 12: “If you draw a trend line from the data, it’s pretty flat from the 1990s. We don’t see much of a warming trend over the past 12 years.”
Climate Depot concluded: “The declaration that we are experiencing a tie for the ‘hottest’ year is purely a political statement because these claims are based on year-to-year temperature data that differ by only a few hundredths of a degree.”
When A&E Television Networks abruptly pulled “The Kennedys” miniseries from the History Channel’s spring schedule, saying it was “not a fit for the History brand,” there were rumblings that the Kennedy family was actually behind the move.
Now a new report discloses that Caroline Kennedy and Maria Shriver did lobby the network to yank the eight-part miniseries about the American political family.
The multimillion-dollar project starring Greg Kinnear and Katie Holmes created controversy as soon as it was announced in December 2009. Former John F. Kennedy adviser Theodore Sorensen — who died in October — saw an early version of the script and called it “vindictive” and “malicious.”
The Hollywood Reporter, citing a source “close to the situation,” disclosed that “none of History’s advertisers or sponsors complained about the miniseries. But behind the scenes, members of the Kennedy family strongly lobbied AETN [A&E Television Networks] to kill the project.”
AETN is owned by a consortium that includes the Walt Disney Co., NBC Universal, and Hearst. The source said Caroline Kennedy, daughter of JFK and Jackie Kennedy, personally appealed to Disney/ABC Television Group President Anne Sweeney, who serves on the AETN board, not to air the miniseries.
Caroline Kennedy has a book deal with Disney’s Hyperion publishing division, which will bring out a collection of previously unreleased interviews with Jackie Kennedy. Caroline has agreed to edit the book, write an introduction, and help promote it.
“But that level of cooperation might have been unlikely if History had gone ahead with the ‘Kennedys’ project,” the Hollywood Reporter observed.
Maria Shriver, daughter of JFK’s sister Eunice Kennedy Shriver, was formerly a journalist for NBC Universal. She too voiced her displeasure with the miniseries to NBC executives.
Also, Shriver is a friend of Sweeney, who serves on the board of the Special Olympics, founded by Shriver’s mother Eunice, according to the Reporter.
There has been “very little outcry” over AETN’s decision not to air the miniseries, NewsBusters observed; in contrast, “journalists such as Brian Williams railed about ‘extortion’ when CBS pulled a historically inaccurate 2003 miniseries about Ronald Reagan.”
“The Kennedys” is still scheduled to air in Canada and will be broadcast internationally.
Jailed Mohammed Liaqat.
Yet, suddenly, when confronted with the reality of vicious sexual exploitation of young white girls by Asian men, they drop their supposedly cherished principles.
What: Restore the Constitution rally with a timely focus on the current threats to 2nd Amendment rights coming from gun grabbers in Congress
When: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, Saturday, January 22nd
Where: LITTLE Five Points intersection, Atlanta, GA (The intersection of Moreland and Euclid Ave in east Atlanta at the border of Fulton and Dekalb counties, not to be confused with “Five Points” which is in the heart of downtown Atlanta)
Be there, or, if you can’t make it, please help spread the word!
Event Description:
Because the Progressives are attempting yet once again to take away our rights, the Perimeter Tea Party of East Atlanta is planning another Restore the Constitution Rally. While we deplore the murder of unarmed men, women and a child, the attention and blame should be placed on Jared Loughner, not the gun he carried nor the size of the magazine. If 30 round magazines are outlawed, then only outlaws will have 30 round magazines. If a 1,000 foot “no carry zone” law is passed, then only outlaws will be withing 1,000 feet of our representatives.
We'll be distributing "freedom kits" to passersby at this rally, consisting of a pocket Constitution, some inflammatory language from the Founders, and a 30-round AR magazine, with an invitation to them to find the section of the USC that grants the .gov any power to ban such things.