1939 - Migrants alongside the Arkansas River in Muskogee County, Oklahoma, in the east-central part of the state.
It's a default liberal assumption that the right's
frontline troops are invariably "poor, provincial folk" or an "isolated,
rural fringe" or "rootless, anomic people searching for personal
stability," rather than the perfectly conventional middle- and
upper-middle-class suburbanites they often are. We don't want to believe
they're hiding in plain sight in our own neighborhoods and offices.
--Frank Rich at nymag.com

The moment young people walk into school, they increasingly find
themselves under constant surveillance: they are photographed,
fingerprinted, scanned, x-rayed, sniffed and snooped on. Between metal
detectors at the entrances, drug-sniffing dogs in the hallways and
surveillance cameras in the classrooms and elsewhere, many of America's
schools look more like prisons than learning facilities. Add to this the
epidemic of arresting schoolchildren and treating them as if they are
dangerous criminals, and you have the makings of a perfect citizenry for
our emerging police state, says John Whitehead in this article at
The Rutherford Institute.
The unendingly bad relations between blacks and whites -
Conservatives want guns to protect themselves against blacks, but can't
say so. Liberals want to eliminate guns so as to disarm blacks, of whom
they are afraid but cannot say so. If you think this is not true, tell
me who people fear when they buy guns. Are liberals worried about being
shot by white, forty-dive-year-old duck hunters? Do conservatives
expect to find Jewish violinists crawling through their windows at
night?, says Fred Reed in this article,
White Girl Bleed a Lot, at
Fred On Everything.
Chinook helicopter shot down by Taliban in
Afghanistan - The allegation in this case is that the shooter with an
was seen before he fired, permission to take him out was requested and
denied, he fired and missed and permission was still denied to shoot
back until after he had fired a second time and struck the chopper,
killing those on board. The alleged reason is that firing on the guy
with the
RPG "might have hit innocents."
Details here
Karl Denninger at market-ticker.org
Obama as a debater -
Lying, prevaricating weasel dragged over finish line by treacherous
"moderator," thereby meeting liberals’ criteria for "victory".
Mike at coldfury.com
About Michelle Obama -
We understand that it’s easy to be unaware of grocery store consumer
price increases when you never have to do your own shopping and have a
seven figure yearly budget for your own personal culinary team.
Mac Slavo at shtfplan.com
OJ Simpson
kept the knife he used to kill his ex-wife and friend and is now
planning on selling it for $5 million to a wealthy memorabilia
collector, according to reports.
The welfare electorate - What's
going on here is fiscal profligacy on the grandest scale in American
history. And there are consequences. Massive amounts of capital are
being drained from the private sector and transferred to the government.
This is one reason why American businesses have gone on a virtual
capital-investment strike.
Larry Kudlow at cnbc.com