Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Go Gay Or Go Home / DOJ Employees Compelled To Embrace Gay Lifestyle
Via Richard
In the aftermath of both the Fast and Furious and Associated Press scandals, Eric Holder’s Justice Department is afforded little credibility in performing its prescribed duties. Still, it appears the department tasked with upholding constitutional law reached the height of hypocrisy by issuing guidelines to employees that blatantly abridge their First Amendment rights.
The document, which concerns gay and lesbian “inclusion” in the workplace, goes much further than merely protecting employees from discrimination. Language drafted by the DOJ clearly coerces staff members at all levels to openly support a lifestyle they might find morally objectionable.
While Christians and others with traditional values have long been told, explicitly or implicitly, to remain silent on the issue of alternative sexuality – effectively excluding one group in favor of another. That constituted an injustice in and of itself; but, the internal guidelines issued by the DOJ is forcing employees to affirmatively support the lifestyle. “Silence will be interpreted as disapproval,” the document warns.
The liberty-crushing guidelines do not require much commentary, as anyone who values free speech should be appalled by the list of accepted behavior contained therein. Staff members are expected to place a “DOJ Pride” sticker or some other pro-gay paraphernalia in their offices “indicating that it is a ‘safe space’” while “gender-specific terms like ‘husband’ and ‘wife’” are unacceptable. Workplaces should be concerned with providing equal opportunity to employees and openly catering to a politically favorable group does exactly the opposite. No employer – least of all the Justice Department! – should be allowed to unilaterally impose one viewpoint onto an entire staff. That is exactly what the department has implemented, though, as it goes much further than merely protecting the civil rights of gays.
In the aftermath of both the Fast and Furious and Associated Press scandals, Eric Holder’s Justice Department is afforded little credibility in performing its prescribed duties. Still, it appears the department tasked with upholding constitutional law reached the height of hypocrisy by issuing guidelines to employees that blatantly abridge their First Amendment rights.
The document, which concerns gay and lesbian “inclusion” in the workplace, goes much further than merely protecting employees from discrimination. Language drafted by the DOJ clearly coerces staff members at all levels to openly support a lifestyle they might find morally objectionable.
While Christians and others with traditional values have long been told, explicitly or implicitly, to remain silent on the issue of alternative sexuality – effectively excluding one group in favor of another. That constituted an injustice in and of itself; but, the internal guidelines issued by the DOJ is forcing employees to affirmatively support the lifestyle. “Silence will be interpreted as disapproval,” the document warns.
The liberty-crushing guidelines do not require much commentary, as anyone who values free speech should be appalled by the list of accepted behavior contained therein. Staff members are expected to place a “DOJ Pride” sticker or some other pro-gay paraphernalia in their offices “indicating that it is a ‘safe space’” while “gender-specific terms like ‘husband’ and ‘wife’” are unacceptable. Workplaces should be concerned with providing equal opportunity to employees and openly catering to a politically favorable group does exactly the opposite. No employer – least of all the Justice Department! – should be allowed to unilaterally impose one viewpoint onto an entire staff. That is exactly what the department has implemented, though, as it goes much further than merely protecting the civil rights of gays.
More @ Impeach Obama
Bloomberg goes on a spitting-mad rant
Via Lew
Mayor Bloomberg went on a spitting-mad rant against a city cab-fleet boss who won a court victory over Hizzoner’s planned “Taxi of Tomorrow” — vowing to “destroy your f--king industry” when he leaves office, The Post has learned.
A fuming Bloomberg made the threat against Taxi Club Management CEO Gene Freidman at Madison Square Garden’s private 1879 Club during last Thursday’s Knick playoff game, a witness said yesterday.
“It was like Gene had kidnapped his child. He used the f-word twice,” the witness said.
Freidman confirmed the blow-up to The Post, and said Bloomberg’s tirade included the warning that, “After January, I am going to destroy all you f--king guys.”
Mayor Bloomberg went on a spitting-mad rant against a city cab-fleet boss who won a court victory over Hizzoner’s planned “Taxi of Tomorrow” — vowing to “destroy your f--king industry” when he leaves office, The Post has learned.
A fuming Bloomberg made the threat against Taxi Club Management CEO Gene Freidman at Madison Square Garden’s private 1879 Club during last Thursday’s Knick playoff game, a witness said yesterday.
“It was like Gene had kidnapped his child. He used the f-word twice,” the witness said.
Freidman confirmed the blow-up to The Post, and said Bloomberg’s tirade included the warning that, “After January, I am going to destroy all you f--king guys.”
More @ New York Post
Shut It Down
Via Angry Mike
The revelations about the corruption and abuses of power within in the Obama administration has shown one thing very clearly…Obama has not taken care that the laws of the United States be faithfully executed.
Simple math will show that Obama will not be impeached and convicted. In fact trying to do so is folly. He will become a martyr to the left and his ultimate acquittal will only vindicate his history of abuse.
What can be done however is a full stop, nothing passes, nothing moves from the House of Representatives until substantive progress is made on rooting out the malefactors who have turned the executive branch into a hyper-partisan, unaccountable, enforcement arm of the Democratic Party.
Yes, elections have consequences and Democrats have every right to guide policies to their liking, they have no right to use the power of government to impede the legal political activities of opponents or do enforce laws in ways that give their political allies an advantage.
We’ve rightly heard over the last 3 plus years that the House alone is insufficient to move forward any entitlement reforms that could possibly pass. It is insufficient to repeal of ObamaCare. The House alone cannot do any of the things conservatives would like to see happen while the Democrats control the Senate and the White House.
What we’ve also been told however is that the House can stop new bad things from happen. Now is the time to exercise that power.
This is a partial list of what I think must be cleared up before the GOP passes any more legislation:

The revelations about the corruption and abuses of power within in the Obama administration has shown one thing very clearly…Obama has not taken care that the laws of the United States be faithfully executed.
Simple math will show that Obama will not be impeached and convicted. In fact trying to do so is folly. He will become a martyr to the left and his ultimate acquittal will only vindicate his history of abuse.
What can be done however is a full stop, nothing passes, nothing moves from the House of Representatives until substantive progress is made on rooting out the malefactors who have turned the executive branch into a hyper-partisan, unaccountable, enforcement arm of the Democratic Party.
Yes, elections have consequences and Democrats have every right to guide policies to their liking, they have no right to use the power of government to impede the legal political activities of opponents or do enforce laws in ways that give their political allies an advantage.
We’ve rightly heard over the last 3 plus years that the House alone is insufficient to move forward any entitlement reforms that could possibly pass. It is insufficient to repeal of ObamaCare. The House alone cannot do any of the things conservatives would like to see happen while the Democrats control the Senate and the White House.
What we’ve also been told however is that the House can stop new bad things from happen. Now is the time to exercise that power.
This is a partial list of what I think must be cleared up before the GOP passes any more legislation:
More @ Ace Of Spades
One sentence forum post in today's Peoria Journal Star
Via The Feral Irishman
"A pen in the hand of this president is far more dangerous than a gun in the hands of 200 million law-abiding citizens."
--Camille Sanchez
"A pen in the hand of this president is far more dangerous than a gun in the hands of 200 million law-abiding citizens."
DARK RONIN Films is honored to bring this gripping true story to the big screen. Follow the men who fought the last major battle of Vietnam. Nealy forgotten by back home, fighting for their lives against impossible odds, the heroes of RIPCORD withstood the advancement of more than 30,000 enemy troops. The siege of Ripcord cost the lives of hundreds of American soldiers and thousands of those on the opposite side. This is their story.

I hope this picture does justice to the best book I have ever read concerning a battle. Part Seven: The Storm, pages315 to 401, especially 315 to 374 ending in "When I opened my eyes, I was staring into the face of a dead North Vietnamese......." is impossible to put down.
Keith Nolan’s research, his comprehension of the political as well as
the military actions, his careful concern for those who were there, and,
most of all, his writing, are superb. Indeed, I’ve never read a better
account of a battle, and I’ve never been prouder of the American
fighting man, nor more scornful of his political and high ranking
military leaders. To those who want to know what it was like to be a
grunt in Vietnam, I recommend Ripcord without stint or reservation.
--Stephen Ambrose
--Stephen Ambrose
Sherman’s March
The internationalist and dictatorial mindset of the Sherman brothers
was clearly evident in the statement made by John Sherman, brother of
William Tecumseh, when he said “Nationalize as much as possible (and
thereby) make men love their country before their states.” This quote
was in the book Donnie Kennedy and I wrote Lincoln’s Marxists,
on page 127. You have only to compare this quote with the rantings of
former presidential candidate John McCain when he ranted about “country
first.” It sounds so patriotic until you stop and think about it. Seems
that if I recall correctly, that was the same tack that Hitler took.
However, any similarities between General Sherman and Hitler are more than coincidental. They were both endowed with the same mindset.
One thing most noteworthy of Sherman’s barbarian hordes was their attitude toward clergymen and toward Christians in general. In Sherman’s March Burke Davis noted: “The Reverend Mr. Connor, a Methodist minister whose parsonage was burned, emerged with a sick child wrapped in a blanket. A (Yankee) soldier seized the blanket. ‘No!’ Connor said, ‘he’s sick.’ The soldier tore off the blanket and threw it into the fire. ‘Damn you’ he said. ‘If you say one more word I’ll throw the child after it’.” Now there’s Yankee charity and mercy at its finest! The Yankee/Marxist mindset in it’s finest hour!
Sherman’s bummers treated the Catholics no better than the Protestants.
However, any similarities between General Sherman and Hitler are more than coincidental. They were both endowed with the same mindset.
One thing most noteworthy of Sherman’s barbarian hordes was their attitude toward clergymen and toward Christians in general. In Sherman’s March Burke Davis noted: “The Reverend Mr. Connor, a Methodist minister whose parsonage was burned, emerged with a sick child wrapped in a blanket. A (Yankee) soldier seized the blanket. ‘No!’ Connor said, ‘he’s sick.’ The soldier tore off the blanket and threw it into the fire. ‘Damn you’ he said. ‘If you say one more word I’ll throw the child after it’.” Now there’s Yankee charity and mercy at its finest! The Yankee/Marxist mindset in it’s finest hour!
Sherman’s bummers treated the Catholics no better than the Protestants.
More @ Revised History
Attorney General Investigation of Carnton Plantation and the Carter House
(4 videos)
Sons of Confederate Veterans demand resignation of prominent board member
The Sons of Confederate Veterans announced today that they have confirmed an ongoing investigation by the Tennessee Attorney General's office into historic nonprofit properties in Franklin, Tennessee. The properties and associations under investigation are Carnton Plantation and the state-owned Carter House, both managed by the Battle of Franklin Trust.
The Sons of Confederate Veterans and other interested parties had asked the state to look into allegations of mismanagement at these properties, and the SCV had hoped that any investigation might quietly take place, so as to minimize any further negative publicity into these historic properties. Sadly, the SCV has been provided with a widely circulated email from a prominent board member - Robert Hicks, author of Widow of the South - that seems to be a thinly veiled threat against any board member who might cooperate with the Attorney General's investigation. Mr. Hicks further calls the SCV "scum" and "losers" for helping to raise the questions that the state is now investigating.
Gene Hogan, National Heritage Chairman for the Sons of Confederate Veterans, stated, "While the SCV might dismiss the defamatory remarks aimed toward ourselves, we cannot ignore the context in which the remarks were apparently made, sounding so much as a warning to anyone who might question the management and financial questions swirling about these public benefit corporations." Hogan continued, "Tennesseans have a right to know that their historic properties are being properly managed, and their funds properly accounted for, and the Attorney General has a right to any information that might shed light on any alleged impropriety. Because Robert Hicks' main goal seems to be in keeping the Attorney General from finding a "smoking gun", the SCV requests that Mr. Hicks immediately resign from any boards affiliated with Carnton Plantation, the Carter House, or Battle of Franklin Trust. If he refuses to resign, we call upon the respective boards to demand his departure, the public good requiring it."
Mr. Hogan further stated, "Also, we call upon Marianne Schroer - wife of TDOT Commissioner John Schroer - to personally speak to the media regarding these allegations. We believe that nonprofit funds should be spent on historic preservation, rather than on highly paid consultants and lawyers speaking on her behalf."
The Sons of Confederate Veterans is an international organization of male descendants of Confederate soldiers and the nation's largest military history and genealogy society, and a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. Formed in 1896, the SCV owns, operates, and manages many historic properties, including Winstead Hill Memorial Park in Franklin, the General N.B. Forrest Home in Chapel Hill, and Beauvoir - the last home of Jefferson Davis and the Jefferson Davis Presidential Library, both in Biloxi, Mississippi. Its headquarters are in Columbia, Tennessee, at historic Elm Springs.
Following are the complete remarks of board member Robert Hicks upon learning that the Attorney General had launched an investigation. Mr. Hicks is a longtime member of the board(s) and is author of the book entitled Widow of the South. His email:
The consolation prize in all this is that there is nothing that will prove to be a smoking gun in any of it. Oh, it will cost thousands of dollars and many man-hours to put it all together. Both money and time that is paid for by visitors to the sites who, themselves, have spent their own hard-earned money to visit these sites.
But I don't believe that the dark forces behind this complaint to the AG care. They simply want to cause trouble, confusion and chaos. They are wolves in sheep's clothing who give lip service to our values - Southern values - but who are the antithesis of Southern values. When you threw your lot in to live here in the South, I bet you wanted to appropriate the highest of our values, not from the scum. You won't find anything honorable or noble with these folks.
The good news is that they will fail and eventually fall on their faces. They will huddle in their dens and rage, fantasizing and pretending they will win. But in the end they are nothing more than losers to a man, if you can call them men.
Be of good cheer on this Good Friday. Know that others have suffered far greater than we ever will and know that through His triumph we have triumphed. He is Risen, Indeed.
Happy Easter,
Robert Hicks
"If you would like to express your concerns, we suggest you contact Marianne Schroer, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Battle of Franklin Trust. In addition to your own comments, demand that Robert Hicks be dismissed from the Board of Directors, and that she herself should resign.
Marianne Schroer:
Copy your message to:
Darrell Issa: Lois Lerner lost her rights
Via avordvet
House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa said embattled IRS official Lois Lerner waived her Fifth Amendment rights and will be hauled back to appear before his panel again.
The California Republican said Lerner’s Fifth Amendment right to avoid self-incrimination was voided when she gave an opening statement this morning denying any wrongdoing and professing pride in her government service.
I assume that if she refuses to answer, she will be held in contempt.
House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa said embattled IRS official Lois Lerner waived her Fifth Amendment rights and will be hauled back to appear before his panel again.
The California Republican said Lerner’s Fifth Amendment right to avoid self-incrimination was voided when she gave an opening statement this morning denying any wrongdoing and professing pride in her government service.
“When I asked her her questions from the very
beginning, I did so so she could assert her rights prior to any
statement,” Issa told POLITICO. “She chose not to do so — so she
More @ Politico
FBI agent fatally shoots man with reported ties to bomber

A man in Orlando, Fla., who was being interviewed early Wednesday
morning by law enforcement officers about his ties to the deceased
Boston Marathon bombing suspect was fatally shot after he tried to
attack the officers with a knife, according to a federal law enforcement
The officers — who included an F.B.I. agent from the Boston field office
and two Massachusetts state troopers — were questioning the man,
Ibragim Todashev, about whether he had played a role in a triple murder
on Sept. 11, 2011, in Waltham, Mass., which had been one of the biggest
mysteries in the aftermath of the bombings.
The officers had been interviewing Mr. Todashev in his apartment for
some time when he tried to attack them, the official said. The shooting
occurred in a sprawling condominium complex in Orlando less than a mile
from an entrance to Universal Studios, where many of the residents work.
On Wednesday, several streets in the complex were blocked off by
federal and local law enforcement officials.
“The investigators were working on the theory that he and Tamerlan,” had
played a role in the murder, said the official, referring to Tamerlan
Tsarnaev, the deceased marathon bombing suspect. One of the victims was a
friend of Mr. Tsarnaev.
More @ NYT
British Soldier Beheaded Outside London Barracks
Via S.
A U.K. lawmaker told reporters Wednesday that a serving British soldier was killed outside an army barracks in southeast London and two suspects are in custody.
The London Times reported that one of the attackers shouted "Allahu Akhbar" ("God is Great" in Arabic) as they attacked the soldier Wednesday afternoon with meat cleavers.
One of the suspects is injured and in the hospital, and no other people are being sought, Nick Raynsford, a lawmaker who represents the Greenwich and Woolwich areas of London, said in an interview on Sky News. The incident may have started because of a traffic accident, he said.
"Sadly, one patient, a man, was dead," London’s Ambulance Service said in a statement. "Staff treated two other patients, both men, who were taken to hospital, one of them in serious condition."

around 20 minutes between the attack and armed police
response - civilians left to confront the attackers and protect the
victim - even as the attackers are shot the police have still completely
failed to establish a perimeter. absolute scandal.
A U.K. lawmaker told reporters Wednesday that a serving British soldier was killed outside an army barracks in southeast London and two suspects are in custody.
The London Times reported that one of the attackers shouted "Allahu Akhbar" ("God is Great" in Arabic) as they attacked the soldier Wednesday afternoon with meat cleavers.
One of the suspects is injured and in the hospital, and no other people are being sought, Nick Raynsford, a lawmaker who represents the Greenwich and Woolwich areas of London, said in an interview on Sky News. The incident may have started because of a traffic accident, he said.
"Sadly, one patient, a man, was dead," London’s Ambulance Service said in a statement. "Staff treated two other patients, both men, who were taken to hospital, one of them in serious condition."
Amnesty quarterback Chuck Schumer gives Lindsey Graham, Jeff Flake a “pass” to oppose benefits for illegals
Via avordvet
A vignette from yesterday’s kabuki Judiciary Committee hearing, preserved for posterity by Byron York
because he knows the potential for amnesty-defeating conservative
outrage in watching Chuck Schumer pull Republicans’ strings on
immigration reform.
In case you’ve lost track during Scandalmania, the committee is still debating, i.e. summarily voting down, amendments to the Gang of Eight bill. Yesterday Jeff Sessions proposed one that would have blocked illegals who’ve been given probationary legal status under the proposed law from receiving the Earned Income Tax Credit. That presented a dilemma for the committee’s Gang of Eight members, Schumer, Durbin, Graham, and Flake. They’ve been voting together as a bloc to kill amendments from the left and (mostly) from the right in the interest of preserving the bill’s “delicate bipartisan compromise.” If Sessions’s amendment passed, liberals might have walked away and the whole deal would have collapsed. The Gang would much rather see a crappy bill like its own pass than see the bill improved via amendment at the price of a diminished risk of passage, so Sessions’s proposal simply had to be defeated. The problem in this particular case was that Graham is up for reelection next year and will have enough headaches spinning his amnesty support without also having to defend a vote against barring illegals from receiving tax credits. So Schumer did him and Flake a little kabuki favor: Knowing full well that Sessions’s amendment was going down in flames anyway since Democrats control the committee, he magnanimously agreed to let Graham and Flake cast meaningless votes in favor of it. Turn up the volume on your computer and listen closely at 3:10 below; you’ll hear him clearly say, “Do our Republicans have a pass on this one, if they want? Yes.”
(Our Republicans.) The amendment dies, but Graham gets to go back to South Carolina and announce that he’s a stalwart opponent of benefits of for newly legalized illegals. And then he’ll turn right around and head back to D.C. to twist arms in favor of the bill, despite the EITC provisions in it. It’s a total sham.
The next phase of the sham will begin soon, as the Judiciary Committee wraps up and sends the bill to the floor — under cover of Scandalmania — for a possible quick Senate vote.
In case you’ve lost track during Scandalmania, the committee is still debating, i.e. summarily voting down, amendments to the Gang of Eight bill. Yesterday Jeff Sessions proposed one that would have blocked illegals who’ve been given probationary legal status under the proposed law from receiving the Earned Income Tax Credit. That presented a dilemma for the committee’s Gang of Eight members, Schumer, Durbin, Graham, and Flake. They’ve been voting together as a bloc to kill amendments from the left and (mostly) from the right in the interest of preserving the bill’s “delicate bipartisan compromise.” If Sessions’s amendment passed, liberals might have walked away and the whole deal would have collapsed. The Gang would much rather see a crappy bill like its own pass than see the bill improved via amendment at the price of a diminished risk of passage, so Sessions’s proposal simply had to be defeated. The problem in this particular case was that Graham is up for reelection next year and will have enough headaches spinning his amnesty support without also having to defend a vote against barring illegals from receiving tax credits. So Schumer did him and Flake a little kabuki favor: Knowing full well that Sessions’s amendment was going down in flames anyway since Democrats control the committee, he magnanimously agreed to let Graham and Flake cast meaningless votes in favor of it. Turn up the volume on your computer and listen closely at 3:10 below; you’ll hear him clearly say, “Do our Republicans have a pass on this one, if they want? Yes.”
(Our Republicans.) The amendment dies, but Graham gets to go back to South Carolina and announce that he’s a stalwart opponent of benefits of for newly legalized illegals. And then he’ll turn right around and head back to D.C. to twist arms in favor of the bill, despite the EITC provisions in it. It’s a total sham.
The next phase of the sham will begin soon, as the Judiciary Committee wraps up and sends the bill to the floor — under cover of Scandalmania — for a possible quick Senate vote.
More @ Hot Air
Confusion Erupts in IRS Hearing After Lois Lerner Tries to Plead the 5th — Watch It All Unfold
Roundabout via avordvet
Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) noted that because
Lerner had asserted her innocence in her opening statement, “I believe
you have not asserted your rights but have effectively waived your
rights” and took her refusal to answer as a refusal to testify.
An incensed
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) spoke up that Lerner should testify, agreeing
that she already waived her constitutional privilege.
“You don’t
get to tell your side of the story and not be subjected to
cross-examination. That’s not the way it works. She waived her right to
Fifth Amendment privilege by issuing an opening statement, she ought to
stand here and answer our questions,” Gowdy said, earning applause from
the audience.
Complete article @ Slumz Boxden
The Land Without Muslims
Via midnightrider
The Japanese do not feel the need to apologize to Muslims for the negative way in which they relate to Islam.
There are countries in the world, mainly in Europe, that are presently undergoing significant cultural transformations as a result of Muslim immigration. France, Germany, Belgium and Holland are interesting examples of cases where immigration from Muslim countries, together with the Muslims’ high fertility rate, effects every area of life.
It is interesting to know that there is a country in the world whose official and public approach to the Muslim matter is totally different. This country is Japan. This country keeps a very low profile on all levels regarding the Muslim matter: On the diplomatic level, senior political figures from Islamic countries almost never visit Japan, and Japanese leaders rarely visit Muslim countries. The relations with Muslim countries are based on concerns such as oil and gas, which Japan imports from some Muslim countries. The official policy of Japan is not to give citizenship to Muslims who come to Japan, and even permits for permanent residency are given sparingly to Muslims.
Japan forbids exhorting people to adopt the religion of Islam (Dawah), and any Muslim who actively encourages conversion to Islam is seen as proselytizing to a foreign and undesirable culture.
The Japanese do not feel the need to apologize to Muslims for the negative way in which they relate to Islam.
There are countries in the world, mainly in Europe, that are presently undergoing significant cultural transformations as a result of Muslim immigration. France, Germany, Belgium and Holland are interesting examples of cases where immigration from Muslim countries, together with the Muslims’ high fertility rate, effects every area of life.
It is interesting to know that there is a country in the world whose official and public approach to the Muslim matter is totally different. This country is Japan. This country keeps a very low profile on all levels regarding the Muslim matter: On the diplomatic level, senior political figures from Islamic countries almost never visit Japan, and Japanese leaders rarely visit Muslim countries. The relations with Muslim countries are based on concerns such as oil and gas, which Japan imports from some Muslim countries. The official policy of Japan is not to give citizenship to Muslims who come to Japan, and even permits for permanent residency are given sparingly to Muslims.
Japan forbids exhorting people to adopt the religion of Islam (Dawah), and any Muslim who actively encourages conversion to Islam is seen as proselytizing to a foreign and undesirable culture.
More @ The Jewish Press
Military suffers wave of 'gay' sex assaults
Gee, never saw that coming.........
A recent military report on sexual assault in the military shocked many in Washington and around the nation, but a leading expert on military personnel revealed the prevalence of men assaulting other men is one of the major headlines in this study.
The extended analysis of the report first appeared in Monday’s edition of the the Washington Times.
The Defense Department survey of sexual assault in the military during fiscal 2012 estimated 26,000 assaults took place in the armed forces. Nearly 3,000 of them were formally reported. Just more than 6 percent of women reported being victims of assault and 1.2 percent of men said the same. Given the much larger number of men in the military, those numbers suggest 14,000 of the assaults in the Pentagon study happened to men.
Among the assaults formally reported, 88 percent of reports came from women and 12 percent from men. The numbers are getting dramatically worse.
“The number of reports of sexual assaults among military personnel have actually increased by 129 percent since 2004,” said Center for Military Readiness President Elaine Donnelly, who pointed out the number of formal reports of sexual assault jumped from 1,275 to 2,949 in just eight years.
She told WND when factoring in civilians working for or around the military, the increase in that time is 98 percent.
Women are identified as the attacker in just two percent of all assaults, meaning most men who suffer assault are targeted by other men.
More @ WND
California pitcher tosses 66-pitch perfect game in state playoff win
It’s one thing to throw a perfect game. It’s another entirely to do so in the manner that Michael Strem did.
As reported by the San Jose Mercury News, Strem tossed a perfect game in a 2-0 victory against Monta Vista (Calif.) High, leading Mountain View (Calif.) St. Francis School on to the second round of the California Interscholastic Federation Central Coast Section Division I playoffs.
Incredibly, Strem retired the 21 batters he faced on just 66 pitches, an average of just more than 3 pitchers per batter. According to the Mercury News, 48 of Strem’s offerings were strikes, with the St. Francis ace finishing the game with a total of 8 strikeouts.
More @ Yahoo
Justice Seized White House, Fox Phone Records

The Justice Department seized the telephone records of at least five Fox News reporters and several White House staffers in connection with the 2009 probe into a former State Department contractor who is accused of leaking classified information to Fox journalist James Rosen.
The disclosure came in a document filed in the case of the former contractor, Stephen Jin-Woo Kim, on Oct. 13, 2011, The New Yorker reported today.
Kim is a former State Department contractor accused of violating the Espionage Act for allegedly leaking classified information to Rosen.
Ronald C. Machen Jr., the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia who is prosecuting the case, seized records associated with at least five telephone numbers associated with Fox, two numbers at the White House, and one that has the same area code and exchange as Rosen’s personal cellphone number.
The last four digits of that telephone number are redacted in the document, The New Yorker reports.
In all, Machen had seized records associated with more than 30 different phone numbers, according to the filing.
More @ Newsmax
AP: U.S. officials have identified five Benghazi suspects — but won’t seize them because there’s not enough evidence to prosecute yet
Via the Right Sphere. Am I reading this correctly? President Dronestrike, who’s been known to liquidate people from the air in places like Pakistan with no more evidence than that their movements show the “signature” of a terrorist, now won’t go in and grab five jihadis whom the feds have reason to believe murdered a U.S. ambassador?
U.S. officials say they have identified five men they believe might be behind the attack on the diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, last year. The officials say they have enough evidence to justify seizing them by military force as suspected terrorists — but not enough proof to try them in a U.S. civilian court as the Obama administration prefers.
So the officials say the men remain at large while the FBI gathers more evidence. The decision not to seize the men militarily underscores the White House’s aim to move away from hunting terrorists as enemy combatants and toward trying them as criminals in a civilian justice system.First things first: How much do you suppose the AP enjoyed kneeing Obama in the groin by publishing this after finding out that the DOJ was peeking at their phone records? Imagine the subpoenas being prepared at this very moment to find out who leaked them this scoop on Benghazi.
More @ Hot Air
Hatch to Outgoing IRS Chief: ‘That’s a Lie by Omission’
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) accused outgoing IRS chief Steven Miller of lying by not mentioning that he knew his agency had been “improperly” targeting Tea Party groups for extra scrutiny when Miller responded to letters from members of Congress looking into the matter.
“Now Mr. Miller, that’s a lie by omission. There’s no question about that in my mind. It’s a lie by omission, and you kept it from people who have the obligation to oversee this matter,” Hatch said.
More @ CNS News
"A Declaration of War - From the Generation of National Identity"
Via Matthew
We are Generation Identitaire.
We are the generation who get killed for glancing at the wrong person,
for refusing someone a cigarette,
or having an "attitude" that annoys someone.
We are the generation of ethnic fracture,
total failure of coexistence,
and forced mixing of the races.
We are the generation doubly punished:
Condemned to pay into a social system
so generous with strangers it becomes
unsustainable for our own people.
Our generation are the victims of the May '68'ers
who wanted to liberate themselves
from tradition, from knowledge and authority in education.
But they only accomplished to
liberate themselves from their responsibilities.
We reject your history books to re-gather our memories.
We no longer believe that „Khader" could ever be our brother,
we have stopped believing in a „Global Village" and the „Family of Man".
We discovered that we have roots,
ancestry and therefore a future.
Our heritage is our land, our blood, our identity.
We are the heirs to our own future
We turned off the TV to march the streets.
We painted our slogans on the walls. Cried through loudspeakers
for "youth in power" and flew our Lambda flags high.
The Lambda, painted on proud Spartans' shields, is our symbol.
Don't you understand what this means ?
We will not back down, we will not give in.
We are sick and tired of your cowardice.
You are from the years of post-war prosperity,
retirement benefits, S.O.S Racism and
„diversity", sexual liberation and a bag of rice from Bernard Kouchner.
We are 25 percent unemployment,
social debt, multicultural collapse
and an explosion of anti-white racism.
We are broken families, and young French soldiers dying in Afghanistan.
You won't buy us with a condescending look,
a state-paid job of misery and a pat on the shoulder.
We don't need your youth-policies.
Youth IS our policy.
Don't think this is simply a manifesto.
It is a declaration of war.
You are of yesterday, we are of tomorrow.
We are Generation Identitaire.
We are Generation Identitaire.
We are the generation who get killed for glancing at the wrong person,
for refusing someone a cigarette,
or having an "attitude" that annoys someone.
We are the generation of ethnic fracture,
total failure of coexistence,
and forced mixing of the races.
We are the generation doubly punished:
Condemned to pay into a social system
so generous with strangers it becomes
unsustainable for our own people.
Our generation are the victims of the May '68'ers
who wanted to liberate themselves
from tradition, from knowledge and authority in education.
But they only accomplished to
liberate themselves from their responsibilities.
We reject your history books to re-gather our memories.
We no longer believe that „Khader" could ever be our brother,
we have stopped believing in a „Global Village" and the „Family of Man".
We discovered that we have roots,
ancestry and therefore a future.
Our heritage is our land, our blood, our identity.
We are the heirs to our own future
We turned off the TV to march the streets.
We painted our slogans on the walls. Cried through loudspeakers
for "youth in power" and flew our Lambda flags high.
The Lambda, painted on proud Spartans' shields, is our symbol.
Don't you understand what this means ?
We will not back down, we will not give in.
We are sick and tired of your cowardice.
You are from the years of post-war prosperity,
retirement benefits, S.O.S Racism and
„diversity", sexual liberation and a bag of rice from Bernard Kouchner.
We are 25 percent unemployment,
social debt, multicultural collapse
and an explosion of anti-white racism.
We are broken families, and young French soldiers dying in Afghanistan.
You won't buy us with a condescending look,
a state-paid job of misery and a pat on the shoulder.
We don't need your youth-policies.
Youth IS our policy.
Don't think this is simply a manifesto.
It is a declaration of war.
You are of yesterday, we are of tomorrow.
We are Generation Identitaire.
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