Saturday, February 19, 2011
Mark Levin Goes Nuclear Over Obama Destroying The Country
At Clinton Speech: Military and CIA Veteran Bloodied, Bruised and Arrested for Standing Silently. And how would have the JBTs reacted if fifty people in the audience had simultaneously done the same thing? I predict that quite soon, protestors will put social networking to use. I consider shunning--either walking out of a speech or just silently standing and turning your back on a politician--to be a worthy and entirely acceptable form of protest. (Absolutley and let's get this idea out.)
Mark Levin
Banks Told To Stress-Test For 11% Jobless Rate
Louisiana State University- Baton Rouge finance professor Joe Mason said an 11% unemployment rate was “a reasonable scenario to test” and not so extreme.
US Government Software Creates ‘Fake People’ On Social Networks To Promote Propaganda
The request issues from the Dept. of the Air Force. I cannot for the life of me think of a legitimate use for such software.
This is not the sort of thing that you expect to see in a “free society.”
The Criminalization Of Politics
The End Of Diplomacy
"The End Of what your picture said to me, with the composition of the pencil used to the nub and seemingly no answer coming except at the end of a bullet."
"This is the open declaration of hostility by the President of the United States against a duly elected government of a state. The President is already disobeying the courts on the drilling ban and the implementation of Obamacare. He is engaged in a legal war with Arizona, with Florida, with Louisiana and now Wisconsin. Before long he will have a chance to go to war with Ohio, Pennsylvania and Indiana.
How long will the American people tolerate this criminal behavior from the president?"
House Cuts Government Funding For Public Broadcasting
Rep. Doug Lamborn, R-Colo., says the vote reflects the will of the people, and that its time "to get our fiscal house in order."
This wasn't Lamborn's first push to stop taxpayer money from paying for public programming. His proposal to eliminate federal funding for NPR won a weekly "YouCut" vote last year, but failed in the 111th Congress.
Disgusted Allen West to Dems: Grow Up!
Rookie U.S. Rep. Allen West delivered a stinging indictment of his colleagues in a letter to constituents in which he rails about House members’ “ignorance, belligerence, and dishonest rhetoric.” Without naming names, but clearly implying that he was including President Barack Obama, the Florida Republican also decried Washington’s interference with Wisconsin’s budget turmoil. The text of the letter to residents of Florida's 22nd District:
'Class Warfare'

Via Truth to Power
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee berated President Obama on Friday for his "unfortunate involvement" in the Wisconsin labor protests.
In a Fox News interview, Huckabee said Obama is "trying to make this class warfare," out of a bill that would eliminate the collective bargaining rights of public sector workers in an effort to reduce the budget deficit.
Sons Of Confederate Veterans Commemorate Jefferson Davis Inauguration On Montgomery
"If we were wrong in our contest, then the Declaration of Independence of 1776 was a grave mistake and the revolution to which it led was a crime. If Washington was a patriot; Lee cannot have been a rebel."
-- General Wade Hampton CSA
Gallery: 150th anniversary of the Inauguration of Jefferson Davis (24 photos)
Of course we have the $NAACP$ and other money grubbers blathering away. Guess the $PLC missed out on this one, but they might as get used to this, 'cause we ain't backing down, in fact we're going to pick up the pace.
"In many ways the Union Army acted more like the German army of the 1940s with its scorched earth policy," said McMichael, a high school history teacher from Shreveport, La.
Via Billy
"America's Uncivil War: The War Between the States"
The Black Horse Cavalry in front of the courthouse in Warrenton, VA
(I have the print and a newspaper article on one of their reunion's.)
I Spied Black Horse Cavalry, So I Run Like A Deer........... ============================================================ Christine and Bonnie at Warrenton Cemetery. |
Fauquier Heritage Institute presents Sesquicentennial Seminar, "America's Uncivil War: The War Between the States" WARRENTON, VA - The 2011 edition of the annual Fauquier Heritage Institute Lectures in American History features distinguished local historians and nationally acclaimed scholars to address a variety of topics of local and national significance pertaining to the momentous 1861-65 War Between the States on the occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the epic struggle.
Presented with cooperation by the Abbeville Institute for the Study of Southern Culture.
Dr. Thomas J. DiLorenzo: "Why the South Should Never Have Formed a Union With New England Yankees."
Dr. John A. Emison: "Did the Constitution Form 'a more perfect Union'?"
Dr. Robert M. Peters: "The Rise of the Hobbesian State and the Demise of Subsidiarity."
LTC D. Jonathan White: "Economics of Anti-Secession."
"America's Uncivil War: The War Between the States"
House Kills Funding Of Climate Change Panel & Reporting Of Assault-Weapon Sales
House votes 244-179 to kill U.S. funding of IPCC
"Just before 2 a.m. on February 19, the war on climate science showed its grip on the U.S. House of Representatives as it voted to eliminate U.S. funding for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The Republican majority, on a mostly party-line vote of 244-179, went on record as essentially saying that it no longer wishes to have the IPCC prepare its comprehensive international climate science assessments. Transcript of floor debate follows."Dr. Robinson (Dixie's Homeschooler) Myth Of Global Warming
House votes to prevent reporting system for assault-weapon sales
The proposed rule was strongly opposed by the National Rifle Association, which praised the House for taking the action."
"The mainstream media does not cover the full extent of the damage the Obama Administration has inflicted on this country. Even FoxNews often doesn’t have the time to go into sufficient depth to explain what is happening.
From our friend Ruth S. King comes a chart which all of us should read and absorb, sobering though it may be:"
Self-explanatory, needless to say.January 2009 | Today | % chg | Source | |
Avg. retail price/gallon gas in U.S. | $1.83 | $3.104 | 69.6% | 1 |
Crude oil, European Brent (barrel) | $43.48 | $99.02 | 127.7% | 2 |
Crude oil, West TX Inter. (barrel) | $38.74 | $91.38 | 135.9% | 2 |
Gold: London (per troy oz.) | $853.25 | $1,369.50 | 60.5% | 2 |
Corn, No.2 yellow, Central IL | $3.56 | $6.33 | 78.1% | 2 |
Soybeans, No. 1 yellow, IL | $9.66 | $13.75 | 42.3% | 2 |
Sugar, cane, raw, world, lb. fob | $13.37 | $35.39 | 164.7% | 2 |
Unemployment rate, non-farm, overall | 7.6% | 9.4% | 23.7% | 3 |
Unemployment rate, blacks | 12.6% | 15.8% | 25.4% | 3 |
Number of unemployed | 11,616,000 | 14,485,000 | 24.7% | 3 |
Number of fed. employees, ex. military (curr = 12/10 prelim) | 2,779,000 | 2,840,000 | 2.2% | 3 |
Real median household income (2008 v 2009) | $50,112 | $49,777 | -0.7% | 4 |
Number of food stamp recipients (curr = 10/10) | 31,983,716 | 43,200,878 | 35.1% | 5 |
Number of unemployment benefit recipients (curr = 12/10) | 7,526,598 | 9,193,838 | 22.2% | 6 |
Number of long-term unemployed | 2,600,000 | 6,400,000 | 146.2% | 3 |
Poverty rate, individuals (2008 v 2009) | 13.2% | 14.3% | 8.3% | 4 |
People in poverty in U.S. (2008 v 2009) | 39,800,000 | 43,600,000 | 9.5% | 4 |
U.S. rank in Economic Freedom World Rankings | 5 | 9 | n/a | 10 |
Present Situation Index (curr = 12/10) | 29.9 | 23.5 | -21.4% | 11 |
Failed banks (curr = 2010 + 2011 to date) | 140 | 164 | 17.1% | 12 |
U.S. dollar versus Japanese yen exchange rate | 89.76 | 82.03 | -8.6% | 2 |
U.S. money supply, M1, in billions (curr = 12/10 prelim) | 1,575.1 | 1,865.7 | 18.4% | 13 |
U.S. money supply, M2, in billions (curr = 12/10 prelim) | 8,310.9 | 8,852.3 | 6.5% | 13 |
National debt, in trillions | $10.627 | $14.052 | 32.2% | 14 |
Mother Of 3 Brutally & Falsely Arrested By Our Gestapo
Frightening is an understatement. These pigs need to be brought to justice. Bring the soldiers back to protest our citizens from ourout of control police force.
"This case is a frightening example of what can happen when a photographer encounters ignorant bullies with badges. According to the complaint filed in Federal Court, Nancy Genovese, a mother of three, was driving home on County Road 31 past Gabreski Airport in Suffolk County. Gabreski Airport displays a decorative helicopter shell by the roadway to the public, which is visible to all who pass by."
Via Richard, SWR
Phone Numbers Show On Facebook Now
Carteret Homeschoolers
EVERYONE'S PHONE NUMBER IS NOW ON FACEBOOK. Go to the top right of your screen, click Account, then Edit Friends. Go to the left side of your screen and click Phone Book. Everyone's phone numbers are now being published. Please re-post let your friends know this is happening so they can remove their numbers if they choose to. This is especially important for those of you with children or teens with FB.
If you want to hide your phone number: Go to privacy setting and under mobile, set so only you can see your number.
Patricia Gray Cahoon
Extension Agent 4-H Youth Development
NCSU College of Agriculture & Life Sciences
North Carolina Cooperative Extension, Carteret County
303 College Circle, CMAST
Morehead City, NC 28557
Phone: 252-222-6359
Fax: 252-222-6361
Support Wisconsin - Go Or Email
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Burn, Baby, Burn: Government Workers (Publix Sckool Teachers Included) & Self-Immolation
Surely the above must be a parody since California was ranked 47th (2006-2007) out of 50, or is it 58? Our beloved leader did say there were 58 states, oh well, whatever, they are obviously no where near A+! :)
At any rate via Western Rifle Shooters Association
"So the wholesale elimination of government schooling will lead to tens of thousands of uneducated youngsters? What do we have now under the government education system? A nation of budding inventors and entrepreneurs?
No, these aspirations are universally condemned in government schools. What you have are shambling mall lampreys tied umbilically to their various electronic devices all of their waking hours having the quality of life only the dead would envy.
The mind laundries the teachers victimize their caged youth in are rather elaborate Marxoid reeducation camps teaching the young acolytes to worship government supremacism, narc on their colleagues and parents and respond instantly and obediently to the droning bells that punctuate their vapid walks through the hallways to the next politically correct dullard whose claim to fame is a teaching degree which has the same utility as a getting a certification in paranormal studies or other such anti-intellectual witchcraft."