Friday, April 19, 2013
Boston Bomber Could Have Been Deported After 2009 Arrest
One of the Chechen terrorists who carried out the Boston Marathon bombings could have been deported years ago after a criminal arrest and/or conviction and the other was granted American citizenship on the 11th anniversary of the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil.
Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the 26-year-old killed in a wild shootout with police, was a legal U.S. resident who nevertheless could have been removed from the country after a 2009 domestic violence arrest and conviction, according to a Judicial Watch source. That means the Obama administration missed an opportunity to deport Tsarnaev but evidently didn’t feel he represented a big enough threat.
Other reporting confirms Tsarnaev’s arrest for domestic violence but we’re seeking confirmation of a conviction. Nevertheless he would have been subject to removal for the arrest itself.
Adding insult to injury, the other bomber, little brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was rewarded with American Citizenship on September 11, 2012 in Boston, according to JW’s source. The 19-year-old, who is still on the run, was granted asylum in Arlington Virginia on September 27, 2002, JW’s source reveals.
One of the Chechen terrorists who carried out the Boston Marathon bombings could have been deported years ago after a criminal arrest and/or conviction and the other was granted American citizenship on the 11th anniversary of the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil.
Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the 26-year-old killed in a wild shootout with police, was a legal U.S. resident who nevertheless could have been removed from the country after a 2009 domestic violence arrest and conviction, according to a Judicial Watch source. That means the Obama administration missed an opportunity to deport Tsarnaev but evidently didn’t feel he represented a big enough threat.
Other reporting confirms Tsarnaev’s arrest for domestic violence but we’re seeking confirmation of a conviction. Nevertheless he would have been subject to removal for the arrest itself.
Adding insult to injury, the other bomber, little brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was rewarded with American Citizenship on September 11, 2012 in Boston, according to JW’s source. The 19-year-old, who is still on the run, was granted asylum in Arlington Virginia on September 27, 2002, JW’s source reveals.
More @ Judicial Watch
Sheriff on Secure Borders: ‘I Am a Border Sheriff Also – From North Carolina’
Via LH
Rockingham County, N.C., Sheriff Sam Page told reporters on Thursday that “our borders are unsecured” and he faces the same challenges from illegal aliens as his colleagues in border states.
“In the United States, our borders are unsecured,” Page said at a press conference held by Sens. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) and David Vitter (R-La.) and Rep. Lou Barletta (R-Pa.) to respond to the “Gang of 8’s” comprehensive immigration legislation unveiled Thursday that includes a pathway to citizenship.
“I can’t understand why the representatives in Washington cannot figure it out,” said Page, who is also the co-chairman of the National Sheriffs Association’s Immigration and Border Security Committee. “It’s not secure.
“When drug traffic and cartel members end up in Rockingham County – two to three days from the border – with weapons, drugs and money and are housed up my county, that concerns me,” Page said.
Rockingham County, N.C., Sheriff Sam Page told reporters on Thursday that “our borders are unsecured” and he faces the same challenges from illegal aliens as his colleagues in border states.
“In the United States, our borders are unsecured,” Page said at a press conference held by Sens. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) and David Vitter (R-La.) and Rep. Lou Barletta (R-Pa.) to respond to the “Gang of 8’s” comprehensive immigration legislation unveiled Thursday that includes a pathway to citizenship.
“I can’t understand why the representatives in Washington cannot figure it out,” said Page, who is also the co-chairman of the National Sheriffs Association’s Immigration and Border Security Committee. “It’s not secure.
“When drug traffic and cartel members end up in Rockingham County – two to three days from the border – with weapons, drugs and money and are housed up my county, that concerns me,” Page said.
More with video @ CNS News
A Short Tale of Two Nations……
Via Bernhard
Dr. Michael Hill, LS President

“You can
tell a lot about a nation when it faces a bit of trouble. The yankee
nation has gone full-bore apoplectic over the Boston bombing. Several
traits, none of them attractive, have surfaced.
First, indignation. "How dare you attack us! We're innocent people who have never harmed anyone."
fear. "Stay in your homes, lock your doors and pull down the shades,
and if someone knocks, don't answer it. Leave everything to the
authorities." These are commands to a servile, effeminate people.
third, despair. I heard the former Mayor of Boston, Ray Flynn, say that
this was the worst things that had ever happened to his city. How
indeed will they ever recover? Perhaps they could look to Columbia,
Charleston, Atlanta, or several other once-devastated Southern towns and
cities for some historical advice on how to survive and recover from
real tragedies.
As a Southerner, I've had a belly full of all this whining, complaining, hyperbole, and fear-mongering from New England. Meanwhile, our Southern kinfolk in Texas are quietly going about the business of cleaning up and looking to the future amidst a much greater and more deadly disaster in the little community of West. We are indeed two very different nations.”
As a Southerner, I've had a belly full of all this whining, complaining, hyperbole, and fear-mongering from New England. Meanwhile, our Southern kinfolk in Texas are quietly going about the business of cleaning up and looking to the future amidst a much greater and more deadly disaster in the little community of West. We are indeed two very different nations.”
It's over: Boston bombing suspect captured alive, police say
The Boston Marathon bombing suspect was captured alive Friday night after police found him in a boat in a suburban backyard following a bloody rampage and daylong manhunt, law enforcement sources said.
Cheers went up from a crowd of police gathered at the scene in Watertown, Mass., where bursts of gunfire had been heard over the course of two hours.
The arrest of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, ended five days of terror from the bombing at the marathon finish line, which killed three people, wounded 176 and left the city of Boston on edge.
Just before 7 p.m., less than an hour after residents were told a stay-indoors order had been lifted, an unsettling barrage of gunfire was heard on Franklin St. in Watertown, Mass. Dozens of police and armored vehicles sped to the area.
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Officials said a woman in the area reported seeing blood leading to a boat in her yard, and thermal imaging from helicopters had located someone in the vessel.
About an hour after the first barrage, after night fell, more shots were heard. The police threw so-called flash-bang grenades designed to disorient and brought a negotiator to the scene.
Tsarnaev's apprehension capped a manhunt that had the city of Boston and its suburbs on total lockdown -- following a rampage that included the slaying of a campus security officer, a carjacking and the death of Tsarnaev's 26-year-old brother, Tamerlan, in a firefight with cops.
More @ NBC
BREAKING NEWS: Bomb Suspect 'Surrounded,' Sources Tell Fox News
Via Angry Mike
The second suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing is surrounded by police and hiding in a boat covered by a tarp behind a house in the Watertown section of Boston, where police sent a robot in to probe the scene, sources told Fox News.
The suspect is believed to be injured, and a neighbor described the sound of more than 30 shots as akin to "a roll of firecrackers shooting off" before a flurry of activity near the trailered boat behind a home on Franklin Street. Several explosions, possibly police concussion grenades, were heard after the robot went in.
"All hell broke loose," the neighbor told a MyFox Boston reporter.
Sources told Fox News the shed and the boat had been searched earlier, but a woman noticed a door to it had been opened, saw blood and called police. The gunfire broke out when police went to search it, but it was unclear if any police were injured.
A robot was being used to search the boat and the bomb squad was en route, in a dramatic development came just after police said their hunt for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev had gone cold and urged people to "go about your business."
The second suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing is surrounded by police and hiding in a boat covered by a tarp behind a house in the Watertown section of Boston, where police sent a robot in to probe the scene, sources told Fox News.
The suspect is believed to be injured, and a neighbor described the sound of more than 30 shots as akin to "a roll of firecrackers shooting off" before a flurry of activity near the trailered boat behind a home on Franklin Street. Several explosions, possibly police concussion grenades, were heard after the robot went in.
"All hell broke loose," the neighbor told a MyFox Boston reporter.
Sources told Fox News the shed and the boat had been searched earlier, but a woman noticed a door to it had been opened, saw blood and called police. The gunfire broke out when police went to search it, but it was unclear if any police were injured.
A robot was being used to search the boat and the bomb squad was en route, in a dramatic development came just after police said their hunt for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev had gone cold and urged people to "go about your business."
More @ Fox
House Passes CISPA CyberSecurity – Ignores Amendment To Protect 4th Amendment
The Republican led U.S. House of Representatives passed CISPA on Thursday with a majority of the major problems still intact. However, they wouldn’t even allow debate on an amendment put forward by Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) which would have made a provision for obtaining a warrant before any kind of spying into private data could be done.
Grayson’s one-sentence amendment would have required the National Security Agency, the FBI, Homeland Security and other agencies to secure a “warrant obtained in accordance with the Fourth Amendment” before searching a database for evidence of criminal wrongdoing.
CNET reports,
Grayson complained this morning on Twitter that House Republicans “wouldn’t even allow debate on requiring a warrant before a search.”
That’s a reference to a vote this week by the House Rules committee that rejected a series of privacy-protective amendments, meaning they could not be proposed and debated during today’s floor proceedings. Another amendment (PDF) that was rejected would have ensured that companies’ privacy promises — including their terms of use and privacy policies — remained valid and legally enforceable in the future.
CISPA is controversial because it overrules all existing federal and state laws by saying “notwithstanding any other provision of law,” including privacy policies and wiretap laws, companies may share cybersecurity-related information “with any other entity, including the federal government.” It would not, however, require them to do so.
That language has alarmed dozens of advocacy groups, including the American Library Association, the American Civil Liberties Union, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and Reporters Without Borders, which sent a letter (PDF) to Congress last month opposing CISPA. It says: “CISPA’s information-sharing regime allows the transfer of vast amounts of data, including sensitive information like Internet records or the content of e-mails, to any agency in the government.” President Obama this week threatened to veto CISPA.Well we can’t believe the words that come out of Barack Obama’s mouth. After all, he said the same thing about the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and look how easy that was for him to sign, even though it included the indefinite detention sections, which clearly violate the U.S. Constitution.
More @ Freedom Outpost
This Is What Martial Law Looks Like
Via Cousin John
An Infowars.com reader sent in the photo below – militarized cops looking for a lone suspect in Boston. By the look of it, you’d think these cops are about to engage in a pitched battle with a heavily militarized foe, not some 20-something supposed terrorist who allegedly exploded a home-made black powder bomb.
An Infowars.com reader sent in the photo below – militarized cops looking for a lone suspect in Boston. By the look of it, you’d think these cops are about to engage in a pitched battle with a heavily militarized foe, not some 20-something supposed terrorist who allegedly exploded a home-made black powder bomb.
Facebook and Reddit users have begun posting photos of their rights being violated:
More @ Info Wars
Mecum's 26th Spring Special: Saturday's Menu
Looks like the prices have gone back up and there are some really, really nice ones up for sale.
Expert: Gold Crash Not a 'Natural Event,' Caused by Central Banks
Theories about what triggered gold's recent drop are “cover stories,” says Chris Powell, co-founder of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA), an organization focused on exposing, opposing and litigating against collusion to control the price and supply of gold and related financial instruments.
The reason the metal fell was because central banks stepped in and gutted gold prices to avert a short squeeze in London, he noted.
Gold saw its biggest two-day drop ever, reported CNBC, which compared the decline with the stock market crash of 1987.
Powell said that type of price action was “too overwhelming.”
“Nobody sells gold like that in order to make a profit on a long-term gold holding,” he told Yahoo.
More @ Money News
Salesman Joke
Via Terry and Every Blade of Grass

A young guy from North Dakota moves to Florida and goes to a big "everything under one roof" department store looking for a job.
The Manager says, "Do you have any sales experience?" The kid says "Yeah. I was a vacuum salesman back in North Dakota."
Well, the boss was unsure, but he liked the kid and figured he'd give him a shot, so he gave him the job.
"You start tomorrow. I'll come down after we close and see how you did."
His first day on the job was rough, but he got through it. After the store was locked up, the boss came down to the sales floor.
"How many customers bought something from you today?" The kid frowns and looks at the floor and mutters, "One". The boss says "Just one??? Our sales people average sales to 20 to 30 customers a day.
That will have to change, and soon, if you'd like to continue your employment here. We have very strict standards for our sales force here in Florida. One sale a day might have been acceptable in North Dakota, but you're not on the farm anymore, son."
The kid took his beating, but continued to look at his shoes, so the boss felt kinda bad for chewing him out on his first day. He asked (semi-sarcastically), "So, how much was your one sale for?"
The kid looks up at his boss and says "$101,237.65".
The boss, astonished, says $101,237.65! What the hell did you sell?"
The kid says, "Well, first, I sold him some new fish hooks. Then I sold him a new fishing rod to go with his new hooks. Then I asked him where he was going fishing and he said down the coast, so I told him he was going to need a boat, so we went down to the boat department and I sold him a twin engine Chris Craft. Then he said he didn't think his Honda Civic would pull it, so I took him down to the automotive department and sold him that 4x4 Expedition."
The boss said "A guy came in here to buy a fish hook and you sold him a boat and a TRUCK?"
The kid said "No, the guy came in here to buy tampons for his wife, and I said, 'Dude, your weekend's shot, you should go fishing'".
The Manager says, "Do you have any sales experience?" The kid says "Yeah. I was a vacuum salesman back in North Dakota."
Well, the boss was unsure, but he liked the kid and figured he'd give him a shot, so he gave him the job.
"You start tomorrow. I'll come down after we close and see how you did."
His first day on the job was rough, but he got through it. After the store was locked up, the boss came down to the sales floor.
"How many customers bought something from you today?" The kid frowns and looks at the floor and mutters, "One". The boss says "Just one??? Our sales people average sales to 20 to 30 customers a day.
That will have to change, and soon, if you'd like to continue your employment here. We have very strict standards for our sales force here in Florida. One sale a day might have been acceptable in North Dakota, but you're not on the farm anymore, son."
The kid took his beating, but continued to look at his shoes, so the boss felt kinda bad for chewing him out on his first day. He asked (semi-sarcastically), "So, how much was your one sale for?"
The kid looks up at his boss and says "$101,237.65".
The boss, astonished, says $101,237.65! What the hell did you sell?"
The kid says, "Well, first, I sold him some new fish hooks. Then I sold him a new fishing rod to go with his new hooks. Then I asked him where he was going fishing and he said down the coast, so I told him he was going to need a boat, so we went down to the boat department and I sold him a twin engine Chris Craft. Then he said he didn't think his Honda Civic would pull it, so I took him down to the automotive department and sold him that 4x4 Expedition."
The boss said "A guy came in here to buy a fish hook and you sold him a boat and a TRUCK?"
The kid said "No, the guy came in here to buy tampons for his wife, and I said, 'Dude, your weekend's shot, you should go fishing'".
Boston Suspect's Web Page Venerates Islam, Chechen Independence
There you go, now the Liberals can blame it on the mean whites who wouldn't make friends with him.......
Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev posted links to Islamic websites and others calling for Chechen independence on what appears to be his page on a Russian language social networking site.
Abusive comments in Russian and English were flooding onto Tsarnaev's page on VK, a Russian-language social media site, on Friday after he was identified as a suspect in the bombing of the Boston marathon.
Police launched a massive manhunt for Tsarnaev, 19, after killing his older brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev in a shootout overnight.
On the site, the younger Tsarnaev identifies himself as a 2011 graduate of Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, a public school in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
It says he went to primary school in Makhachkala, capital of Dagestan, a province in Russia that borders Chechnya, and lists his languages as English, Russian and Chechen.
His "World view" is listed as "Islam" and his "Personal priority" is "career and money".
He has posted links to videos of fighters in the Syrian civil war and to Islamic web pages with titles like "Salamworld, my religion is Islam" and "There is no God but Allah, let that ring out in our hearts".
More @ Newsmax
Obama Expands Gun Checks by Executive Action
Well, except for the 3,000 who are killed by abortion each day, but they don't count, just the ones killed by those horrible guns that keep jumping up and killing at random........
Blocked by Congress from expanding gun sale background checks, President Barack Obama is turning to actions within his own power to keep people from buying a gun who are prohibited for mental health reasons.
Federal law bans certain mentally ill people from purchasing firearms, but not all states are providing data to stop the prohibited sales to the FBI's background check system. A federal review last year found 17 states contributed fewer than 10 mental health records to the database, meaning many deemed by a judge to be a danger still could have access to guns.
The Obama administration was starting a process Friday aimed at removing barriers in health privacy laws that prevent some states from reporting information to the background check system. The action comes two days after the Senate rejected a measure that would have required buyers of firearms online and at gun shows to pass a background check. That's already required for shoppers at licensed gun dealers.
Stung by the defeat, Obama vowed to keep up the fight for the background check expansion but also to do what he could through executive action.
More @ Newsmax
NC: Greg Brannon hopes to unseat Hagan
When you have time check this guy out. He's running for Senate against Kay Hagan. He’s the real
deal. OBGYN doc from Cary. Strict constitutionalist, strong on
2nd amendment and understands and believes in the concept of
nullification. I heard him speak Tue. night at the Coastal Carolina Tax
Payers meeting.
Black Aces Tactical
Via randir_telemnar
What you see before you is our Pro Series receiver retrofit prototype that allows the average shotgun operator to replace their old oem receiver with our kit, and now be fed by Saiga 12 magazines.
We at Black Aces Tactical are dedicated to provided the absolute best custom shotgun accessories. We manufacture our products in America, right here in Central Florida, with American materials and machined by American craftsmen. We guarantee you will be impressed with the finish, the quality, and the prices of our pieces. If there are any questions, please contact us straight away.
More @ Black Aces Tactical
Marathon Runner Witnesses Double Disasters
People keep asking Joe Berti if he feels unlucky.
A bomb exploded at the finish line of the Boston Marathon moments after Berti finished the race. Two days later, he was in his home state of Texas when he saw a fertilizer plant explode near Waco.
"I was just like, 'I can't believe this!'" said Berti, who said he had never witnessed an explosion before. Then he thought: "I just want to get out of here and get away from all these explosions."
But Berti, as it turns out, is far from unlucky. Instead, he feels fortunate. He left both tragedies unscathed, while members of his running group and his wife — who was closer to the Boston explosion than he was — were also unhurt.
"It's a miracle," he said Thursday in an interview with The Associated Press. "People keep saying, 'Don't you feel unlucky?' and I was actually the opposite — saying not only do I not feel unlucky, but I feel blessed that my wife could be 10 yards from the explosion and not have a scratch."
More @ ABC
8th grade student suspended, arrested over gun t-shirt
When 8th grade Jared Marcum got dressed for school
this morning he says he had no idea that his pro-Second Amendment shirt
would initiate what he calls a fight over his First Amendment rights.
"I never thought it would go this far because
honestly I don't see a problem with this, there shouldn't be a problem
with this," Jared said.
It was the image of a gun printed on Jared's t-shirt
that sparked a dispute between a Logan Middle School teacher and Jared,
that ended with Jared suspended, arrested and facing two charges,
obstruction and disturbing the education process, on his otherwise
spotless record.
Jared's father Allen Lardieri says he's angry he had
to rush from work to pick his son up from jail over something he says
was blown way out of proportion.
"I don't' see how anybody would have an issue with a
hunting rifle and NRA put on a t-shirt, especially when policy doesn't
forbid it," Lardieri said.
More @ WOWK
US Mint’s Sales of Gold Coins Soar After Futures Prices Plunge
The U.S. Mint in April has sold 153,000 ounces of American Eagle gold coins, the highest in almost three years, after futures prices started the week by plunging the most since 1980.
Sales have more than doubled from March and surged sevenfold from a year earlier, data on the Mint’s website showed. The amount for all of May 2010 was 190,000 ounce.
This week, retail sales and jewelry demand soared in India, the world’s top gold buyer, and China, the second-biggest, after futures in New York slumped into a bear market, touching the lowest in more than two years. Coin sales also surged in Australia.
“Sales for coins have jumped this week,” Raymond Nessim, the chief executive officer of New York-based MTB Inc., a dealer authorized to purchase coins directly from the U.S. Mint, said in a telephone interview. “The price drop has definitely given a big push to sales.
More @ Money News
The Pursuit
Excerpts from His worldview: “Islam”
The pursuit began after 10 p.m. Thursday when two men robbed a
convenience store in Cambridge. A security camera caught a man
identified as one of the suspects wearing a gray hooded shirt.
About 10:30 p.m., the police received reports that Sean Collier, a
campus security officer at M.I.T., had been shot while he sat in his
police cruiser. He was found with multiple gunshot wounds, according to a
statement issued by the acting Middlesex district attorney, Michael
Pelgro, Cambridge Police Commissioner Robert C. Haas and the M.I.T.
police chief, John DiFava. The officer was taken to Massachusetts
General Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.
A short time later, the police received reports of an armed carjacking
of a Mercedes sport-utility vehicle by two males in the area of Third
Street in Cambridge, the statement said. “The victim was carjacked at
gunpoint by two males and was kept in the car with the suspects for
approximately a half-hour,” the statement said. He was later released,
uninjured, at a gas station on Memorial Drive in Cambridge.
The carjacking victim said the brothers told him they were responsible
for the bombing of the Boston Marathon, a law enforcement official said.
The police immediately began to search for the vehicle and pursued it
into Watertown. During the chase, “explosive devices were reportedly
thrown from car by the suspects,” the statement said, and the suspects
and police exchanged gunfire in the area of Dexter Avenue and Laurel
During that exchange, a transit police officer was shot and critically
wounded. The wounded transit police officer was identified as Richard H.
Donohue, and he was taken to Mt. Auburn Hospital, where he was listed
in critical condition Friday morning.
The officer had nearly bled to death from a gunshot wound to his right
leg when he arrived at the hospital, said a person familiar with his
treatment. The hospital’s trauma team gave him a blood transfusion and
cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and got his blood pressure back up, but
he was still on a ventilator, the person said.
A Watertown resident, Andrew Kitzenberg, 29, said he looked out his
third-floor window to see two young men of slight build in jackets
engaged in “constant gunfire” with police officers. A police S.U.V.
“drove towards the shooters,” he said, and was shot at until it was
severely damaged. It rolled out of control, Mr. Kitzenberg said, and
crashed into two cars in his driveway.
The two shooters, he said, had a large, unwieldy bomb that he said looked “like a pressure cooker.”
“They lit it, still in the middle of the gunfire, and threw it,” he
said. “But it went 20 yards at most.” It exploded, he said, and one man
ran toward the gathered police officers. He was tackled, but it was not
clear if he was shot, Mr. Kitzenberg said.
The explosions, said another resident, Loretta Kehayias, 65, “lit up the
whole house.” She said, “I screamed. I’ve never seen anything like
this, never, never, never.”
Meanwhile, Mr. Kitzenberg said the other man got back into the S.U.V.,
turned it toward officers and “put the pedal to the metal.” The car
“went right through the cops, broke right through and continued west.”
The two men left “a few backpacks right by the car, and there is a bomb robot out there now,” he said.
During this exchange, an MBTA police officer was seriously wounded and taken to the hospital.
At the same time, Tamerlan Tsarnaev was critically injured with multiple
gunshot wounds and taken to Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Boston,
where he was pronounced dead at 1:35 a.m., officials said.
NCFIRE Action Alert: Supporters of licenses for illegals in NC
Below is the current list of supporters of licenses for illegals in NC (HB786, Reclaim NC Act, Section 9).
They all agree to give sanctuary and security, in NC, to illegal aliens (at the very least) and possible terrorists. By issuing licenses and ID permits to illegal aliens in NC, they are providing a brand new, unverifiable identity that can be used to hide the real intentions of these individuals.
In light of the recent bombings in Boston, you would think that the Representatives listed below, would have more sense than to support ANY legislation that would aide in possible terrorism against their own citizens.
Use the email addresses below to let these NC Reps know how you feel about their support of NC House Bill 786. Tell them you DEMAND the license language (Section 9) be removed.
(You can copy and paste all the email addresses into the "To:" line of your email. That way you can write just one email and send it to all at the same time)
Robert.Brawley@ncleg.net- Iredell County
Rayne.Brown@ncleg.net- Davidson County
John.Faircloth@ncleg.net- Guilford County
Jim.Fulghum@ncleg.net- Wake County
Frank.Iler@ncleg.net- Brunswick County
Tim.Moffitt@ncleg.net- Buncombe County
Nathan.Ramsey@ncleg.net- Buncombe County
Ruth.Samuelson@ncleg.net- Mecklenburg County
Sarah.Stevens@ncleg.net- Surry County, Wilkes County
Michael.Stone@ncleg.net- Harnett County, Lee County
Rena.Turner@ncleg.net- Iredell County
You are receiving this email because of the illegal immigration problem in North CarolinaThey all agree to give sanctuary and security, in NC, to illegal aliens (at the very least) and possible terrorists. By issuing licenses and ID permits to illegal aliens in NC, they are providing a brand new, unverifiable identity that can be used to hide the real intentions of these individuals.
In light of the recent bombings in Boston, you would think that the Representatives listed below, would have more sense than to support ANY legislation that would aide in possible terrorism against their own citizens.
Use the email addresses below to let these NC Reps know how you feel about their support of NC House Bill 786. Tell them you DEMAND the license language (Section 9) be removed.
(You can copy and paste all the email addresses into the "To:" line of your email. That way you can write just one email and send it to all at the same time)
Robert.Brawley@ncleg.net- Iredell County
Rayne.Brown@ncleg.net- Davidson County
John.Faircloth@ncleg.net- Guilford County
Jim.Fulghum@ncleg.net- Wake County
Frank.Iler@ncleg.net- Brunswick County
Tim.Moffitt@ncleg.net- Buncombe County
Nathan.Ramsey@ncleg.net- Buncombe County
Ruth.Samuelson@ncleg.net- Mecklenburg County
Sarah.Stevens@ncleg.net- Surry County, Wilkes County
Michael.Stone@ncleg.net- Harnett County, Lee County
Rena.Turner@ncleg.net- Iredell County
Thank you,
James Johnson
North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement
NCFIRE Hotline: 1-888-885-0879
cell # 910-286-3022
NCFIRE Hotline: 1-888-885-0879
cell # 910-286-3022
Subscribe brocktownsend@gmail.
Unsubscribe brocktownsend@gmail.com from this list.
Our mailing address is:
NCFIRE- North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement
Add us to your address book
P.O. Box 273
Wade, NC 28395Add us to your address book
Copyright (C) 2013 NCFIRE- North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement All rights reserved.
Biden Pledges More Executive Action On Guns “Later This Week”
Vice President Biden told White House allies in the gun control fight Thursday that President Obama will be announcing new executive actions on gun violence in the days after the Senate voted down a gun violence bill.
On a conference call with "stakeholders," Biden told gun control advocates that the fight is not over and that eventual action on gun control will come. Press were not invited to the conference call; a participant provided BuzzFeed with access.
"Look, I know you're going to say that I'm just being an optimist and I'm trying to put a good face on this. But, you know, I've been around here a long time and we've already done, because of you, some really good things," Biden said. "Number one, the president is already lining up some additional executive actions he's going to be taking later this week."
More @ Buzz Feed
His worldview: “Islam”

Col. Timothy P. Alben of the Massachusetts State Police said
investigators believed that the two men were responsible for the death
of a Massachusetts Institute of Technology police officer and the
shooting of an officer with the Massachusetts Bay Transportation
Authority, the region’s transit authority. “We believe these are the
same individuals that were responsible for the bombing on Monday at the
Boston Marathon,” he said.
Officials said that the two men were of Chechen origin. Chechnya, a
long-disputed, predominantly Muslim territory in southern Russia sought
independence after the collapse of the Soviet Union and then fought two
bloody wars with the authorities in Moscow. Russian assaults on Chechnya
were brutal and killed tens of thousands of civilians, as terrorist
groups from the region staged attacks in central Russia. In recent
years, separatist militant groups have gone underground, and surviving
leaders have embraced fundamentalist Islam.
The family lived briefly in Makhachkala, the capital of the Dagestan
region, near Chechnya, before moving to the United States, said a school
administrator there. Irina V. Bandurina, secretary to the director of
School No. 1, said the Tsarnaev family left Dagestan for the United
States in 2002 after living there for about a year. She said the family —
parents, two boys and two girls — had lived in the Central Asian nation
of Kyrgyzstan previously.
The brothers have substantial presences on social media. On Vkontakte,
Russia’s most popular social media platform, the younger brother,
Dzhokhar, describes his worldview as “Islam” and, asked to identify “the
main thing in life,” answers “career and money.” He lists a series of
affinity groups relating to Chechnya, and lists a verse from the Koran,
“Do good, because Allah loves those who do good.”
More @ NYT

This photo released Friday, April 19, 2013 by the Federal Bureau of Investigation shows a suspect that officials identified as Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, being sought by police in the Boston Marathon bombings Monday. (AP Photo/Federal Bureau of Investigation)
The two suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing killed an MIT police officer and hurled explosives at police in a car chase and gun battle overnight that left one of them dead and his brother on the loose, authorities said Friday as thousands of officers swarmed the streets in a manhunt that all but paralyzed the Boston area.
The suspects were identified by law enforcement officials and a family member as Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, brothers from a Russian region near Chechnya, which has been plagued by an Islamic insurgency that has carried out deadly bombings. (Must ruin the liberal's day)
Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who had been known to the FBI as Suspect No. 1 and was seen in surveillance footage in a black baseball cap, was killed overnight, officials said. His 19-year-old brother — dubbed Suspect No. 2 and seen wearing a white, backward baseball cap in the images from Monday's deadly bombing at the marathon finish line — escaped.
More @ Daily Independent
Jubal Anderson Early On Southern Men Who Fought For The Union
Via Susan Frise Hathaway
"There were men born and nurtured in the Southern States, and some of them in my own State, who took sides with our enemies, and aided in desolating and humiliating the land of their own birth, and of the graves of their ancestors. Some of them rose to high positions in the United States Army, and others to high civil positions. I envy them not their dearly bought prosperity.
I had rather be the humblest private soldier who fought in the ranks of the Confederate Army, and now, maimed and disabled, hobbles on his crutches from house to house, to receive his daily bread from the hands of grateful women for whose homes he fought, than the highest of those renegades and traitors. Let them enjoy the advantages of their present positions as best they may! For the deep and bitter execration's of an entire people now attend them, and an immorality of infamy awaits them.
As for all the enemies who have overrun or aided in overrunning my country, there is a wide and impassable gulf between us, in which I see the blood of slaughtered friends, comrades, and my countrymen, which all the waters in the firmament above and the seas beneath cannot wash away. Those enemies have undertaken to render our cause odious and infamous."
As we know all to well, scalawags still walk among us…Shame on em!
"There were men born and nurtured in the Southern States, and some of them in my own State, who took sides with our enemies, and aided in desolating and humiliating the land of their own birth, and of the graves of their ancestors. Some of them rose to high positions in the United States Army, and others to high civil positions. I envy them not their dearly bought prosperity.
I had rather be the humblest private soldier who fought in the ranks of the Confederate Army, and now, maimed and disabled, hobbles on his crutches from house to house, to receive his daily bread from the hands of grateful women for whose homes he fought, than the highest of those renegades and traitors. Let them enjoy the advantages of their present positions as best they may! For the deep and bitter execration's of an entire people now attend them, and an immorality of infamy awaits them.
As for all the enemies who have overrun or aided in overrunning my country, there is a wide and impassable gulf between us, in which I see the blood of slaughtered friends, comrades, and my countrymen, which all the waters in the firmament above and the seas beneath cannot wash away. Those enemies have undertaken to render our cause odious and infamous."
As we know all to well, scalawags still walk among us…Shame on em!
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